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A **.gov** website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.
**Secure .gov websites use HTTPS**
A **lock** ( Lock A locked padlock ) or **https://** means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
Securing your **today** and **tomorrow**
[Check eligibility for benefits](/prepare/check-eligibility-for-benefits)
[Get a benefits estimate](/prepare/get-benefits-estimate)
[Plan for retirement](/prepare/plan-retirement)
[Apply for benefits](/apply)
[Sign up for Medicare](/medicare/sign-up)
[Return to saved application](/apply/return-saved-application)
### After you apply
[Check application or appeal status](/apply/check-application-or-appeal-status)
[Appeal a decision we made](/apply/appeal-decision-we-made)
Manage benefits & information
* #### Documents
[Get benefit verification letter](/manage-benefits/get-benefit-letter)
[Get tax form (1099/1042S)](/manage-benefits/get-tax-form-10991042s)
* #### Payment
[Update direct deposit](/manage-benefits/update-direct-deposit)
[Repay overpaid benefits](/manage-benefits/repay-overpaid-benefits)
[Request to withhold taxes](/manage-benefits/request-withhold-taxes)
[View benefit payment schedule](/manage-benefits/view-benefit-payment-schedule)
* #### Number & card
[Replace card](/number-card/replace-card)
[Request number for the first time](/number-card/request-number-first-time)
[Report stolen number](/number-card/report-stolen-number)
* #### Record
[Change name](/personal-record/change-name)
[Update contact information](/personal-record/update-contact-information)
[Update citizenship or immigration status](/personal-record/update-citizenship-or-immigration-status)
[Report a death](/personal-record/when-someone-dies)
* Learn how to make or change an appointment at a local office.
[Learn how to make an appointment](/manage-benefits/make-an-appointment)
* Find out what you can do with an account and access personalized online services.
[Learn about your account](https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount)
* Learn how to identify and report scams.
[Read about scams](https://www.ssa.gov/scams)
#### Social Security performance
Improving performance to serve our customers
[See how we're doing](/ssa-performance)
#### Social Security information in other languages
We provide Social Security program information in other languages.
[See more](https://www.ssa.gov/site/languages/en)
#### Frequently Asked Questions
We have answers for your frequently asked questions.
[Visit our FAQs](https://www.ssa.gov/faqs/en/)
#### Social Security Fairness Act
Social Security Fairness Act: Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) update.
[Learn More](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/social-security-fairness-act.html)
#### Filing W-2s online?
Do you need to submit W-2s to SSA? Access Business Services Online to log in or create an account.
[Learn more](https://www.ssa.gov/bso/bsowelcome.htm)
#### SSA Transitioning Authentication Services to Login.gov
We’re making changes to the way you access Social Security’s online services.
[Learn more](https://blog.ssa.gov/how-to-transition-your-social-security-account-to-login-gov/ "(opens in a new window)")
#### Social Security information in other languages
We provide Social Security program information in other languages.
[See more](https://www.ssa.gov/site/languages/en)
#### Frequently Asked Questions
We have answers for your frequently asked questions.
[Visit our FAQs](https://www.ssa.gov/faqs/en/)
#### Social Security Fairness Act
Social Security Fairness Act: Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) update.
[Learn More](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/social-security-fairness-act.html)
#### Filing W-2s online?
Do you need to submit W-2s to SSA? Access Business Services Online to log in or create an account.
[Learn more](https://www.ssa.gov/bso/bsowelcome.htm)
#### SSA Transitioning Authentication Services to Login.gov
We’re making changes to the way you access Social Security’s online services.
[Learn more](https://blog.ssa.gov/how-to-transition-your-social-security-account-to-login-gov/ "(opens in a new window)")
#### Social Security information in other languages
We provide Social Security program information in other languages.
[See more](https://www.ssa.gov/site/languages/en)
#### Frequently Asked Questions
We have answers for your frequently asked questions.
[Visit our FAQs](https://www.ssa.gov/faqs/en/)
Latest news
Press release
[Social Security to Reinstate Overpayment Recovery Rate](https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/releases/2025/#2025-03-07-a)
The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced it will increase the default overpayment withholding rate for Social Security beneficiaries to 100 percent of a person’s monthly benefit. The Office of the Chief Actuary estimates this change will result in an increase in overpayment recoveries...
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