🏳️Make a lifesaving impact | World Vision | World Vision

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Help make lifesaving impact in the places it’s hardest to be a child. For 75 years, World Vision has helped the world see vulnerable children through the eyes of Jesus.

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Together we’re making lifesaving impact in the places it’s hardest to be a child.


**For 75 years, we’ve helped the world see vulnerable children through the eyes of Jesus.**

[Donate now](https://donate.worldvision.org/give/world-vision-fund-donate-lp?attribute_pa_uom=one-time&attribute_pa_array-order=1)

**We are proud to be held accountable by these [third-party evaluators](/about-us/financial-accountability-2) and our [board of directors](/about-us/leadership-team#board-of-directors)**.

**Partners in global ministry**

[Learn more](/church/partnerships)

Your partner in faith … and impact.


### Child sponsorship

Last year, World Vision sponsors worldwide supported **2.9 million sponsored children**, including **859,000 supported by U.S. sponsors**.

[Sponsor a child](/sponsor-a-child)

### Disaster relief

In 2024, we responded to **14 emergencies here in the U.S.** and **84 more worldwide**.

[Donate now](https://donate.worldvision.org/give/disaster-relief-in-the-usa)

### Clean water

Since 2011, we’ve reached over **39 million people** with lasting access to **clean water**.

[Donate now](https://donate.worldvision.org/give/clean-water)

### Food and Health

Over the last 10 years, **89% of the severely malnourished children** we treated made a full recovery.

[Donate now](https://donate.worldvision.org/give/hunger-relief-fund)

### 3 ways we earn your trust

#### **Keeping costs down**

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In 2024, **87%** of World Vision’s total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit children, families, and communities in need.

#### **Making a real difference**

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We combine practical training with the power of Scripture to equip vulnerable children and families to create lasting change in their communities.

#### **Partnering together**

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You’re welcome behind the curtain. In fact, there is no curtain … because we’re accountable to you, to the kids we serve, and ultimately to God.

### **Our mission since 1950:  

A world free from poverty**

As a beacon of Jesus’ love, we serve wherever our neighbors are in need — believing in their potential, and in the God who loves us all. Together with our donors and partners, we’re equipping communities to lift themselves out of poverty, so every child can become who God meant them to be.


### **Our mission since 1950:  

A world free from poverty**

As a beacon of Jesus’ love, we serve wherever our neighbors are in need — believing in their potential, and in the God who loves us all. Together with our donors and partners, we’re equipping communities to lift themselves out of poverty, so every child can become who God meant them to be.

[playWatch Video](https://wvusstatic.com/2025/75-anniversary-content/75th-anniversary-6.mp4)

**World Vision helps the world see through eyes of faith**


### Following Jesus’ mission is our mission

We’re founded on the belief that Jesus came so that all people may have life to the fullest. That’s why we address both the physical and spiritual roots of poverty, working toward restoration and wholeness on every level.

### Mobilizing the global Church with love

World Vision has mobilized the Church in this mission since 1950. Every year we equip more than 50,000 pastors and church leaders around the globe, together showing Jesus’ love to children and families in their communities.

### Celebrating lasting change

We’ve witnessed God’s powerful provision as children and families are equipped with tools and training to create lasting change for generations to come. Together, by 2030, we aim to equip 300 million people to free themselves from the grip of extreme poverty.

### **News & Stories**



[How to pray for your government leaders](/christian-faith-news-stories/how-pray-for-your-government-leaders)


The Bible tells us to pray for those in positions of authority. As we begin the new year, let’s lift up our leaders — who can all be voices of change.

*   [Christian Faith Stories](/category/christian-faith-news-stories)


[Special Features](/filter/special-features)

[Abraham’s journey: Unstoppable](/education-news-stories/abrahams-journey-unstoppable)


Solina makes sure her son Abraham, who has cerebral palsy, is able to attend school, even if means she has to carry him on her back. Follow their epic daily journey in this black-and-white photo essay.

*   [Education](/category/education-news-stories)

*   Rwanda


[From the Field](/filter/from-the-field)

[From disasters to healing: World Vision’s work in the U.S.](/us-work-news-stories/from-disasters-to-healing-world-visions-work-in-us)


World Vision responds to disasters globally, including in the United States. Learn about World Vision’s history of U.S. disaster responses, as well our work in education and distributing essential supplies and building materials to communities affected by emergencies in the U.S.

*   [U.S. Work](/category/us-work-news-stories)


[From the Field](/filter/from-the-field)

[Crisis in Sudan: A deeper look](/refugees-news-stories/crisis-in-sudan-deeper-look)


Read the stories of two small children and a father of newborn twins whose lives were upended when the conflict erupted in Sudan in 2023.

*   [Refugee Crisis](/category/refugees-news-stories)

*   ChadSudan