🏳️SPLC | Apathy Is Not An Option

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The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to creating a world where Black and Brown communities are represented and respected by our democracy.

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Jubilee & Justice: The Fight for Civil Rights Isn’t History — It’s Now


The fight for justice isn’t over — it’s happening now. Our new podcast, Apathy Is Not An Option, breaks down the movement’s legacy and what’s at stake today.  Real talk. Real stories. No apathy.

[Listen to New Episode](https://www.splcenter.org/apathy-not-option-podcast/)

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We Fight for Racial Justice Issues


[Strengthening Democracy 
& Voting Rights](https://www.splcenter.org/racial-justice-issues/strengthening-democracy/)

[Dismantling White Supremacy](https://www.splcenter.org/racial-justice-issues/dismantling-white-supremacy/)

[Ending Unjust Imprisonment](https://www.splcenter.org/racial-justice-issues/ending-unjust-imprisonment/)

[Eliminating Poverty and Economic Inequality](https://www.splcenter.org/racial-justice-issues/eliminating-poverty/)

First the South, then the Nation


We are starting a movement in the South that will inspire change nationwide. Throughout history, the South has been a place of resilience, strength and transformation. Our mission begins here. When we empower communities, we lay the groundwork for a national movement that uplifts all people and drives meaningful progress for future generations. Join us as we create a future where justice, equality and opportunity are available to all.






National Impact


[Landmark Cases](https://www.splcenter.org/about/our-history/)


Offering legal advocacy that protects vulnerable communities and promotes equality across the nation.

[Inspiring Hope](https://www.splcenter.org/resources/hope-watch/)


Pursuing every person’s opportunity to live with dignity, free from discrimination and oppression.

[Tracking Hate](https://www.splcenter.org/resources/extremist-files/)


Monitoring over 1,500 active extremist groups and dismantling their influence — promoting safety and justice nationwide.

Stay Informed


When property is used in crime, the state can seize that property through a procedure called civil asset forfeiture. But a lower burden of proof, coupled with the high cost of challenging the state raises concerns about use of the practice. Our report explores why greater data transparency is needed.

[Read Our Report](https://www.splcenter.org/resources/reports/alabama-civil-asset-forfeiture/)


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