🏳️Troy Hunt: Troy Hunt

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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, run "Have I Been Pwned" and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals


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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, run "Have I Been Pwned" and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals[](/about)

We survived the cyclone! That was a seriously weird week with lots of build-up to an event that last occurred before I was born. It'd been 50 years since a cyclone came this far south, and the media was full of alarming predictions of destruction. In the end, we maxed out at 52kts just after I recorded this video: It’s here. But 47kts max gusts isn’t too bad, nothing actually blowing over here (yet). pic.twitter.com/qFyrZdiyRW — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) March 7, 2025 We remained completely u...[](/weekly-update-442/)

I think I've finally caught my breath after dealing with those 23 billion rows of stealer logs last week. That was a bit intense, as is usually the way after any large incident goes into HIBP. But the confusing nature of stealer logs coupled with an overtly long blog post explaining them and the conflation of which services needed a subscription versus which were easily accessible by anyone made for a very intense last 6 days. And there were the issues around source data integrity on top of ever...[](/were-backfilling-and-cleaning-stealer-logs-in-have-been-pwned/)

Processing data breaches (especially big ones), can be extremely laborious. And, of course, everyone commenting on them is an expert, so there's a heap of opinions out there. And so it was with the latest stealer logs, a corpus of data that took the better part of a month to process. And then I made things confusing in various ways which led to both Disqus comment and ticket hell. But hey, it's finally out and now it's back to normal breach processing for the foreseeable future 🙂 Referenc...[](/weekly-update-441/)

I like to start long blog posts with a tl;dr, so here it is: We've ingested a corpus of 1.5TB worth of stealer logs known as "ALIEN TXTBASE" into Have I Been Pwned. They contain 23 billion rows with 493 million unique website and email address pairs, affecting 284M unique email addresses. We've also added 244M passwords we've never seen before to Pwned Passwords and updated the counts against another 199M that were already in there. Finally, we now have a way for domain owners to query their en...[](/processing-23-billion-rows-of-alien-txtbase-stealer-logs/)

Wait - it's Tuesday already?! When you listen to this week's (ok, last week's) video, you'll probably get the sense I was a bit overloaded. Yeah, so that didn't stop, and the stealer log processing and new feature building just absolutely swamped me. Plus, I spent from then until now in Sydney at various meetings and events which was great, but didn't do a lot for my productivity. Be that as it may, we're now less than 12 hours off launching this all so, in the interests of not having me stay up...[](/weekly-update-440/)

We're now eyeball-deep into the HIBP rebrand and UX work, totally overhauling the image of the service as we know it. That said, a guiding principle has been to ensure the new looks is immediately recognisable and over months of work, I think we've achieved that. I'm holding off sharing anything until we're far enough down the road that we're confident in the direction we're heading, and then I want to invite the masses to contribute as we head towards a (re)launch. Whilst I didn't talk about i...[](/weekly-update-439/)

I think what's really scratching an itch for me with the home theatre thing is that it's this whole geeky world of stuff that I always knew was out there, but I'd just never really understood. For example, I mentioned waveforming in the video, and I'd never even heard of that let alone understood that there may be science where sound waves are smashed into each other in opposing directions in order to cancel each other out. And I'm sure I've got that completely wrong, but that's what's so fun ab...[](/weekly-update-438/)

It's IoT time! We're embarking on a very major home project (more detail of which is in the video), and some pretty big decisions need to be made about a very simple device: the light switch. I love having just about every light in our connected... when it works. The house has just the right light early each morning, it transitions into daytime mode right at the perfect time based on the amount of solar radiation in the sky, into evening time courtesy of the same device and then blacks out when...[](/weekly-update-437/)

We're heading back to London! And making a trip to Reykjavik. And Dublin. I talked about us considering this in the video yesterday, and just before publishing this post, we pulled the trigger and booked the tickets. The plan is to pretty much repeat the US and Canada trip we did in September and spend the time meeting up with some of the law enforcement agencies and various other organisations we've been working with over the years. As I say in the video, if you're in one of these locations and...[](/weekly-update-436/)

It's hard to find a good criminal these days. I mean a really trustworthy one you can be confident won't lead you up the garden path with false promises of data breaches. Like this guy yesterday: For my international friends, JB Hi-Fi is a massive electronics retailer down under and they have my data! I mean by design because I've bought a bunch of stuff from them, so I was curious not just about my own data but because a breach of 12 million plus people would be massive in a country of not muc...[](/you-cant-trust-hackers-and-other-data-breach-verification-tales/)

#### Upcoming Events

I often run [private workshops](/workshops) around these, here's upcoming events I'll be at:

1.  [NDC Melbourne: 29 Apr to 1 May, Melbourne (Australia)](https://ndcmelbourne.com/)

#### Must Read

*   [Data breach disclosure 101: How to succeed after you've failed](/data-breach-disclosure-101-how-to-succeed-after-youve-failed/)

*   [Data from connected CloudPets teddy bears leaked and ransomed, exposing kids' voice messages](/data-from-connected-cloudpets-teddy-bears-leaked-and-ransomed-exposing-kids-voice-messages/)

*   [Here's how I verify data breaches](/heres-how-i-verify-data-breaches/)

*   [When a nation is hacked: Understanding the ginormous Philippines data breach](/when-nation-is-hacked-understanding/)

*   [How I optimised my life to make my job redundant](/how-i-optimised-my-life-to-make-my-job/)


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5.  [Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fethical-hacking-social-engineering)

6.  [Modernizing Your Websites with Azure Platform as a Service](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fmodernizing-websites-microsoft-azure)

7.  [Introduction to Browser Security Headers](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fbrowser-security-headers)

8.  [Ethical Hacking: SQL Injection](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fethical-hacking-sql-injection)

9.  [Web Security and the OWASP Top 10: The Big Picture](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fweb-security-owasp-top10-big-picture)

10.  [Ethical Hacking: Hacking Web Applications](https://pluralsight.pxf.io/c/1196446/424552/7490?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pluralsight.com%2Fcourses%2Fethical-hacking-web-applications)