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[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
Cost-benefit study confirms coral reef restoration could be a cost-effective way to save lives and money
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/cost-benefit-study-confirms-coral-reef-restoration-could-be-a-cost)
[Featured Story](/news/featured-story/directed-president-gulf-america-enters-usgs-official-place-names-database)
As directed by the President, the Gulf of America enters the USGS official place names database
[Read more](/news/featured-story/directed-president-gulf-america-enters-usgs-official-place-names-database)
[Science Snippet](/news/science-snippets)
Almost 1,000 sea turtles returned to the wild after being saved from frigid water in Florida
[Read snippet](/news/science-snippet/almost-1000-sea-turtles-returned-wild-after-being-saved-frigid-water-florida)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
New study finds deer hunting can help keep chronic wasting disease in check
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/new-study-finds-deer-hunting-can-help-keep-chronic-wasting-disease-check)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geologic hydrogen in U.S.
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-first-ever-map-potential-geologic-hydrogen-us)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
USGS releases a comprehensive look at water resources in the United States
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-a-comprehensive-look-water-resources-united-states)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
New USGS Model Uses Dragonflies to Estimate Freshwater Mercury Risk on U.S. Protected Lands
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/new-usgs-model-uses-dragonflies-estimate-freshwater-mercury-risk-us)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
Cost-benefit study confirms coral reef restoration could be a cost-effective way to save lives and money
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/cost-benefit-study-confirms-coral-reef-restoration-could-be-a-cost)
[Featured Story](/news/featured-story/directed-president-gulf-america-enters-usgs-official-place-names-database)
As directed by the President, the Gulf of America enters the USGS official place names database
[Read more](/news/featured-story/directed-president-gulf-america-enters-usgs-official-place-names-database)
[Science Snippet](/news/science-snippets)
Almost 1,000 sea turtles returned to the wild after being saved from frigid water in Florida
[Read snippet](/news/science-snippet/almost-1000-sea-turtles-returned-wild-after-being-saved-frigid-water-florida)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
New study finds deer hunting can help keep chronic wasting disease in check
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/new-study-finds-deer-hunting-can-help-keep-chronic-wasting-disease-check)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geologic hydrogen in U.S.
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-first-ever-map-potential-geologic-hydrogen-us)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
USGS releases a comprehensive look at water resources in the United States
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-a-comprehensive-look-water-resources-united-states)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
New USGS Model Uses Dragonflies to Estimate Freshwater Mercury Risk on U.S. Protected Lands
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/new-usgs-model-uses-dragonflies-estimate-freshwater-mercury-risk-us)
[National News Release](/news/news-releases/national-news-releases)
Cost-benefit study confirms coral reef restoration could be a cost-effective way to save lives and money
[Read release](/news/national-news-release/cost-benefit-study-confirms-coral-reef-restoration-could-be-a-cost)
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Event Notifications
##### [Ahyi Seamount](https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hans2/view/notice/DOI-USGS-NMI-2025-03-07T02:18:17+00:00)
2025-03-07 02:24:44 (UTC)
##### [Great Sitkin](https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hans2/view/notice/DOI-USGS-AVO-2025-03-06T21:38:14+00:00)
2025-03-06 21:39:03 (UTC)
##### [Spurr](https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hans2/view/notice/DOI-USGS-AVO-2025-03-06T21:38:14+00:00)
2025-03-06 21:39:03 (UTC)
##### [Kilauea](https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hans2/view/notice/DOI-USGS-HVO-2025-03-06T18:41:49+00:00)
2025-03-06 20:09:50 (UTC)
##### [Magnitude 4.5](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/uw62078906)
2025 Orcas Island, Washington
2025-03-03 13:02:38 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Green
MMI: IV (Light Shaking) 15.8 km
##### [Magnitude 3.8](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci41070112)
2 km ESE of North Hollywood, CA
2025-03-03 06:13:45 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Gray (Null)
MMI: IV (Light Shaking) 15.6 km
##### [Magnitude 4.8](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/tx2025edml)
26 km SW of Ackerly, Texas
2025-02-28 19:33:24 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Green
MMI: V (Moderate Shaking) 6.8 km
##### [Magnitude 5.5](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000pvwf)
14 km S of Kodāri̇̄, Nepal
2025-02-27 21:06:10 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Green
MMI: VI (Strong Shaking) 10.0 km
##### [Magnitude 5.85](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/pr2025056002)
102 km NNE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
2025-02-25 05:48:55 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Green
MMI: IV (Light Shaking) 46.0 km
##### [Magnitude 3.41](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/uw62076946)
6 km SSE of Lea Hill, Washington
2025-02-22 11:45:29 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Gray (Null)
MMI: III (Weak Shaking) 25.4 km
##### [Magnitude 4.8](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000pfbs)
23 km NE of Sechelt, Canada
2025-02-21 21:26:34 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Green
MMI: VI (Strong Shaking) 10.0 km
##### [Magnitude 4.8](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000pe8k)
1 km NE of Charneca de Caparica, Portugal
2025-02-17 13:24:05 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Gray (Null)
10.0 km
##### [Magnitude 4.2](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000pe5z)
8 km SSE of Nāngloi Jāt, India
2025-02-17 00:06:53 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Gray (Null)
10.0 km
##### [Magnitude 3.7](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci40186202)
10 km WNW of Malibu, CA
2025-02-15 07:44:05 (UTC)
Pager Alert Level: Gray (Null)
MMI: IV (Light Shaking) 15.4 km
[Science Explorer](/science/science-explorer/natural-hazards)
A Leader in Natural Hazard Research
_**USGS science helps communities build resilience to natural hazards, focusing on science-based research, monitoring, and alerting to create a safer tomorrow.**_ The USGS provides critical information to help protect communities from the [natural hazards](https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/natural-hazards/about) that occur every day. As the preeminent hazard science agency, we monitor everything from earthquakes to volcanoes, from landslides to flooding, and so much more. Our science is used by emergency responders and policymakers to support public safety, security, and economic well-being.
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Earthquake Hazards
[Landslide Hazards](/programs/landslide-hazards)
Landslide Hazards
[Reducing Risk and Building Resilience](/science/science-explorer/natural-hazards/reduce-risk-building-resilience)
Reducing Risk and Building Resilience
[Volcano Hazards](/programs/VHP)
Volcano Hazards
[Floods, Droughts, and Wildfires](/science/science-explorer/natural-hazards/water-and-extreme-weather)
Floods, Droughts, and Wildfires
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Harmful Algal Blooms
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Wildland Fire
[Our Organization](/about/organization)
Science for a Changing World
We monitor, assess, map, and conduct targeted scientific research so that policy makers and the public have the understanding they need to address complex environmental, natural resource, and public safety issues.
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