🏳️WHYY | Public Media for Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey

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WHYY is the leading public media organization in the Philadelphia Region, including Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and beyond. Access us on television, radio, podcasts, streaming and in the community.

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*   [Join WHYY with an affordable monthly donation](https://whyy.org/support/join-whyy-as-a-monthly-sustaining-member/ "Join WHYY with an affordable monthly donation")


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    5 years ago

*   [Check out our upcoming TV music specials](https://whyy.org/turn-to-whyy-tv-12-for-amazing-music-specials/ "Check out our upcoming TV music specials")


    2 years ago

*   [COVID 5 years later](https://whyy.org/articles/long-covid-pandemic-treatments-research/)

*   [Measles FAQs](https://whyy.org/articles/measles-virus-contagious-airborne-infection/)

*   [‘DExit’ in Delaware?](https://whyy.org/articles/dexit-delaware-franchise-incorporation-industry-billionaires-bill/)

*   [Active retirement](https://whyy.org/articles/retirement-activity-pa-del/)

*   [Things To Do](https://whyy.org/articles/things-to-do-march-2025-new-jersey-philadelphia-delaware/)

[](https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-orchestra-picaflora-future-myth-climate/ "‘Picaflor: A Future Myth’: Philadelphia Orchestra premieres work about climate apocalypse averted by a hummingbird")

[Arts & Entertainment](https://whyy.org/categories/arts-entertainment/)

#### [Philadelphia Orchestra premieres work about climate apocalypse averted by a hummingbird](https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-orchestra-picaflora-future-myth-climate/)

[](https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-cherelle-parker-budget-city-wage-business-tax-cuts/ "Philly Mayor Parker’s budget proposes city wage and business tax cuts")

[Philly’s 100th Mayor](https://whyy.org/series/cherelle-parker-philly-100th-mayor/) [Money](https://whyy.org/categories/money/)

#### [Philly Mayor Parker’s budget proposes city wage and business tax cuts](https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-cherelle-parker-budget-city-wage-business-tax-cuts/)

[](https://whyy.org/articles/delaware-transgender-athlete-school-girls-sports/ "Does Delaware’s transgender athlete policy put $336 million in annual federal education funding at risk?")

[First State Focus](https://whyy.org/series/first-state-focus/) [Education](https://whyy.org/categories/education/)

[Does Delaware’s trans athlete policy put $336M in federal education funding at risk?](https://whyy.org/articles/delaware-transgender-athlete-school-girls-sports/)



No transgender girls are on girls’ school teams, but the complaint seeks to have the state follow President Trump’s executive order, or pay the price.


*   [WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor](https://whyy.org/corporate-underwriting/ "WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor")

*   [WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor](https://whyy.org/corporate-underwriting/ "WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor")

[WHYY News Climate Desk](https://whyy.org/series/whyy-news-climate-desk/) [Weather](https://whyy.org/categories/weather/)

#### [New Jersey and Delaware residents urged to conserve water, prevent fires as region faces drought](https://whyy.org/articles/wildfire-risks-new-jersey-del-drought/)


New Jersey has been facing an unseasonably high number of wildfires. Delaware officials also warn residents of wildfire risks.


17 hours ago

[WHYY News Climate Desk](https://whyy.org/series/whyy-news-climate-desk/) [Science](https://whyy.org/categories/science/)

#### [‘Cartoon villainy’: Former regulators say EPA’s planned rollbacks would reverse 50 years of environmental progress](https://whyy.org/articles/environmental-protection-agency-epa-planned-rollbacks/)


The former regulators' warning comes in the wake of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's announcement to roll back dozens of air and water protections.


19 hours ago

[PlanPhilly](https://whyy.org/programs/planphilly/) [Community](https://whyy.org/categories/community/)

#### [What’s in Philly Mayor Parker’s second budget proposal for cleaning and greening](https://whyy.org/articles/mayor-cherelle-parker-budget-proposal-clean-green-initiatives/)


The plan includes expanding twice-weekly trash pickup to North Philly, fixing heating and air conditioning in libraries and adding planters to commercial corridors.


21 hours ago

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[](https://whyy.org/episodes/bhutans-radical-approach-to-overtourism/ "Bhutan’s Radical Approach to Overtourism")

[Peak Travel](https://whyy.org/programs/peak-travel/)

[Bhutan’s Radical Approach to Overtourism](https://whyy.org/episodes/bhutans-radical-approach-to-overtourism/)

[This is _Peak Travel_, a podcast from WHYY about how travel shapes communities in hot-spots around the world.](https://whyy.org/episodes/bhutans-radical-approach-to-overtourism/)

#### [Listen now](https://whyy.org/episodes/bhutans-radical-approach-to-overtourism/)

[](https://whyy.org/episodes/my-dead-friend-zoe/ "My Dead Friend Zoe")


[My Dead Friend Zoe](https://whyy.org/episodes/my-dead-friend-zoe/)

[Each week, _Flicks_ host Patrick Stoner provides up-to-the-minute coverage of top films, stars and moviemakers.](https://whyy.org/episodes/my-dead-friend-zoe/)

