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[asked 20 mins ago](/questions/738973/section-header-vertical-alignment-numbering-and-text)
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[Alessandro Chitarrini](/users/378351/alessandro-chitarrini)
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[modified 20 mins ago](/questions/738967/arrow-styles-for-entity-relationship-model-tikz?lastactivity)
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[Kamaron Wilcox](/users/382889/kamaron-wilcox)
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[answered 1 hour ago](/questions/738769/gregoriotex-is-not-compiling-in-texworks-how-do-i-fix-this?lastactivity)
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[Willie Wong](/users/119/willie-wong)
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[modified 1 hour ago](/questions/738959/using-overleaf-and-i-cant-get-the-page-size-to-render-in-11x17?lastactivity)
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[answered 1 hour ago](/questions/738968/table-formatting-issues?lastactivity)
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[modified 1 hour ago](/questions/585550/auto-arrangement-of-subfields-in-postal-address-fields-of-letters?lastactivity)
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[Bowen 404](/users/244917/bowen-404)
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[answered 2 hours ago](/questions/131125/better-way-to-display-long-division?lastactivity)
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[modified 2 hours ago](/questions/738941/avoiding-the-hyphenation-of-specific-syllables-in-greek)
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[modified 3 hours ago](/questions/738839/strange-linebreak-and-noindent-glue-behavior-with-different-fonts?lastactivity)
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[Hessel Jonker](/users/368195/hessel-jonker)
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