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#### Today at the Court - Friday, Mar 7, 2025
* * *
* The Supreme Court Building is [open to the public](https://www.supremecourt.gov/visiting/visiting.aspx "Link to visiting the court.")Â from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
* The Justices will meet in a private conference to discuss cases and vote on petitions for review.
* The Court will release an order list at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, March 10.
* [Courtroom Lectures](https://www.supremecourt.gov/visiting/courtroomlectures.aspx#Calendar "Link to tour schedule.") available within the next 30 days.
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March 2025
[Calendar Info/Key](legendkeyinfo.aspx)
  [Argument Days](legendkeyinfo.aspx#ArgumentDay)
  [Non-argument Days](legendkeyinfo.aspx#Non-argumentDay)
  [Conference Days](legendkeyinfo.aspx#ConferenceDays)
[](#)Â Â [Order List Issuance Days](#)
 [Conference /
 Non-argument Day](legendkeyinfo.aspx#Non-argumentDay)[](legendkeyinfo.aspx#ConferenceDays)[](legendkeyinfo.aspx#ConferenceDays)
The Court convenes for a session in the Courtroom at 10 a.m. The session may begin with the announcement of opinions - decisions in argued cases - followed by the swearing in of new members to the Bar of the Supreme Court. Unless otherwise noted, the Court generally hears two, one-hour oral arguments, with attorneys for each side of a case given 30 minutes to make a presentation to the Court and answer questions posed by the Justices. These sessions are open to the public.
The Court convenes for a session in the Courtroom at 10 a.m. The session begins with the announcement of opinions - decisions in argued cases - followed by the swearing in of new members to the Bar of the Supreme Court. These sessions, which typically last 15-30 minutes, are open to the public.
The Justices meet in a private conference to discuss cases argued earlier that week. The Justices also discuss and vote on petitions for review. The building is open to the public but the Justices do not take the Bench.
The Court convenes for a session in the Courtroom at 10 a.m. The session begins with the announcement of opinions - decisions in argued cases - followed by the swearing in of new members to the Bar of the Supreme Court. These sessions, which typically last 15-30 minutes, are open to the public.
The Justices meet in a private conference to discuss cases argued earlier that week. The Justices also discuss and vote on petitions for review. The building is open to the public but the Justices do not take the Bench.
The Court is closed on federal holidays. For questions on how the holiday impacts case filings, contact the Clerk's Office.
Opinion Issuance Days
Order List Issuance Days
Conference/Opinion Issuance Days
Conference/Argument Days
### Oral Arguments
#### Week of Monday, March 3
Monday, March 3
[](#)Â [](#)Â [](/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2024/23-1201_n758.pdf)Â [](/oral_arguments/audio/2024/23-1201)Â
CC/Devas Ltd. v. Antrix Corp. Ltd. (23-1201)
[](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
Devas Multimedia Private Ltd. v. Antrix Corp. Ltd. (24-17)
[](#)Â [](#)Â [](/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2024/23-1259_3e04.pdf)Â [](/oral_arguments/audio/2024/23-1259)Â
BLOM Bank SAL v. Honickman (23-1259)
Tuesday, March 4
[](#)Â [](#)Â [](/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2024/23-1141_8m59.pdf)Â [](/oral_arguments/audio/2024/23-1141)Â
Smith & Wesson Brands v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos (23-1141)
Wednesday, March 5
[](#)Â [](#)Â [](/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2024/23-1300_e29g.pdf)Â [](/oral_arguments/audio/2024/23-1300)Â
NRC v. Texas (23-1300)
[](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
Interim Storage Partners, LLC v. Texas (23-1312)
The audio recordings and transcripts of all oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court of the United States are posted on this website on the same day an argument is heard by the Court. Same-day transcripts are considered official but subject to final review.
[Earlier Transcripts](oral_arguments/argument_transcript.aspx) | [Earlier Audio](oral_arguments/argument_audio.aspx)
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### Recent Decisions
March 05, 2025
[](opinions/24pdf/23-713_jifl.pdf)Â [](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
Bufkin v. Collins (23-713)
The Department of Veterans Affairsâ determination that the evidence regarding a service-related disability claim is in âapproximate balanceâ pursuant to the âbenefit-of-the-doubt rule,â 38 U. S. C. §5107(b), is a predominantly factual determination reviewed only for clear error.
March 04, 2025
[](opinions/24pdf/23-753_f2bh.pdf)Â [](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
City and County of San Francisco v. EPA (23-753)
The challenged end-result permitting provisionsâwhich make the permittee responsible for the quality of the water in the body of water into which the permittee discharges pollutantsâexceed the Environmental Protection Agencyâs authority under the Clean Water Act.
February 26, 2025
[](opinions/24pdf/23-900_19m1.pdf)Â [](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers Inc. (23-900)
In awarding the âdefendantâs profitsâ to the prevailing plaintiff in a trademark infringement suit under the Lanham Act, 15 U. S. C. §1117(a), a court can award only profits ascribable to the âdefendantâ itself.
[](opinions/24pdf/23-971_l6gn.pdf)Â [](#)Â [](#)Â Â Â
Waetzig v. Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (23-971)
A case voluntarily dismissed without prejudice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a) counts as a âfinal proceedingâ under Rule 60(b).
[More Opinions...](opinions/slipopinions.aspx)
### Did You Know...
#### Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. âBrrrrâ-ger
Growing up in St. Paul, Minnesota, future Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and his wife-to-be, Elvera Stromberg, were no strangers to winter weather. On a 20 F day in January 1933, the couple joined Betty Blackmun, sister of Warrenâs good friend Harry, for a sledding session at Minnehaha Falls Regional Park. In November of that year, the couple were married in the Stromberg familyâs Minnesota home. During the ceremony, fellow future Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun stood as Burgerâs best manâa testament to their lifelong friendship. In response to the coupleâs happy union, Blackmun opined, âThere are a few things in life worthwhile, after all.â
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[](didyouknow/images/1999-148_BurgerSnow.jpg "Warren E. Burger stands between Theo âBettyâ Blackmun (left) and his future wife, Elvera Stromberg (right), 1933.")
Warren E. Burger stands between Theo âBettyâ Blackmun (left) and his future wife, Elvera Stromberg (right), 1933.
Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
Click on the arrows or dots to see the next photograph.
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[](didyouknow/images/1999-235-301_BurgerWedding.jpg "Wedding photograph featuring Warren E. Burger (far right), his bride Elvera Stromberg (middle right), Best Man Harry A. Blackmun (far left), and Maid of Honor Ella Caroline Anderson (middle left), 1933.")
Wedding photograph featuring Warren E. Burger (far right), his bride Elvera Stromberg (middle right), Best Man Harry A. Blackmun (far left), and Maid of Honor Ella Caroline Anderson (middle left), 1933.
Photograph by Rembrandt Art Studio, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
Click on the arrows or dots to see the first photograph.
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SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543