Urban Dictionary is a website that allows users to submit and share slang terms, definitions, and phrases. The site hosts a vast collection of user-submitted entries, often including examples of usage and contextual information. Users can also rate, comment on, and flag entries.
This website is categorized in Pop Culture, Humor and Satire and Auto Safety Technologies, providing comprehensive solutions across these business domains.
The website urbandictionary.com is built with 23 technologies.
Google AdSense
Websites built with Google AdSenseGoogle AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers serve advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience.
Google Publisher Tag
Websites built with Google Publisher TagGoogle Publisher Tag (GPT) is an ad tagging library for Google Ad Manager which is used to dynamically build ad requests.
Websites built with GumGumGumGum is a technology and media company specializing in contextual intelligence.
Index Exchange
Websites built with Index ExchangeIndex Exchange is a customizable exchange technology that enables sell side media firms to monetize ad inventories programmatically and in real time.
Websites built with PrebidPrebid is an open-source header bidding wrapper. It forms the core of our Nucleus ad platform, helping maximize revenue and performance for publishers.
Websites built with PubMaticPubMatic is a company that develops and implements online advertising software and strategies for the digital publishing and advertising industry.
Rubicon Project
Websites built with Rubicon ProjectRubicon Project is an advertising automation platform enabling publishers to transact advertising brands.

Websites built with SonobiSonobi is an ad technology developer that designs advertising tools and solutions for the media publishers, brand advertisers and media agencies.
Websites built with TripleLiftTripleLift is an advertising technology company providing native programmatic to buyers and sellers.
Google Analytics
Websites built with Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.
Quantcast Measure
Websites built with Quantcast MeasureQuantcast Measure is an audience insights and analytics tool.
Snowplow Analytics
Websites built with Snowplow AnalyticsSnowplow is an open-source behavioral data management platform for businesses.
Google Cloud CDN
Websites built with Google Cloud CDNCloud CDN uses Google's global edge network to serve content closer to users.
Websites built with jsDelivrJSDelivr is a free public CDN for open-source projects. It can serve web files directly from the npm registry and GitHub repositories without any configuration.
Font scripts
Google Font API
Websites built with Google Font APIGoogle Font API is a web service that supports open-source font files that can be used on your web designs.
Websites built with HTTP/3HTTP/3 is the third major version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web.
Open Graph
Websites built with Open GraphOpen Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.
Websites built with PWAProgressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single codebase.
Websites built with RSSRSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.
Cookie compliance
Websites built with OneTrustOneTrust is a cloud-based data privacy management compliance platform.
Websites built with reCAPTCHAreCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse.
Urban Dictionary, March 6: bumsters
The trashy, lowerslung cousin of the hipster pant, favoured by female fashion victims, often those born without the ability to realistically determine their size. Although there is no agreed max-min amount of bumcrack to be shown, a visable 'brickies grin' is a key factor in determining whether the pant is a member of the bumster family.