🏳️Union of Concerned Scientists

Website faviconucsusa.org

The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Joining with people across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

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Anthony Eyring/UCS

Science for people and the planet.


The Union of Concerned Scientists is a member-supported nonprofit that’s fighting for a safer and healthier world.

[Learn more](/about) [Donate](http://secure.ucsusa.org/onlineactions/dR5QqmX2uUCLCFD1KkVEzg2?MS=homehero)

### [Tell Congress: Stop Trump's illegal and unconstitutional power grab.](https://secure.ucsusa.org/a/2025-stop-trumps-illegal-unconstitutional-power-grab)

[Act Now](https://secure.ucsusa.org/a/2025-stop-trumps-illegal-unconstitutional-power-grab)

Our work





### [An Open Letter on NOAA](/node/15814)

More than 2,500 scientists call on Congress and the Trump administration to protect NOAA.


Blog Series


### [Scientists Respond to the Trump Administration](/node/15774)

Our experts and analysts weigh in on the latest developments from the White House.




### [How to Counter Disinformation](/resources/how-counter-disinformation)

Learn how to spot disinformation and stop it in its tracks.


Activist Resource


### [Resources for Federal Scientists](/resources/resources-federal-scientists)

Are you a federal scientist, contractor, or federal worker? Here are resources to have on hand during the Trump administration.

[See all reports & multimedia](/resources)

From our blog


[](https://blog.ucs.org/dave-cooke/the-user-pay-myth-we-all-pay-for-our-roads-not-just-drivers/)March 13, 2025

### [The User-Pay Myth: We ALL Pay for Our Roads, Not Just Drivers](https://blog.ucs.org/dave-cooke/the-user-pay-myth-we-all-pay-for-our-roads-not-just-drivers/)

**User ID: 13** job title

[](https://blog.ucs.org/karen-perry-stillerman/what-does-science-have-to-do-with-the-price-of-eggs/)March 13, 2025

### [What Does Science Have to Do with the Price of Eggs?](https://blog.ucs.org/karen-perry-stillerman/what-does-science-have-to-do-with-the-price-of-eggs/)

**User ID: 19** job title

[](https://blog.ucs.org/erika-spanger-siegfried/whose-house-our-house-why-we-must-fight-the-theft-and-butchering-of-our-federal-agencies/)March 13, 2025

### [Whose House? Our House. Why We Must Fight the Theft and Butchering of Our Federal Agencies](https://blog.ucs.org/erika-spanger-siegfried/whose-house-our-house-why-we-must-fight-the-theft-and-butchering-of-our-federal-agencies/)

**User ID: 72** job title

[Read more](https://blog.ucsusa.org)

We are experts and everyday people, fighting for change together.



Contact Information



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How we work


### _Research_ the world’s most pressing issues

### _Fight misinformation_ and defend science

### _Communicate_ with the media, the public, and decisionmakers

### _Mobilize_ our 500,000 supporters to advocate for change

[Learn more](/about)



Clemens van Lay/Unsplash

January 2025

### Nuclear Security Agency Responds To UCS Scientist's Concerns

After a UCS scientist co-authored an article on the potential for a certain kind of in demand uranium fuel to be used to make nuclear weapons, US nuclear security agency NNSA agreed to sponsor a study on this risk.

[Read press release](https://www.ucsusa.org/about/news/analysis-published-science-finds-high-assay-low-enriched-uranium-fuel-be-produced-small)

[See all](/about/accomplishments)


### Defend Science From Trump’s Attacks!

**Goal: 2,000 gifts by Friday, March 28**

Trump, Musk, and their cronies are dismantling decades of science-based environmental and public health protections to benefit corporate polluters. **Make a gift today.**

[I'm ready to make a gift](https://secure.ucsusa.org/a/03-2025-march-web?ms=HPfloat)

[Tell me more](https://support.ucsusa.org/more)

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### Support our work

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 Make it monthly [Donate](https://secure.ucsusa.org/onlineactions/dR5QqmX2uUCLCFD1KkVEzg2?MS=takeover "Donate Online")

### Other ways to give

*   [Renew](https://secure.ucsusa.org/onlineactions/X4d_KofrBEWDRO3-p9U8-g2?MS=takeover)

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*   [Make a planned gift](https://legacy.ucsusa.org/)

*   [Gift memberships](https://secure.ucsusa.org/onlineactions/LA5-XXhFGUKJjpKyRFvQcw2?MS=takeover)

[More ways to give](/about/ways-give)

### Your donation at work

**87%** of funds go directly to programs