🏳️UK Government Web Archive

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We capture, preserve, and make accessible UK central government information published on the web from 1996 to present.

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[Home](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) \> UK Government Web Archive

UK Government Web Archive


We capture, preserve and make accessible UK central government information published on the web. The Web Archive includes videos, tweets, images and websites dating from 1996 to the present day.

Feature image caption

Science Exhibition poster artist Robin Day [View in the image library](https://images.nationalarchives.gov.uk/assetbank-nationalarchives/action/viewAsset?id=35505&index=17&total=18&view=viewSearchItem)

[Find archived websites](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/webarchive/find-a-website/)


Find archived websites by browsing our A-Z list or by using our full text search facility. Learn about the limitations of archived websites and see legal information about re-using web archive content.

[Find archived social media channels](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/webarchive/find-archived-uk-government-social-media-channels-in-the-uk-government-web-archive/)


Find archived Twitter, YouTube and Flickr channels by browsing our access pages or using our full text search facility.

[Archive a website or social media channel](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/webarchive/archive-a-website/)


Find out how to get a website or social media channel added to our archiving programme. Discover how to link to archived websites and see technical information about how to make your website archive compliant. Read about our take down process and learn what to do if your website is closing.

[About the UK Government Web Archive](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/webarchive/about/)


Read general information about the web archiving programme. Find out how to contact us and see our accessibility statement.

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