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We develop and scale technologies to rid the oceans of plastic
Our cleaning technologies are deployed around the world as we conduct the largest cleanup in history. For over ten years, The Ocean Cleanup has been researching, extracting, and monitoring plastic pollution in oceans and rivers globally – with millions of kilograms removed to date.
A planet-sized problem
Trillions of pieces of plastic pollute our oceans today, and the problem is worsening. This plastic has a devastating impact on marine wildlife and ecosystems. Plastics can persist for many decades, continuously degrading into microplastics. These can be ingested by wildlife and later enter the human food chain. Plastic pollution is a global crisis requiring urgent action.
We aim to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution by 2040
The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. To achieve this objective, we use a dual strategy: intercepting plastic in rivers to cut the inflow of pollution, and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean and won’t go away by itself. When the oceans are clean, we can put ourselves out of business.
the ocean
The Ocean Cleanup is cleaning up floating plastics caught swirling in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a plastic accumulation zone with over 100,000,000 kilograms of plastic.
[Learn more](
in rivers
To clean the oceans, we also need to stop new trash from flowing into them. By tackling 1000 rivers around the world, we can halt 80% of riverine pollution reaching our oceans.
[Learn more](
The latest news
* [10 March
#### Panama: implementing a city-wide approach to plastic pollution prevention
Read the update](
* [19 December
#### 2024: A record-breaking year for The Ocean Cleanup
Read the update](
* [14 December
#### How river plastic from Guatemala became Coldplay’s latest record​
See on Youtube](
* [2 December
#### Failure to agree on landmark treaty
Read the update](
* [19 November
#### Persistent legacy plastic fragments are rising disproportionally faster than larger floating objects in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Read the update](
* [14 November
#### Watch the documentary about the Great Mangrove Cleanup tournament organized by our local partners in Kingston, Jamaica.
See on Youtube](
* [14 October
#### Kia x The Ocean Cleanup: launching their first-ever car accessory made using plastic extracted from the GPGP
View the page](
* [6 September
#### Replay the live event: the Great Pacific Garbage Patch can be cleaned for $7.5 billion
See on Youtube](
* [16 August
#### The hardest parts about the offshore cleanup
See on Youtube](
* [8 August
#### Introducing Interceptor: 021 in Guatemala
Read the update](
* [30 July
#### New research reveals no elevated densities of neuston within plastic hotspots inside the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Read the update](
* [16 July
#### The #TeamSeas campaign has successfully concluded
Read the update](
* [12 July
#### Impact update: we have passed a total of 15,000,000 kg
See on Instagram](
* [25 June
#### Timelapse: one month of Interceptor 006 operations in Guatemala
See on Youtube](
* [20 June
#### From river plastic to Coldplay LP
See on Youtube](
* [17 June
#### The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay announce LP made using plastic intercepted in Guatemala
Read the update](
* [23 May
#### Highlights from our 100th catch livestream
Read the press release](
* [31 May
#### The Dutch State renews its support for The Ocean Cleanup’s activities in the high seas
Read the update](
* [27 May
#### Plastic extraction #100 LIVE from the GPGP this week
See on Youtube](
* [23 May
#### The Ocean Cleanup to complete 100th extraction live from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Read the press release](
* [11 May
#### The people behind Interceptor 019 in Thailand
See on Youtube](
* [1 May
#### Experts debunk 9 myths about ocean plastic pollution
See on Youtube](
* [25 April
#### Global Plastics Treaty: why legacy plastic cleanup is essential
Read the update](
* [22 April
#### The Ocean Cleanup breaks 10,000,000 kg barrier
Read the press release](
* [17 April
#### Will this be our biggest ever river catch?
Read the update](
* [9 April
#### The Ocean Cleanup returns to Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Read the update](
* [26 March
#### Bangkok begins: The Ocean Cleanup comes to Thailand
Read the update](
* [20 March
#### First System 03 extraction this year
See on Instagram](
* [18 March
#### A new way to join the mission: fundraise to help clean up
Read the update](
* [12 March
#### System 03 - plans for 2024
See on X](
* [20 February
#### Interceptor 019 deployment underway in Bangkok, Thailand
Read more on Twitter](
* [19 February
#### How does plastic end up in rivers?
Read the update](
* [29 January
#### Mumbai Calling: The Ocean Cleanup and Bharat Clean Rivers Foundation Join Forces in India
Read the update](
* [26 January
#### Kingston, Jamaica: The first Interceptor city
Read the update](
* [13 January
The horrific impact of ocean plastic: two turtles entrapped in…
See on Instagram](
* [28 December
2023: Our Most Impactful Year Yet
See on Youtube](
* [23 December
2,000,000 kg of trash intercepted by Interceptor 002
See on Instagram](
* [20 December
We now have 7 Interceptors in Kingston's gullies stopping trash…
See on Facebook](
* [18 December
We have removed over 8,000,000 kg (17.8m lb) of trash…
See on Instagram](
* [27 November
#### Malaysia and The Ocean Cleanup Extend Cooperation
Read the press release](
* [20 November
#### Maersk Supply Service and related parties extend their support to The Ocean Cleanup
Read the press release](
* [15 November
#### The Ocean Cleanup And Coldplay Renew Partnership With Interceptor 020 In Jakarta, Indonesia
Read the update](
* [14 November
#### Lasting Damage: Why Cleanup Is Essential To Tackle Microplastics
Read the update](
* [9 November
#### How We Ensure An Environmentally Sound Cleanup
Read the update](
* [19 October
3,000,000 kg of trash that will not reach the Caribbean…
See on Instagram](
* [13 October
Trash or treasure? Some of the strangest items recovered from…
See on Facebook](
* [7 October
This Was the First Step of System 03
See on Youtube](
* [4 October
#### From CGI to IRL: Ocean Cleaning Made Reality
See on Youtube](
* [21 September
#### System 03: Our Biggest Plastic Extraction to Date
See on Youtube](
* [31 August
#### System 03: A Beginner’s Guide
Read the update](
* [30 August
System 03 nickname reveal
See on Tiktok](
* [28 August
#### Goodbye System 002, hello System 03
See on Facebook](
* [25 August
#### What Jenny Taught Us: Lessons from System 002
Read the update](
* [18 August
#### Last trip of System 002
See on Youtube](
* [15 August
#### Going back to shore to offload 55 metric tons
See on Instagram](
* [11 August
Record Catch: 11,353 kg of plastic out of the ocean
See on Youtube](
* [2 August
Interceptor 006 record catch: 89 truckloads in a day.
