🏳️RIOT Summit 2024

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*   [](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT "RIOT Summit 2024 Github Page")



**9th get-together of the friendly Operating System for** **the Internet of Things**


**Vienna, Austria and online**


[Speakers](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/#speakers) [Slides](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/#agenda)  

[VideOs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDXXQJiSjPKF4_wveueE-I2TSUuXi_XbU) [Photos](https://flickr.com/photos/142412063@N07/albums/72177720320138217)

Let's meet face to face!


### About RIOT

RIOT is the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things. If you cannot run Linux on your device due to constrained hardware, use RIOT! RIOT explicitly implements the idea of an open Internet. It supports all relevant standards and is distributed under open source license. You find more details on [www.riot-os.org](https://riot-os.org).

The RIOT community consists of companies, academias, and hobbyist, distributed all around the world. RIOT aims to implement all relevant open standards supporting an Internet of Things that is connected, secure, durable & privacy-friendly.

### About the RIOT Summit

Over the last years, RIOT has emerged as one of the agile and state of the art operating system for the IoT. The previous Summits were a big success. It’s time to meet again!

The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and break-out sessions. The Summit will not only inform about latest developments but will also help to gather feedback from the community to shape the RIOT future.


### What can you expect?

#### This is the ninth Summit of the RIOT community. We will put hell of a lot of energy to make this a special event.

*   Great talks

*   Lively demos and tutorials

*   Social networking

*   No registration fees but reservation is needed


### Why should you attend?

#### It’s like vacation. Once a year you should come together with the members of the community to reflect on the past and push the future.

*   Contact with senior and junior RIOT developers

*   Latest community news

*   Participation is free


### Why should you sponsor?

#### RIOT is a community product and we want to involve as many people as possible. We don’t want to introduce fees and [need your help](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/call-for-sponsors/)!

*   Explicit support of the RIOT community

*   High visibility

*   Different sponsor levels

*   Connect with RIOT developers and users

The RIOT Summit: 2 days of great talks, tutorials, and demos + 1 hackathon day for IoT enthusiasts.


You want to give a talk or present a demo? Please [submit](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/call-for-contributions)!

More code. Saturday is Hackathon Day.


The two days of RIOT Summit are followed by a one-day hackathon. This will give participants a chance to work together immediately on ideas developed during Summit discussions, to experiment with new technologies, or to follow up on break-out sessions and discussions of the RIOT Summit.

Unlike the RIOT Summit, this hackathon has little planned structure. We do plan to allow for lightning talk style summaries at the end to further interconnect hackathon participants.

##### When

September 7th, 2024, full day

##### Where

[Faculty of Computer Science](https://osm.org/go/0JrJEj7T0)  

Währinger Straße 29  

1090 Wien

Keynote and Speakers





##### [Sebastian Schrittwieser](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/sebastian-schrittwieser/)

SBA Research, Keynote "Firmware Forensics: Semantic Functionality Identification Through Symbolic Execution and Program Simulation"




##### [Silvie Schmidt](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/silvie-schmidt-miguel-arcilla/)

FH Campus Wien, "Secure Firmware Updates Over the Air"


##### [Miguel Arcilla](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/miguel-arcilla/)

FH Campus Wien, "Secure Firmware Updates Over the Air"


##### [Reinhard Kugler](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/reinhard-kugler/)

SBA Research, "You wouldn't HACK a CAR? A Pentester's approach to embedded security on automotive ECUs."


##### [Hannes Tschofenig](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/hannes-tschofenig/)

H-BRS, "Is Remote Attestation Relevant for Embedded Devices?"


##### [Tamme Dittrich](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/tamme-dittrich/)

Tweede golf, "What time is it? An introduction to network based time synchronization."


##### [Kai Geissdoerfer](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/kai-geissdoerfer/)

Nessie Circuits, "Riotee: An Open-source Hardware and Software Platform for the Battery-free Internet of Things"


##### [Nico Lick](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/nico-lick/)

Frankfurt UAS, "IPv6 Privacy Extensions for the GNRC Network Stack"


##### [Tassilo Tanneberger](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/tassilo-tanneberger/)

TU Dresden, UC Berkeley, "Lingua-Franca, a Language to Coordinate the RIOT"


##### [Jasper Devreker](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/jasper-devreker/)

Dekimo, "Reverse engineering the ESP32 Wi-Fi hardware"


##### [Yuxuan Song](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/yuxuan-song/)

INRIA, "Lightweight remote attestation over EDHOC for constrained IoT devices"


##### [Karin Lammers](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/karin-lammers/)

Perspective 2, "So how do you make decisions? Governance in open source software projects."


