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    Guest Editors: Marian Gheorghe, Alberto Leporati, Ferrante Neri, David Orellana Martín, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez and Gexiang Zhang

    This special issue includes studies about spiking neural P systems, including both theoretical aspects, like the universality of a new variant of these spiking neural networks, and approaches from other models of computation like virus machines, to applications in experimental areas such as image classification of the Oxford Flowers dataset, edge detection of different datasets of images, robot control tasks while using gradient optimization through the model, and a novel adversarial approach to recognize X-ray images of COVID-19 affected persons.

    Each paper included in this issue went through at least two cycles of the journal’s rigorous review process, receiving between 5 and 7 reviews.


    [**Special Issue on Monetary Policy Issues and Challenges in Emerging Market Economies**](/toc/ser/69/02)

    Guest Editor: Paresh Kumar Narayan

    This special issue of the Singapore Economic Review on Monetary Policy issues covers an eclectic range of sub-themes within the monetary policy macroeconomics subjects. There are a total of 15 papers. A snapshot of what these papers do and find is highlighted via this editorial. The concluding remarks contain agendas for future research.


    [**Special Issue on Electron Correlation in Superconductors and Nanostructures**](/toc/mplb/38/21)

    Guest Editor: Sergei Kruchinin

    This collection on electron correlations in superconductors and nanostructures highlights the latest advances in both fundamental and practical research using theoretical, experimental, and computational tools. Research topics range from superconductors to the latest nanostructures, including graphene nanostructures. The papers presented in this collection reflect the latest developments in the field of electronic correlations in superconductivity and nanostructures.



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