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Wellcome supports discovery research into life, health and wellbeing, and we’re taking on three worldwide health challenges: mental health, climate and health and infectious diseases.

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We support [discovery research](/what-we-do/discovery-research "Discovery Research") into life, health and wellbeing, and we’re taking on three worldwide health challenges: [mental health](/what-we-do/mental-health "Mental Health"), [infectious disease](/what-we-do/infectious-disease "Infectious Disease") and [climate and health](/what-we-do/climate-and-health "Climate and Health").

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*   [Find funding opportunities](/grant-funding)

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*   [Read funding guidance](/grant-funding/guidance)

Latest content


Researcher story


Chlöe Choppen

### [‘It can transform our understanding of AMR’: Working with India's rural clinics to control drug resistance](/news/amr-working-indias-rural-clinics-control-drug-resistance)

13 March 20257-minute read

Drug-resistant infections are linked to over a million deaths a year in India. A health crisis compounded by the country’s healthcare inequalities. Dr Gautham and her team are working with rural healthcare providers to better understand the challenges of tackling AMR in these settings – and co-develop innovative solutions.

Impact story

Impact story

### [The Human Genome Project: a new era of scientific progress](/news/human-genome-project-new-era-scientific-progress)

6 February 20254-minute read



### [Will climate change lead to more fungal infections?](/news/will-climate-change-lead-more-fungal-infections)

14 March 20257-minute read



### [AVATAR: a digital therapy that could help people who hear voices](/news/avatar-digital-therapy-could-help-people-who-hear-voices)

28 October 20244-minute read


### [Wellcome Annual Report 2024](/reports/wellcome-annual-report)

Find out about Wellcome’s impact in 2023/24, with commentaries from our Chair and Director, reports on what we did last year and reviews of our finances and investments. 

*   [Who we are](/news/all?f[0]=topics:9172&f[1]=topics:8925)

*   [Investments](/news/all?f[0]=topics:8925)

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### [Wellcome Photography Prize](/our-work/wellcome-photography-prize)

Browse the shortlisted and winning images from over twenty years of the Wellcome Image Awards and Wellcome Photography Prize. 

### [Who we are](/who-we-are)

Learn about our teams, our strategy and how we are funded.

### [Wellcome Collection](/what-we-do/wellcome-collection)

Wellcome Collection is our free museum exploring health and human experience.

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