Main Page
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Release information
Firefox 136.0
Based on Gecko 136
Released on 2025-03-04
Thunderbird 128.7.1esr
Based on Gecko 128.7.1esr
Released on 2025-02-20
[All Releases](/Releases "Releases")
Firefox Release Management pointers
* [Release calendar](/Release_Management/Calendar "Release Management/Calendar")
* [Release process overview](/Release_Management/Release_Process "Release Management/Release Process")
* [Release owners](/Release_Management/Release_owners "Release Management/Release owners")
* [More about release management…](/Release_Management "Release Management")
Support for users
Support for developers
[Firefox Docs](
Contributing to Mozilla
* [Mozilla project-wide status meetings](/WeeklyUpdates "WeeklyUpdates") (every Monday)
* [Other project calls](/Community_Calendar "Community Calendar")
* [Mozilla projects](/Projects "Projects") (Firefox, Platform, Add-ons, etc.)
* [Student Ambassadors](/StudentAmbassadors "StudentAmbassadors")
* [Why contribute to Mozilla?](/Contribute/Why_Contribute "Contribute/Why Contribute")
* [Discover new ways to contribute](/Contribute "Contribute")
How to use this wiki
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* [About MozillaWiki](/MozillaWiki:About "MozillaWiki:About")
* [Tips and tricks for MozillaWiki](/Help:Tips_and_Tricks "Help:Tips and Tricks")
[Looking for the old Main Page?](/Main_Page/Legacy "Main Page/Legacy")
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Navigation menu
### Search
[](/Main_Page "Visit the main page")