đŸłïžUNESCO : Building Peace through Education, Science and Culture, communication and information

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Learn more about UNESCO's role, vision and results. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Our aim is to promote peace and security through international cooperation

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Quick links:[UNESCO action in Ukraine](https://www.unesco.org/en/ukraine-war)[World Heritage](https://www.unesco.org/en/world-heritage)


UNESCO's reconstruction of Mosul's landmarks


One year after the black flags of Daesh were lowered over Mosul, Iraq, UNESCO launched an ambitious initiative so this city could rise from the ashes. Today, “Revive the Spirit of Mosul” is writing a story of hope and resilience – and a powerful response to extremism. The rebirth of Mosul is a lasting legacy for UNESCO and multilateralism, highlighting how effective international cooperation can be.

[Read the story](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/mosuls-revival-lasting-legacy-built-through-international-cooperation)

The rebirth of Mosul


Mobilizing **US$115 million and 15 partners, including the United Arab Emirates** and **the European Union**, UNESCO rehabilitated **124 historical homes**, renovated **404 classrooms** and created more than **7,700 local jobs**, while supporting the recovery of Mosul’s **cultural and intellectual life**. 

By giving Mosul back its ‘spirit’, UNESCO has proved that culture can play an essential role in post-conflict reconstruction and the promotion of peace.

[All about the initiative](https://www.unesco.org/en/revive-mosul)






A decade of action against antisemitism and Holocaust denial


UNESCO is the UN agency specifically mandated to promote Holocaust and genocide education. We work with strategic partners to create a future where hate has no place. Over the past 10 years, through its [International Programme on Holocaust and Genocide Education](https://www.unesco.org/en/teaching-holocaust-genocide/iphge) (IPHGE), implemented with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, UNESCO has supported 24 countries across the world to integrate the history of the Holocaust and other violent events into their school curricula. 

[Discover more](/en/articles/decade-action-against-antisemitism)

© Olivier Mériel/Mémorial de la Shoah

UNESCO celebrates Multilingualism with a new book published in Hawaiian


21 February 2025 marks the 25th anniversary of [International Mother Language Day (IMLD)](https://www.unesco.org/en/days/mother-language). On this occasion, UNESCO and the Ka Haka ‘Ula O Ke’elikƍlani College of Hawaiian Language celebrate the remarkable journey of revitalizing the Hawaiian language.

[Read more](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/celebrating-international-mother-language-day-new-book-hawaiian-language)

© Anna Forlati

Pharrell Williams named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador


Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, appointed the American artist as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Arts Education and Entrepreneurship on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.

Committed to promoting social inclusion, equal opportunity and mutual respect through his various artistic, educational and entrepreneurial initiatives, he thus reaffirms his attachment to UNESCO's values.

[Read more](/en/articles/pharrell-williams-appointed-unesco-goodwill-ambassador-audrey-azoulay)


Impact stories


Find out how UNESCO is making an impact and building resilience in local communities around the world.


Echoes of Resilience: Nepali Community Radios in Disaster Response

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/echoes-resilience-nepali-community-radios-disaster-response "Echoes of Resilience: Nepali Community Radios in Disaster Response")


UNESCO and MeitY co-organize the 2nd AI Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM) Consultation

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-and-meity-co-organize-2nd-ai-readiness-assessment-methodology-ram-consultation "UNESCO and MeitY co-organize the 2nd AI Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM) Consultation")


Norma Mamani: explorer of Andean and Amazonian botany

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/norma-mamani-explorer-andean-and-amazonian-botany "Norma Mamani: explorer of Andean and Amazonian botany")


Rebuilding lives and restoring hope: Yeslum's transformative journey

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/rebuilding-lives-and-restoring-hope-yeslums-transformative-journey "Rebuilding lives and restoring hope: Yeslum's transformative journey ")

[Load more](/en/unesco-paragraph/78985/load-more/1)

Our Vision : #SharingHumanity


Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that peace must be built. UNESCO uses education, science, culture, communication and information to foster mutual understanding and respect for our planet. We work to strengthen the intellectual and moral solidarity of humankind and bring out the best in our shared humanity.

[Our Expertise](https://www.unesco.org/en/our-expertise)







Building a Stronger Multilateralism


UNESCO stands on the frontline of international cooperation, in close coordination with sister agencies of the UN System, and as a privileged partner of the Group of 20 (G20). UNESCO shares knowledge, data and expertise to strengthen global coordination in the field of education, the sciences, culture, communication and information, supporting all Member States in the face of current global challenges. 

[UNESCO in the G20](https://www.unesco.org/en/g20)

© Shutterstock


Delivering in times of emergencies

UNESCO supports crisis response in regions impacted by armed conflicts and climate related disasters. We support countries to ensure access to quality education, and safeguard cultural heritage and reconstruction.

](/en/emergencies "Delivering in times of emergencies")


Building a stronger multilateralism

UNESCO stands on the frontline of international cooperation, in close coordination with sister agencies of the UN System.

](/en/g20 "Building a stronger multilateralism")


UNESCO in brief

Find out more about UNESCO's recent achievements in all fields, in every region of the world.

](/en/brief "UNESCO in brief")


Our expertise

UNESCO uses education, science, culture, communication and information to foster mutual understanding and respect for our planet.

](/en/expertise "Our expertise")



We celebrate shared values and collective efforts to build a better future

](/en/sharing-humanity "#SharingHumanity")




UNESCO Gathers Global Experts on Gender Equality in Media Ahead of Beijing+30

6 March 2025

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-gathers-global-experts-gender-equality-media-ahead-beijing30 "UNESCO Gathers Global Experts on Gender Equality in Media Ahead of Beijing+30")


UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of journalist JesĂșs Alberto Camacho RodrĂ­guez in Mexico

5 March 2025

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-director-general-condemns-killing-journalist-jesus-alberto-camacho-rodriguez-mexico "UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of journalist JesĂșs Alberto Camacho RodrĂ­guez in Mexico")


Strengthening Collaboration to Advance Nature-Based Solutions: Highlights from the NBSINFRA Project’s First Steering Committee Meeting

5 March 2025

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/strengthening-collaboration-advance-nature-based-solutions-highlights-nbsinfra-projects-first "Strengthening Collaboration to Advance Nature-Based Solutions: Highlights from the NBSINFRA Project’s First Steering Committee Meeting")


Partnering for progress and innovation: UNESCO hosts breakfast to forge the future

5 March 2025

](https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/partnering-progress-and-innovation-unesco-hosts-breakfast-forge-future "Partnering for progress and innovation: UNESCO hosts breakfast to forge the future")

[Load more](/en/unesco-paragraph/4244/load-more/1)


### The UNESCO Courier

UNESCO’s magazine – bringing you local perspectives on global issues since 1948. Available in 6+ languages.


Our shared heritage


UNESCO designated sites connect the world and bring out the best in our shared humanity



World Heritage Sites

of exceptional cultural and natural value.

](/en/world-heritage "World Heritage Sites")



Intangible Heritage Elements

transmitted by communities worldwide.

](https://www.unesco.org/en/intangible-cultural-heritage "Intangible Heritage Elements ")



Biospheres Reserves

where humans and nature coexist.

](https://www.unesco.org/en/mab "Biospheres Reserves")



Global Geoparks

that shed light on our planet’s geological heritage.

](https://www.unesco.org/en/iggp "Global Geoparks")


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