#### [Watch now](https://whyy.org/episodes/my-dead-friend-zoe/)

[](https://whyy.org/episodes/how-the-way-we-look-affects-the-way-we-feel/ "How the Way We Look Affects the Way We Feel")

[The Pulse](https://whyy.org/programs/the-pulse/)

[How the Way We Look Affects the Way We Feel](https://whyy.org/episodes/how-the-way-we-look-affects-the-way-we-feel/)

[_The Pulse_ will take you behind the doors of operating rooms, into the lab with some of the world’s foremost scientists, and back in time to explore life-changing innovations.](https://whyy.org/episodes/how-the-way-we-look-affects-the-way-we-feel/)

#### [Listen now](https://whyy.org/episodes/how-the-way-we-look-affects-the-way-we-feel/)

[](https://whyy.org/episodes/the-national-park-service-gets-ready-for-americas-250th-anniversary/ "The National Park Service gets ready for America’s 250th Anniversary")

[You Oughta Know](https://whyy.org/programs/you-oughta-know/)

[The National Park Service gets ready for America’s 250th Anniversary](https://whyy.org/episodes/the-national-park-service-gets-ready-for-americas-250th-anniversary/)

[_You Oughta Know_ is your guide to people, places and events you might not know about in the Philadelphia region.](https://whyy.org/episodes/the-national-park-service-gets-ready-for-americas-250th-anniversary/)

#### [Watch now](https://whyy.org/episodes/the-national-park-service-gets-ready-for-americas-250th-anniversary/)

[](https://whyy.org/episodes/trump-department-of-education/ "What will slashing the Dept. of Ed. mean to your school?")

[Studio 2](https://whyy.org/programs/studio-2/)

[What will slashing the Dept. of Ed. mean to your school?](https://whyy.org/episodes/trump-department-of-education/)

[_Studio 2_ brings you everything you need to know about what’s happening in the Delaware Valley – from news and politics to science and the arts– delivered with a fresh perspective, all in an hour.](https://whyy.org/episodes/trump-department-of-education/)

#### [Listen now](https://whyy.org/episodes/trump-department-of-education/)

[](https://video.whyy.org/video/the-uptown-movies-music-memories-wru2fg/ "The Uptown Theater: Movies, Music & Memories")

[Movers & Makers](https://whyy.org/programs/movers-makers/)

[The Uptown Theater: Movies, Music & Memories](https://video.whyy.org/video/the-uptown-movies-music-memories-wru2fg/)

[_Movers & Makers_ introduces you to fascinating people and interesting places in the greater Philadelphia region.](https://video.whyy.org/video/the-uptown-movies-music-memories-wru2fg/)

#### [Watch now](https://video.whyy.org/video/the-uptown-movies-music-memories-wru2fg/)

_All Creatures Great & Small_  

**Seasons 1-4 now streaming on Passport**

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[](https://billypenn.com/morningroundup/ "Billy Penn Morning Roundup")

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[Billy Penn Morning Roundup](https://billypenn.com/morningroundup/)

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Upcoming Events


[](https://support.whyy.org/page/79851/event/1 "Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City")

Mar 18

[Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City](https://support.whyy.org/page/79851/event/1 "Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City")

**When:** March 18, 2025 4:00 pm  

Join WHYY News Community & Engagement team for ‘Bridging Blocks - Aging in the City’ a civic dialogue series in partnership with The Free Library of Philadelphia.

[](https://support.whyy.org/page/79865/event/1 "Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City")

Mar 25

[Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City](https://support.whyy.org/page/79865/event/1 "Bridging Blocks | Aging in the City")

**When:** March 25, 2025 4:30 pm  

Join WHYY News Community & Engagement team for ‘Bridging Blocks - Aging in the City’ a civic dialogue series in partnership with The Free Library of Philadelphia.

[](https://support.whyy.org/page/79039/event/1? "WHYY News Civic News Summit: Connecting Local Communities – Day 1")

Apr 4

[WHYY News Civic News Summit: Connecting Local Communities – Day 1](https://support.whyy.org/page/79039/event/1? "WHYY News Civic News Summit: Connecting Local Communities – Day 1")

**When:** April 4, 2025 9:00 am  

Join WHYY News for their second civic news summit to explore best practices for newsrooms to engage their communities in the practice of civil journalism.

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*   [WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor](https://whyy.org/corporate-underwriting/ "WHYY thanks our sponsors — become a WHYY sponsor")

2024 Youth Media Awards Winners


WHYY wants to celebrate the best youth filmmakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware with two great opportunities: Young Creators Studio, a TV show featuring the works of young producers, and the WHYY Youth Media Awards, a film festival and awards show.

[](https://whyy.org/youth-media-awards/ "2024 Youth Media Awards Winners")

WHYY Word Game


Inspired by WHYY content, this daily word puzzle challenges you to guess a word in six tries. Exclusively available to WHYY Listen App users, download now to play!

[](https://whyy-mobile.app.link/word-game "WHYY Word Game")


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