##### [Mikolai GĂĽtschow](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/mikolai-gutschow/)

TU Dresden, "The Future of IoT Payments: A Call for Trustworthy and Scalable Open-Source Solutions"


##### [Kaspar Schleiser](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/kaspar-schleiser/)

FU Berlin & INRIA, "RIOT-rs: Re-imagining RIOT in Rust"



Thursday, September 5


**09:00am (UTC+2): Registration and Coffee**

**09:00am - 11:30am (UTC+2): RIOT Tutorial** ([slides](http://christian.amsuess.com/presentations/2024/summit-tutorial/))

**11:30am - 12:00pm (UTC+2): Break**

**12:00pm - 12:15pm Welcome & Recap** ([slides](http://christian.amsuess.com/presentations/2024/summit-welcome/slides.pdf))

**12:15pm- 01:15pm (UTC+2):** **Keynote**

*   Sebastian Schrittwieser, "Firmware Forensics: Semantic Functionality Identification Through Symbolic Execution and Program Simulation?" ([Abstract](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/blog/speakers/sebastian-schrittwieser/))

**1:15pm - 2:00pm (UTC+2): Lunch**

**2:00pm - 3:30pm (UTC+2): Session 1: Security**

*   Hannes Tschofenig: "Is Remote Attestation Relevant for Embedded Devices?" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/01-1-Hannes_Tschofenig.pdf))

*   Yuxuan Song: "Lightweight remote attestation over EDHOC for constrained IoT devices" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/01-2-Yuxuan_Song.pdf))

*   Silvie Schmidt, Miguel Arcilla, "Secure Firmware Updates Over the Air" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/01-3-Silvie_Schmidt_Miguel_Arcilla.pdf))

**3:30pm - 4:00pm (UTC+2): Coffee Break**

**4:00pm- 5:30pm (UTC+2): Session 2: Privacy and Reliability**

Nico Lick, "IPv6 Privacy Extensions for the GNRC Network Stack" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/02-1-Nico_Lick.pdf))  

Kaspar Schleiser, "RIOT-rs: Re-imagining RIOT in Rust" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/02-2-Kaspar-Schleiser.pdf))  

Reinhard Kugler, "You wouldn't HACK a CAR? A Pentester's approach to embedded security on automotive ECUs." ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/02-3-Reinhard-Kugler.pdf))

**5:30pm- 6:00pm (UTC+2):** [**Planning breakout sessions**](https://pad.riot-os.org/2024-summit-breakouts)

**7:00pm (UTC+2): Social**

Friday, September 6


**9:00am - 10:30am (UTC+2): [General Assembly](https://pad.riot-os.org/2024-general-assembly)**

*   **10:30am - 12:30am (UTC+2): Breakout Sessions**

*   [Teaching and Documentation](https://pad.riot-os.org/kwcgmkePRiS5jyqHl5Lvcw)

*   [Technical aspects of RIOT-rs](https://pad.riot-os.org/2024-summit-breakouts-riot-rs#)

**12:30pm - 1:30pm (UTC+2): Lunch**

**1:30pm- 3:00pm (UTC+2): Session 3: Applications and Programming**

Tamme Dittrich, "What time is it? An introduction to network based time synchronization." ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/03-1-Tamme_Dietrich.pdf))  

Tassilo Tanneberger, "Lingua-Franca, a Language to Coordinate the RIOT" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/03-2-Tassilo_Tanneberger.pdf))  

Mikolai GĂĽtschow, "The Future of IoT Payments: A Call for Trustworthy and Scalable Open-Source Solutions" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/03-3-Mikolai_Gutschow.pdf))

**3:00pm - 3:15pm (UTC+2): Coffee Break**

**3:15pm - 4:45pm (UTC+2): Session 4: Hardware and Community**

Jasper Devreker, "Reverse engineering the ESP32 Wi-Fi hardware" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/04-1-Jasper_Devreker.pdf))  

Kai Geissdoerfer, "Riotee: An Open-source Hardware and Software Platform for the Battery-free Internet of Things" ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/04-2-Kai_Geissdoerfer.pdf))  

Karin Lammers, "So how do you make decisions? Governance in open source software projects." ([slides](http://summit.riot-os.org/2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2024/09/04-3-Karin_Lammers.pdf))

**4:45pm - 5:15pm (UTC+2): Open Mic**

**5:15pm - 5:30pm (UTC+2): Wrap-Up**

Saturday, September 7


#### 9:00am - 5:00pm: Hackathon

The Hackathon will take place at the Faculty of Computer Science, Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Wien. This location is in walking distance from our other venue.

