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*   40

*   0

*   0


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*   40

*   0

*   0


[warbler](/search/warbler) [bird](/search/bird) [tree](/search/tree)

*   25

*   0

*   0


[hallway](/search/hallway) [stairs](/search/stairs) [light](/search/light)

*   10

*   0

*   0


[flowers](/search/flowers) [isolated](/search/isolated) [background](/search/background)

*   80

*   0

*   10


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*   120

*   0

*   25


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*   70

*   0

*   10


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*   25

*   0

*   0


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*   70

*   0

*   10


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*   45

*   0

*   5


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*   90

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*   30


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*   75

*   0

*   10


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*   200

*   0

*   40


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*   90

*   0

*   5


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*   170

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*   30


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*   110

*   0

*   15


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*   70

*   1

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*   45

*   0

*   5


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*   140

*   0

*   25


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*   55

*   0

*   25


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*   80

*   0

*   15


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*   95

*   0

*   15


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*   140

*   1

*   20


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*   85

*   0

*   5


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*   80

*   0

*   5


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*   75

*   0

*   15


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*   70

*   0

*   0


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*   205

*   0

*   30


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*   210

*   0

*   20


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*   180

*   0

*   15


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*   185

*   0

*   25


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*   85

*   0

*   5


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*   200

*   0

*   25


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*   125

*   0

*   5


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*   130

*   0

*   10


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*   225

*   0

*   40


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*   100

*   0

*   5


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*   135

*   0

*   35


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*   115

*   0

*   15


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*   160

*   0

*   45


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