🏳️The University of Sydney

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The University of Sydney                                               

Let's make it happen

Empowering brilliant minds to inspire, educate and innovate - a community where students can reach their full potential.

Let's make it happen


Empowering brilliant minds to inspire, educate and innovate - a community where students can reach their full potential.

[Learn more](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/make-it-happen.html)

Find a course


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*   [Arts and social sciences](/content/courses/field-of-study/arts.html) false /content/dam/icons/approved-icons/light-bulb.svg

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*   [Law](/content/courses/field-of-study/law.html) false /content/dam/icons/approved-icons/gavel.svg

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*   [Science](/content/courses/field-of-study/science.html) false /content/dam/icons/approved-icons/molecule-structure.svg



Whether you’re starting out, wanting to further your career, or pursuing a passion, let’s make it happen.

*   [Find a course](https://www.sydney.edu.au/courses/search.html)

*   [Applying](https://www.sydney.edu.au/study/applying.html)

*   [Fees, costs and loans](https://www.sydney.edu.au/study/fees-and-loans.html)

*   [International students](https://www.sydney.edu.au/study/international-students.html)

[Study with us](https://www.sydney.edu.au/study.html)

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*   [Postgraduate courses](/content/corporate/study/study-options/postgraduate-courses.html) false /content/dam/icons/approved-icons/chart-graph.svg

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We've spent over 170 years empowering brilliant minds from all walks of life to strive for better – for themselves, their communities and their world.

*   [Our rankings](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/our-world-rankings.html)

*   [Getting to campus](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/campuses/getting-to-campus.html)

*   [Faculties and schools](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/faculties-and-schools.html)

*   [Careers at Sydney](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/careers-at-sydney.html)

[About us](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us.html)


### 18th in the world

One of the top universities in Australia and highly ranked among the best universities globally.



### 11th for sustainability in the world

We're tackling the world’s greatest environmental, social and governance challenges.


Our research


Our researchers are tackling the world’s greatest problems, from creating a more sustainable world to developing new treatments for chronic diseases.

[Research areas

Our breadth of expertise across our faculties and schools is supported by deep disciplinary knowledge.



### Research areas

Our breadth of expertise across our faculties and schools is supported by deep disciplinary knowledge.


[Research centres

With more than 150 research centres and networks, we are one of the world's leading research universities.



### Research centres

With more than 150 research centres and networks, we are one of the world's leading research universities.


[Find a researcher

Our academics are leaders in their fields, publishing thousands of articles and books each year.



### Find a researcher

Our academics are leaders in their fields, publishing thousands of articles and books each year.




Our 445,000+ alumni, spread worldwide, make a significant global impact. They volunteer, serve on boards, and support our research vision to tackle global challenges.

*   [Get involved](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/alumni/get-involved.html)

*   [Benefits program](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/alumni/benefits.html)

*   [Update your details](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/alumni/update-your-details.html)

[Sydney Alumni Community](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/alumni.html)

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Whether you're in government, enterprise-level business or a high-tech start-up, connect with us to make your vision a reality.

*   [Contact us](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/contact-us.html)

*   [Find a staff member](https://www.sydney.edu.au/about-us/governance-and-structure/staff-directory.html)

*   [Collaborate with our researchers](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/industry-business-partnerships/collaborate-with-our-researchers.html)

*   [Work with our students](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/industry-business-partnerships/work-with-our-students.html)

[Partner with us](https://www.sydney.edu.au/engage/industry-business-partnerships.html)

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News and opinion


Read the latest news, expert commentary and independent opinion from the University of Sydney. [Read all](/content/corporate/news-opinion/news.html)

[175 years of women leading for good at Sydney

Celebrating women throughout our history this International Women's Day.



### 175 years of women leading for good at Sydney

Celebrating women throughout our history this International Women's Day.


[Sydney researcher recognised as national 'problem solver'

Professor Robert Park chosen as Universities Australia’s national Problem Solver at its 2024 Shaping Australia Awards for his cereal fungus research.



### Sydney researcher recognised as national 'problem solver'

Professor Robert Park chosen as Universities Australia’s national Problem Solver at its 2024 Shaping Australia Awards for his cereal fungus research.


[Snow family's partnership to transform glaucoma treatment

The Snow Vision Accelerator at the University of Sydney is Australia's largest single philanthropic investment in vision science and a groundbreaking initiative for glaucoma research.



### Snow family's partnership to transform glaucoma treatment

The Snow Vision Accelerator at the University of Sydney is Australia's largest single philanthropic investment in vision science and a groundbreaking initiative for glaucoma research.


Contact us


### Contact us online

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[Prospective students](https://sydneyuni.service-now.com/selfservice?id=sc_cat_item_public&sys_id=185a07f6dbde2810379991a3e296199c)  

[Current students](https://www.sydney.edu.au/students/student-contacts-enquiries.html)

### Call us

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[1800 793 864](tel:1800793864) (within Australia)  

[+61 2 8627 1444](tel:61286271444) (outside Australia)

### Other

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[Non-student enquiries](/content/corporate/contact-us.html)  

for Media, Alumni, Engagement etc.