🏳️Domestic Violence Support | National Domestic Violence Hotline

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Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. When you're ready, we're here to listen with confidential support 24/7/365.

Workplace Focus Survey


The Hotline and Futures Without Violence is conducting a survey to better understand the experiences of victims and survivors in the workplace. You can complete the survey now through April 23. No identifying information will be collected.

[Take the survey today](https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QT9KBHT)

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Here For You.

### We are here to serve all those impacted by relationship abuse 24/7 confidentially. Due to high demand, you may experience longer wait times to connect with a live advocate. If you are unable to wait safely or aren’t ready to call, chat or text — you can search our [Get Help](https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/) section anytime for resources and support in your area.




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**A.I. Chat**

_The Ruth Pilot Project has come to an end. Stay tuned for more information. Call, chat, or text a live advocate anytime, or check out our online resources._

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[What to expect when you contact us](https://www.thehotline.org/what-to-expect-when-you-contact-us/)

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Free. Confidential. 24/7.


*   [Get Help](https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/)

*   [Identify Abuse](https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/)

*   [Plan for Safety](https://www.thehotline.org/plan-for-safety/)

*   [Support Others](https://www.thehotline.org/support-others/)

*   [Local Resources](https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/)

*   [Get Involved](https://www.thehotline.org/get-involved/)

Everyone deserves healthy relationships.


When you're ready, we're here to listen.


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### Create a path to safety


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> “I credit The Hotline with saving my life from an abuser, giving me the facts I needed in an emergency to equip myself to get out.”


> Anonymous survivor


### 24/7 access to resources and support specifically aimed at teen and young adult relationships


*   [Call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)](tel:1.800.799.7233)

*   [Chat live now](#)

*   [Text "START" to 88788

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