🏳️WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools

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WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools


WAVE® is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. WAVE can identify many accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) errors, but also facilitates human evaluation of web content. Our philosophy is to focus on issues that we know impact end users, facilitate human evaluation, and to educate about web accessibility.

WAVE Browser Extensions


You can use the online WAVE tool by entering a web page address (URL) in the field above. [WAVE Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browser extensions](/extension) are available for testing accessibility directly within your web browser - handy for checking password protected, locally stored, or highly dynamic pages.

WAVE API and Testing Engine


The [WAVE subscription API](/api) and [Stand-alone WAVE API and Testing Engine](/standalone) are powerful tools for easily collecting accessibility test data on many pages. The stand-alone API and Testing Engine can be integrated into your infrastructure for testing intranet, non-public, and secure pages, including in continuous integration processes.

Accessibility IMpact (AIM) Report


Your [Accessibility IMpact (AIM) assessment report](/aim) provides detailed WAVE test data, your site's AIM score (a measure of end user impact compared to web pages generally and as determined by human testers), and expert manual test results to give you insights into the accessibility of your web site for users with disabilities.

Need more than one page at a time?


Our friends at [](https://pope.tech/wave)provide an enterprise-level web accessibility evaluation system based on WAVE that gives site-wide monitoring and reporting over time.

Learn more at [pope.tech](https://pope.tech/wave).