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#### [Quanta Magazine](/user/QuantaMagazine)
In chaotic systems, the smallest fluctuations get amplified. As scientist Edward Lorenz put it in the 1960s and 70s, even a seagull flapping its wings might eventually make a big difference to the weather. Here's how scientists came to understand what chaos is, and how to wrangle it:
350 BC: Even the ancients knew that small changes can have large and seemingly unpredictable effects. In On The Heavens, Aristotle wrote, “The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.”
1890: While investigating how a system of three orbiting bodies will evolve over time (now known as the three-body problem), Henri Poincaré discovered that the smallest variation in their initial state will lead to enormous discrepancies later on. He suggested that this sensitive dependence on initial conditions might be widespread in nature.
[Read 16 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Jacob Magid](/user/JacobMagid)
US envoy to Mideast Steve Witkoff goes public with many of the key terms of a "bridge proposal" he submitted on Wed in Doha, while dismissing as disingenuous the announcement Hamas made earlier today that it had agreed to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander. (1/11)
Witkoff demands that Hamas immediately release the 20-year-old soldier, and suggests that he has given the terror group a deadline for doing so, warning of consequences if that unspecified date passes. (2/11)
Witkoff makes the revelation in a rare statement, which begins by recalling US President Donald Trump's recent ultimatum to Hamas to immediately release all hostages "or pay a severe price." (3/11)
[Read 11 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Santa Monica Studio – God of War Ragnarök](/user/SonySantaMonica)
Coming to God of War Ragnarök and God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla on March 20th – The Dark Odyssey Collection!
Inspired by the legendary God of War II Dark Odyssey Kratos skin, we’ve put together a free collection of in-game cosmetics as a thank you to all our players for 20 amazing years of support
The Dark Odyssey collection in God of War Ragnarök will include the following:
🏛️ NEW Dark Odyssey Armor & Appearance for Kratos[](
🏛️ NEW Dark Odyssey Weapon Appearances & Attachments[](
[Read 6 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Shruti Mishra](/user/heyshrutimishra)
Your phone is stealing 15 years of your life
5+ hours of daily scrolling = 15 years wasted
Take control now with this guide to breaking free 👇[](
Your phone is designed to keep you addicted.
Social media is engineered to hijack your brain.
Every like, notification, and video triggers dopamine spikes, keeping you trapped in an endless loop.
If you don’t take control, you’ll waste years scrolling mindlessly.
1\. Make your phone harder to use.
As James Clear says: "Make bad habits difficult."
✔️ Set your screen to grayscale (removes the dopamine rush).
✔️ Set clear boundaries with social media apps.
✔️ Keep your phone in another room during work hours.
The harder it is to scroll, the easier it is to break free.
[Read 10 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Christina Riordan ☦️🇺🇸](/user/CRiordan2024)
💡IDEA: Free K-12 American Academy 📚💻
What if we redirect property taxes to fund homeschoolers via an endowment? A hybrid system could unify education, align with Trump's Agenda 47 vision for an American Academy, and abolish unfair local taxes for a free, fair ed system. 🧵👇🏻
What if we rethink property taxes? $600B collected yearly funds local schools, but homeschool families get zero benefit despite paying. Could endowment taxes ($10B+) create a hybrid K-12 American Academy, free for all, while easing taxpayer burdens?[](
Scenario: 2025, endowment tax kicks in. $5B goes to K-12 pilot - online courses, AI tutors, homeschool co-ops. Property taxes drop 10% as funds shift. Homeschoolers get accredited options; school kids join hybrid hubs. Fairness starts.[](
[Read 11 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Raphaëlle d'Ornano](/user/Raph_dOrnano)
With @CoreWeave marching toward its IPO, I want to step back and look at the #neocloud landscape. I dove into this sector in my most recent newsletter. A /🧵[](
1/🧵Neoclouds are emerging as specialized infrastructure providers optimized specifically for AI computation, representing a fundamental shift from traditional cloud computing designed for general-purpose workloads.
2/🧵The "Efficiency Gap" in AI: Traditional clouds only utilize 35-45% of GPU capacity for AI workloads, while neoclouds achieve 60-70%, delivering superior price-performance for AI computation.
[Read 14 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [PACBI - BDS movement](/user/PACBI)
#FreeMahmoud. Let’s continue his work: #TheyRepressWeBDS.
Broad-tent, intersectional coalitions against fascism, white supremacy, McCarthyism, colonial oppression, and unprecedented authoritarianism are needed now more than ever.
As we fight for Khalil’s immediate release and against the Trump administration's repressive measures, we must also commit to continue the work Khalil and tens of thousands of students, academics and staff around the world to get Israeli apartheid off campus and out of academia.[](
We also call for effective action, including censure, against universities such as @Columbia that are not only complicit in Israeli crimes but also cooperate with the repressive authorities in the arrest and deportation of students over their expressions.
