🏳️Snazzy Maps - Free Styles for Google Maps

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Snazzy Maps is a repository of different color schemes for Google Maps aimed towards web designers and developers.

Featured Style



by _StipeP_

[Check it out](/style/8097/wy)

[Check it out](/style/8097/wy)

[Lost in the desert by Anonymous 640215 2012](/style/93/lost-in-the-desert)

[Assassin's Creed IV by Sarah Frisk 1428543 5330](/style/72543/assassins-creed-iv)



Most Popular


[WY by StipeP 3445683 8012](/style/8097/wy)

[Ultra Light with Labels by Anonymous 2393947 6862](/style/151/ultra-light-with-labels)

[Subtle Grayscale by Paulo Avila 1571818 4032](/style/15/subtle-grayscale)

[Interface map by samisel 1538006 2692](/style/1243/xxxxxxxxxxx)

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Most Recent


[AG by Colliers Canada 199307 566](/style/360796/colliers-map-light-2021)

[Colliers Map Light 2021 by Sydney 165960 492](/style/352070/colliers-map-light)

[Grayscale Style by Kees Plattel 959185 5175](/style/287755/grayscale-style)

[Modest by Matthew Pill 235937 766](/style/287720/modest)

[explore more](/explore?sort=recent)


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