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### Small island nations: How oceans offer solutions to climate change
### Grynspan: G20 cooperation crucial to world’s common future
### Women in trade: Female labour remains undervalued in global exports
### Viet Nam to host 16th UN Conference on Trade and Development in October
### 5th UN Ocean Forum: How trade and innovation can unlock the blue economy
#### [Read the article](https://unctad.org/news/5th-un-ocean-forum-how-trade-and-innovation-can-unlock-blue-economy)
### 5th UN Ocean Forum: How trade and innovation can unlock the blue economy
#### [Read the article](https://unctad.org/news/5th-un-ocean-forum-how-trade-and-innovation-can-unlock-blue-economy)
### Small island nations: How oceans offer solutions to climate change
### Grynspan: G20 cooperation crucial to world’s common future
### Women in trade: Female labour remains undervalued in global exports
### Viet Nam to host 16th UN Conference on Trade and Development in October
### Leaders of Global South show strong presence at UNCTAD’s 60th anniversary
### UN chief underscores UNCTAD's essential role in shaping a fairer, more sustainable global economy
### UN Trade and Development chief marks 60th anniversary with vision for a new development era
Featured publications
### [Economic Development in Africa Report 2024](https://unctad.org/publication/economic-development-africa-report-2024)
### [Shaping the future: Driving economic transformation for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development](https://unctad.org/publication/shaping-future-driving-economic-transformation-equitable-inclusive-and-sustainable)
### [Handbook of Statistics 2024](https://unctad.org/publication/handbook-statistics-2024)
### [Fostering environmentally sustainable electronic commerce](https://unctad.org/publication/fostering-environmentally-sustainable-electronic-commerce)
### [Global Investment Trends Monitor, No. 48](https://unctad.org/publication/global-investment-trends-monitor-no-48)
[More publications](/publications-search?f[0]=sitemap%3A756)
More news
#### 27 February 2025
### Financing for development: Reforming global systems to drive progress
#### 21 February 2025
### Global leadership is changing - so is trade
#### 12 February 2025
### Harnessing frontier technology for food security in Nigeria
#### 10 February 2025
### Africa’s $3.4 trillion opportunity: Turning vulnerabilities into resilience
#### 29 January 2025
### From Cambodia to Peru: G77 and China chair changes hands in Geneva
[All news](/news-search?f[0]=sitemap%3A910)
Data stories
### [Fast-growing trillion-dollar ocean economy goes beyond fishing and shipping](https://unctad.org/news/fast-growing-trillion-dollar-ocean-economy-goes-beyond-fishing-and-shipping)
### [Developing countries increasingly drive ocean economy but must diversify for resilience](https://unctad.org/news/developing-countries-increasingly-drive-ocean-economy-must-diversify-resilience)
### [Small island nations’ reliance on ocean services heightens risks. Diversification is critical.](https://unctad.org/news/small-island-nations-reliance-ocean-services-heightens-risks-diversification-critical)
### [Africa’s vulnerability to global shocks highlights need for stronger regional trade](https://unctad.org/news/africas-vulnerability-global-shocks-highlights-need-stronger-regional-trade)
### [Tracking trade and development: UNCTAD’s Data Insights highlight key trends](https://unctad.org/news/tracking-trade-and-development-unctads-data-insights-highlight-key-trends)
[More data stories](/data-stories)
Meetings and events
#### 17 – 19 March 2025
### International Debt Management Conference, 14th session
Geneva, Switzerland](https://unctad.org/meeting/international-debt-management-conference-14th-session)
#### 10 – 14 March 2025
### 2nd training workshop for communicators on circular economy
Stonetown, Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania](/meeting/2nd-training-workshop-communicators-circular-economy)
#### 11 – 14 March 2025
### TrainForTrade Modern Port Management Course: Launch of Cycle 2 and module 1 in Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay](/meeting/trainfortrade-modern-port-management-course-launch-cycle-2-and-module-1-uruguay)
#### 13 March 2025
### Celebration of World Consumer Rights Day: Webinar on 40 Years of the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection
#### 17 – 19 March 2025
### International Debt Management Conference, 14th session
Geneva, Switzerland](/meeting/international-debt-management-conference-14th-session)
#### 19 March 2025
### Online course on trade negotiation techniques: Webinar 3
[All meetings and events](/meetings)
Videos and podcasts
### 5th UN Ocean Forum on trade-related aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 14
#### Rebeca Grynspan: Viet Nam will host the 16th UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD16)
#### Economic Development in Africa Report 2024: Unlocking Africa's trade potential
[More videos](https://www.youtube.com/unctadonline)
### [Bigger barriers: Emily Blanchard on tariffs and trade wars](https://unctad.org/podcast/bigger-barriers-emily-blanchard-tariffs-and-trade-wars)
### [The future of food: Jennifer Clapp on recipes for resilience and sustainability](https://unctad.org/podcast/future-food-jennifer-clapp-recipes-resilience-and-sustainability)
[More podcasts](/podcast-search)
Secretary-General statements
##### Geneva, Switzerland
#### Rebeca Grynspan
Rebeca Grynspan of Costa Rica was appointed the eighth Secretary-General of UNCTAD on 13 September 2021. She is the first woman to hold this position in the history of the organization.
[**Read more**](/about/office-of-the-secretary-general "Secretary-General")
#### 7 March 2025
### Intergenerational Dialogue on Beijing +30: For all women and girls - rights, equality, empowerment
#### 3 March 2025
### 5th United Nations Ocean Forum on trade-related aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 14
#### 27 February 2025
### First meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors - 7th session: Sustainable finance working group
#### 26 February 2025
### First meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors - 1st session: Framework working group
#### 26 February 2025
### First meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors - 2nd session: International financial architecture
[All statements](/osgstatements-search?f[0]=product%3A1638)