[Read 3 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Laura Loomer](/user/LauraLoomer)
🚨EXCLUSIVE🚨 In an international investigation with my contacts on the ground in Cape Town, South Africa, I have captured exclusive photos of @HunterBiden this morning with his Secret Service detail— PROVING that he fled the country right after he was served a deposition notice in his failed Laptop lawsuit on 2/28/25. I exclusively reported this over a week ago, and the media ignored it and doubted my claims that Hunter Biden was still getting US Secret Service protection since @JoeBiden is no longer in the White House as President.
So, I decided to take my investigation international and matters into my own hands to prove the media and detractors wrong and expose this egregious waste and abuse of US taxpayer funds.
I can also exclusively confirm the US @SecretService is being forced to protect Hunter Biden, his second wife Melissa Cohen, and their child Beau as they shop at high end stores and live in an oceanside villa in Capetown for the next 6 weeks to 3 months. On 3/5/25, just 9 days ago, Hunter Biden signed a declaration that he and his lawyers submitted to the federal court in Los Angeles, CA UNDER OATH WITH PENALTY OF PEJURY, in which he said he is “broke” and millions of dollars in debt. Now, despite claiming poverty, Hunter is living the high life in one of the most expensive neighborhoods on the continent of Africa, all while being protected by the US Secret Service!
I can confirm via my on the ground investigation that the US Secret Service is working with the US Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa to provide US taxpayer funded protection for Hunter Biden and and his wife during their entire time in South Africa, and his Secret Service detail includes 12 agents per day.
4 agents work to protect Hunter and his wife every 8 hours in 3 shifts, for a total of 12 Secret Service agents every day, ON US TAXPAYER DIME!
Here’s a couple photos my contacts and I captured of Hunter Biden with one of his US Secret Service agents this morning in Cape Town, South Africa! Hunter’s wife was out SHOPPING at high end stores when these photos were taken today. You can even see the time stamp on our photos below, and the South African license plates, proving these photos were taken today in Cape Town, South Africa!
More to come! Follow me for this continued international investigation and expose of how your US taxpayer dollars are being abused to protect Hunter Biden during his luxury vacation!
🚨See photos and Hunter Biden’s recent court declaration below🚨👇🏻[](
I have confirmed that the man next to Hunter Biden is a US Secret Service agent.
The US @SecretService agent who was photographed protecting @HunterBiden today in South Africa is the same Secret Service agent who protected Hunter while Hunter blew off a Congressional deposition subpoena in 2024.
I have confirmed the identity of the Secret Service agent in the photos I have captured of Hunter in South Africa today, but I won’t post his name publicly at this moment for the agent’s own safety while he is out of the country.
[Read 3 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Jeremy Wayne Tate](/user/JeremyTate41)
Sketchbooks of legendary artists & writers 🧵
1\. Cats, lions, and a dragon - Leonardo da Vinci[](
2\. Studies for the Libyan Sibyl by Michelangelo, 1510–11[](
3\. J.R.R. Tolkien's drawing of the entrance to the Mines of Moria
"Speak, friend, and enter"[](
[Read 20 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Mikael Nilsson 🇺🇦](/user/ars_gravitatis)
I have now listened to the @joerogan podcast with Darryl Cooper. It is indeed a train wreck, as always when Rogan is taking on history, or any other subject that there are actual experts on. Cooper’s Nazi apologetics goes much deeper than you think. Here’s a thread on it:
The main takeaway from this podcast is the methods used by apologists to introduce their Nazi apologetics to the uncritical listener. Cooper always makes sure to signal that he is reading his sources critically, but it’s a sham. At 37:00 he is asked when Hitler started going
after the Jews, and he can’t give a straight answer and starts babbling about what Hitler writes about him becoming an antisemite in Mein Kampf. Historians already know what Hitler says about this in MK is bullshit. Yet, Cooper claims that there is little reason to assume Hitler
[Read 24 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Engineer Xplains](/user/engineer_inside)
Meet the guy behind @dhruvrahtee account
Name: Mohammed Rashid Raja Khan
Hometown : Buxar (Bihar)
Current City : Delhi
Hobby : Mocking Sanatan Dharma, Abusing BJP leaders
Personality : Typical Chhapri
Targets Sanatan Dharma
Abuses @myogiadityanath @AmitShah @BeingArun28
[Read 5 tweets](javascript:void\(0\))
#### [Michael O'Bernicia](/user/TheBernician)
Lord Coke, the draftsman of the Petition of Right, said in the seminal 1610 decision commonly known as Dr. Bonham’s Case:
“In many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament \[...\]: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”
The Petition of Right set out some specific liberties of the subject that the king was prohibited from infringing, complaining that:
“...great companies of soldiers and mariners have been dispersed into divers counties of the realm, and the inhabitants against their wills have been compelled to receive them into their houses, and there to suffer them to sojourn against the laws and customs of this realm.”
The Petition of Right also echoed the earlier re-issuings of Magna Carta by saying that “no man, of what estate or condition that he be, should be put out of his land or tenements, nor taken, nor imprisoned, nor disinherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of law.”
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