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Though states and local governments are primarily responsible for K–12 education, the US Department of Education is critical to ensuring disabled children in every community have access to a free, appropriate public education. 

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Presentation [How Proposed Changes to Federal Jobs, Spending, and Policy Could Affect DC, Maryland, and Virginia’s Shared Economy](/research/publication/how-proposed-changes-federal-jobs-spending-and-policy-could-affect-dc-maryland)


Urban Wire [America’s Housing Market Is Failing Older Adults](/urban-wire/americas-housing-market-failing-older-adults)


Data Tool [How Would SNAP Benefit Cuts Affect Your Community?](/data-tools/snap-cuts-state-county-gaps)

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The Urban Institute is a research-to-impact institution founded on one simple idea: To improve lives and strengthen communities, we need practices and policies that work.   Learn more

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[Recapitalizing the GSEs through Administrative Action: Former CEOs Explore Conservatorship Release](/events/recapitalizing-gses-through-administrative-action-former-ceos-explore-conservatorship)

[Symposium on Prison Research and Innovation: Lessons Learned and Future Directions](/events/symposium-prison-research-and-innovation-lessons-learned-and-future-directions)

[Improving Household Financial Security and Upward Mobility: Insights for Effective Policy and Practice](/events/improving-household-financial-security-and-upward-mobility-insights-effective-policy-and)

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Spotlight On Social and Financial Support for Families

    Restrictive asset limits and complex program rules make it difficult for families to navigate public benefits programs. Raising the Supplemental Security Income program’s asset limit and adopting a universal asset limit would simplify the process and reduce administrative costs.

    With the Social Security Administration already experiencing staff shortages, any further reductions in workforce will exacerbate claims backlogs and increase wait times.

    Data on the federal government’s spending on children show what could be at stake under select policy proposals.

    Recent research shows how home delivery of both charitable food and public food assistance can help more food insecure families access the supports they need.

    With the end of enhanced premium tax credits on the horizon, millions are at risk of losing health insurance, especially those living in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid eligibility.