See on X](
* [31 July
Another 69 truckloads of trash removed in Guatemala last week.
See on Facebook](
* [26 July
#### Interceptor Barrier and Interceptor Tender stopping trash at Tivoli Gully in Jamaica.
View on LinkedIn](
* [21 July
#### System 002: mission progress report
View on YouTube](
* [12 July
#### Interceptor 002 caught a lot of trash from the heavy rains on the Klang River in Malaysia last week.
View on Instagram](
* [11 July
#### Over one thousand truckloads of trash removed from the Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala.
View on Instagram](
* [6 July
#### The Ocean Cleanup announces partnership with Hyundai Glovis
Read the update](
* [29 June
#### Over 1.5m kg of trash collected with Interceptor 006 in Guatemala
View on Twitter](
* [28 June
#### "We have this super-human level of perseverance. We are focused on the goal."
Listen to the podcast](
* [14 June
#### Interceptor Barricade Makes Promising Start in Guatemala ahead of First Seasonal Heavy Floods
Read the press release](
* [7 June
#### Our Cleanup Progress Offshore as System 002 Gets Bigger
View on YouTube](
* [5 June
#### Interceptor 006 Is Ready to Tackle Trash Floods in Guatemala
See on YouTube](
* [25 May
#### Humanity Is Addicted to Plastic, but We Can Still Keep It Out of Our Oceans
Read in The New York Times](
* [16 May
#### Introducing the Interceptor Barricade: The Ocean Cleanup returns to Guatemala
Read the update](
* [12 May
#### Interceptor 020 to be deployed in Cisadane, Indonesia
Read the press release](
* [11 May
#### Ocean Plastic Pollution Explained
See on Youtube](
* [9 May
#### System 002/C completes its debut extraction
See on Instagram](
* [8 May
#### Interceptor 007's final offload of its first storm season in LA County, US
See on X](
* [1 May
#### Our biggest cleanup system so far, System 002/C has been deployed last Friday
See on Linkedin](
* [25 April
#### Initial deployment of System 002/C scheduled for tomorrow
See on Instagram](
* [5 April
#### System 002 and marine life: prevention and mitigation
Read the update](
* [4 April
#### 200,000 kg of plastic extracted from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
See on X](
* [28 February
#### We are returning to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with System 002/B in one week
See on X](
* [15 February
#### Celebrating 10 years
See on Instagram](
* [9 February
#### The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations: Partnering with UNDP
Read the update](
* [17 January
#### Interceptor 002 filled up in less than 2,5 hours on December 19
See on Instagram](
* [29 December
#### 2022 Recap
See on Youtube](
* ### Help clean
Your donations and help enable us to work on our common goal of ridding the world's oceans of plastic.
* ### Join the team
To complete one of the most ambitious engineering projects of this generation, we seek dedicated, focused and inventive minds to join our international team.
* ### Spread the word
The power of the crowd is what lead to the start of The Ocean Cleanup back in 2013. Be part of the movement on social media.
> The Ocean Cleanup is a bold idea to confront the significant challenge of restoring our ocean ecosystem. This is a unique opportunity to profoundly impact our environment, pursuing an ambitious solution to remove plastic waste from our oceans with significant benefits for wildlife, the food chain and community health.
> Looks cool
> We are your big fans and admirers, and we are so happy that we got to partner with you on Interceptor 005, which we refer to as Neon Moon 1
> The first real plan to try to clean things up.
> I believe \[The Ocean Cleanup\] will find a way.
> With Boyan's innovative leadership, I believe The Ocean Cleanup will have an incredibly positive impact on the future of our oceans. I hope other leaders will join us in supporting these efforts.
> \[The Ocean Cleanup's\] success could significantly reduce marine animals fatalities and enable numerous marine species \[...\] to survive
> An incredible proposal
> A symbol of not only preaching, but also acting.
> In order to keep 7.5 billion of us alive and prosperous and healthy, it takes work and it takes initiative. \[...\] That's what The Ocean Cleanup is all about and we absolutely need their work.
> Congratulations on the success so far. \[...\] I am really inspired by the work you guys continue to do.
> What is interesting to see \[...\] is that you are using nature to solve the mess we are doing on this planet.
> \[...\] there is no doubt that your efforts will truly have lasting, positive impact on our local and international communities.
> Boyan Slat is inspiring people, organizations and governments to find solutions to the escalating threat of plastic debris in our oceans, while also serving as a reminder to us all that more work needs to be done \[...\]
Thanks to our partners we can clean the oceans.
[See all partners](
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