Unitarian Universalist Association
[Live your values aloud, not alone.
Our open-minded, open-hearted spiritual communities help people lead lives of justice, love, learning and hope.
**Your adventure in faith starts here.**](https://www.uua.org/beliefs)
Find a congregation or community:
[Meet Your Region](https://www.uua.org/regions)
[Act for Justice](https://www.uua.org/action)
[Donate Now](https://www.uua.org/giving/friends?utm_medium=uua.org&utm_source=story1&utm_campaign=homepage&segmentCode=FRUUAORG)
Weekly Inspiration
[](https://www.uua.org/braverwiser "More from Braver/Wiser")
### Storms
By Tomo Hillbo
When the storm is powerful, we need each other to weather it.
Religious Practice
### UUA Joins Multifaith Lawsuit Asserting that ICE Policy Violates the First Amendment
The UUA is proud to announce we are a plaintiff in the sensitive locations policy lawsuit. We join a multifaith coalition to challenge the ending of ICE’s policy, and oppose any interpretation of law which would allow immigration raids in houses of worship and religious ceremonies.
[Sensitive Locations Policy Lawsuit](https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/sensitive-locations-policy-lawsuit)
Centering Love
### From the UUA President: Fierce Love Compels Us To Action
In response to dangerous and devastating actions by the US President, UUA President the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt shares a message of care and commitment to courageous action.
[Read More](https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/fierce-love-compels-us-action)
"Part Of It" from Lea Morris and Adam Podd
Commissioned for the 2024 UU Climate Justice Revival, this beautiful song uplifts the truth that the work of climate justice calls us all into deeper connection – with each other, with the earth, with the generations to come.
[Watch the video (YouTube).](https://youtu.be/UicUUR3O0yo)
UU World
### From the Archives: Retaining Our Humanity
‘The adaptability of Unitarian Universalism should not be mistaken for an absence of a strong core.’
[Read the Reflection](https://www.uuworld.org/articles/retaining-our-humanity-schuyler-vogel-reflection-unitarian-universalism)
Sacred Wholeness
### Transgender/Nonbinary+ Pastoral Care Group
The UUA offers an online gathering and pastoral care space for trans and nonbinary+ people lead by a chaplain or facilitators with time for sharing and connection.
[Gather With Us](https://www.uua.org/lgbtq/transnb)
### Interfaith Families Welcome
In Unitarian Universalism, we accept you for who and what you are. Our family, like your family, includes people of many religious backgrounds and beliefs.
[Families in Our Faith](https://www.uua.org/lifespan/re-sources/interfaith)
Featured Book
[](https://www.uua.org/products "More from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop")
### The Flaming Chalice
By Susan J. Ritchie
Teaches the important history and meaning of the Flaming Chalice, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. To read this pamphlet click here. Pack of 25.
[Buy This Book](https://www.uuabookstore.org/The-Flaming-Chalice-P18184.aspx)
Black Lives Matter
**Black Lives Matter** to Unitarian Universalists.
[Learn more](https://www.uua.org/multiculturalism/racial-justice)