🏳️Support - Spotify

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Here to help! Find out how to set up and use Spotify. Learn about features, troubleshoot issues, and get answers to questions. Everything you need to stay in tune. For listeners, artists, brands, developers and music fans alike.

Spotify Support


How can we help you?


[Log in](https://accounts.spotify.com/login/?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.spotify.com%2Fus%2F) for faster help

Start typing into the Search box, then use the Tab key to choose an option from the list.

*   Payments & billing


*   Manage your account


*   Premium plans


*   In-app features


*   Devices & troubleshooting


*   Safety & privacy


Quick help


*   [Can’t log in to Spotify](/us/article/cannot-remember-login/)

*   [Failed payment help](/us/article/failed-payment/)

*   [Charged too much](/us/article/charged-too-much/)

*   [Invite or remove Family plan members](/us/article/invite-remove-family-member/)

*   [How to change your payment details](/us/article/change-payment-details/)

Visit our Community


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[Go to Community](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Spotify-Answers/tkb-p/Spotify-Answers)