We will meet in the seminar rooms SR 06 and 07. They are located on the first floor.

Details about the agenda are available on [https://pad.riot-os.org/RIOT-hackathon-2024](https://pad.riot-os.org/RIOT-hackathon-2024).

The social event will take place at "10er Marie"


10er Marie is the oldest "Heuriger" in Vienna.  

Founded in 1740, this tavern is a well-established place to share good food and drinks.

The address is Ottakringer Str. 222-224, 1160 Wien. We will leave together from the venue.

Do not forget to bring your badge.

Travel Information




### University of Vienna  

Main building  

Small Ceremonial Hall ("Kleiner Festsaal")  

Universitätsring 1  

1010 Vienna, Austria

Venue homepage: [https://www.univie.ac.at/](https://www.univie.ac.at/en)



*   _airplanemode\_active_

    Air travel

*   _train_

    Train travel

*   _directions\_bus_

    Public transport

*   Vienna is well connected via plane, [https://www.viennaairport.com/](https://www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers).

    From Vienna airport, you can reach the venue in ~40minutes using [public transport](https://www.google.de/maps/dir/Flughafen+Wien,+1300+Schwechat,+%C3%96sterreich/Universit%C3%A4t+Wien,+Universit%C3%A4tsring+1,+1010+Wien,+%C3%96sterreich/). Beware that transport fees differ between the lines S7/RJ (€4.40 including remaining public transport trip), VAL bus (€10.50) and CAT (€24.90).

*   Vienna Central station is [25 minutes away by public transport](https://www.google.de/maps/dir/Hauptbahnhof+Wien,+Am+Hauptbahnhof,+Wien,+%C3%96sterreich/Universit%C3%A4t+Wien,+Universit%C3%A4tsring+1,+1010+Wien,+%C3%96sterreich/) from the RIOT Summit venue.

    Recommended connections from the station to the venue are tram line D (eastern exit, Hauptbahnhof Ost) or metro line U1 (to Stephansplatz, with 16min walk through downtown).

*   The public transport is operated by [Wiener Linien](https://www.wien.info/en/travel-info/transport).

    Live connection information is available through the [local online routing service "AnachB"](https://anachb.vor.at/) as well as the Free [transportr](https://transportr.app/) and [Ă–ffi](https://oeffi.schildbach.de/) apps.

Nearby Accomodations



#### Hotel Regina

* * *

Mid to high budget.

**Address:** Rooseveltplatz 15, 1090 Wien  

**Distance to venue:** 400 m by foot

[Learn More](https://www.hotelregina.at/en/hotels-vienna/hotel-regina-vienna)


#### Hotel-Pension Bleckmann

* * *

Mid budget.

**Address:** Währinger Str 15, 1090 Wien  

**Distance to venue:** 600 m by foot

[Learn More](https://www.hotelbleckmann.at/en)


#### Hotel Rathauspark Wien

* * *

High budget.

**Address:** RathausstraĂźe 17, 1010 Wien  

**Distance to venue:** 270 m by foot

[Learn More](https://www.austria-trend.at/de/hotels/rathauspark)

The last eight RIOT Summits were a great success!


### Check out the highlights from one of last years event, which more than **150 participants** enjoyed.

[Speakers](https://summit.riot-os.org/2021#speakers) [Program & Slides](https://summit.riot-os.org/2021/#schedule)[Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyAGHP6W-AQ&list=PLDXXQJiSjPKGhjXzpc2p_BUSzr5xu0aqs)

Frequently Asked Questions


*   Registration start?

*   Remote participation?

*   Organizers?

*   Registration fees?

*   ### When does registration start?

    You can register via [https://riot-summit2024.eventbrite.com/](https://riot-summit2024.eventbrite.com/).

*   ### Will you provide options for remote participation?

    We highly encourage all participants to join us on-site in Vienna. We will, however, also provide options to join the presentations remotely and to participate in the Q&As.

*   ### Who organizes the RIOT Summit?

    The RIOT Summit 2024 is organized by Christian AmsĂĽss, the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at TUD Dresden University of Technology, and the Internet Technologies group at HAW Hamburg. You can contact the organizers via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

*   ### How much does registration at the RIOT Summit costs?

    Participating at the RIOT Summit 2024 will be free of charge. However, explicit [registration](https://riot-summit2024.eventbrite.com/) is mandatory for planning purposes.



We proudly support RIOT Summit 2024. Join us!

[CALL FOR SPONSORS](https://summit.riot-os.org/2024/call-for-sponsors/)

Help us to make this a very successful event! The RIOT Summit 2024 offers sponsors various benefits.

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