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Raising the World's Standards


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Standards & Projects




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In the Spotlight


### New Certification Program: Online Age Verification

Assess the design, specification, evaluation, and deployment against key indicators of confidence identified by the IEEE 2089.1™ framework.

[Learn More About Online Age Verification](/products-programs/icap/online-age-verification/)

### 2025 NESC® Workshop—Las Vegas, 21-23 October

Register your interest as an attendee, sponsor, or exhibiter at the year’s ultimate event for utilities, suppliers, regulators, and tool providers of the North American Electrical Grid.

[I’m Interested in the 2025 NESC® Workshop](https://engagestandards.ieee.org/NESC-Workshop-2025.html)

### Call for Entries: 4th Annual Telehealth Pitch Competition

Submissions are open for emerging digital innovations that address today’s most pressing population health challenges with the use of remote care technologies.

[Enter the 4th Annual Telehealth Pitch Competition](https://engagestandards.ieee.org/telehealth-competition-2025.html)

### Can you spot the IEEE Standards in your everyday life?

Take a virtual tour of our cityscape to uncover the standards that help our everyday lives function safely, securely, and sustainably.

[Enter the Cityscape Now](https://standards.ieee.org/wp-content/uploads/interactive/web/cityscape/index.htm)


Here's What's Happening



### [IEEE Standards Association Announces Joint Specification V1.0 for the Assessment of the Trustworthiness of AI Systems](https://standards.ieee.org/news/joint-specification-trustworthy-ai-systems/ "IEEE Standards Association Announces Joint Specification V1.0 for the Assessment of the Trustworthiness of AI Systems")

[See All News](https://standards.ieee.org/news/ "See All News")


### [IEEE CertifAIEd™ Authorized Assessor Training](https://verdasai.myshopify.com/products/ieee-certifaied-assessor-training-march-april-2025 "IEEE CertifAIEd™ Authorized Assessor Training")

[See All Events](https://standards.ieee.org/events/ "See All Events")


### [Developing Integrated Approaches to Reduce Energy and Water Use](https://standards.ieee.org/beyond-standards/energy-water-nexus/ "Developing Integrated Approaches to Reduce Energy and Water Use")

[See All Beyond Standards](https://standards.ieee.org/beyond-standards/ "See All Beyond Standards")



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Recent Standards


### IEEE 802-2024

#### IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture

An overview to the family of IEEE 802® standards is provided in this standard. It describes the reference models for the IEEE 802 standards and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it specifies the structure of IEEE 802 MAC addresses; it specifies identification of public,…

[Learn More About IEEE 802-2024](https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/802/10894 "Learn More About IEEE 802-2024")

### IEEE 2020-2024

#### IEEE Standard for Automotive System Image Quality

Some of the fundamental attributes that contribute to image quality for automotive applications are addressed in this standard. Existing metrics and other information relating to these attributes are also identified, as well as a standardized suite of objective test methods for measuring automotive camera image quality. In addition, baseline test…

[Learn More About IEEE 2020-2024](https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/2020/6765 "Learn More About IEEE 2020-2024")

### IEEE N42.49.1-2024

#### IEEE Standard for Performance Criteria for Non-Alarming Personal Emergency Radiation Detectors (PERDs) for Exposure Control

The purpose of this standard is to specify technical performance requirements and performance testing requirements for those purchasing and using non-alarming personal emergency radiation detectors (PERDs) for Homeland Security and other radiological emergency applications.

[Learn More About IEEE N42.49.1-2024](https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/N42.49.1/11576 "Learn More About IEEE N42.49.1-2024")

Become a Member


##### Having access to insight on emerging standards and the ability to shape those standards, helps prepare you—or your organization—for the future.

[Learn More About IEEE SA Membership](/about/membership/)


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