🏳️Sketch · Design, prototype, collaborate and handoff

Website faviconsketchapp.com

Sketch puts the focus back on you and your work. Made by designers, for designers.

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*   [Design](#design)

*   [Prototype](#prototype)

*   [Collaborate](#collaborate)

*   [About Sketch](#about)

[Get started](/downloads/mac/)

Designers, welcome home.


Sketch is a toolkit made by designers, for designers, that puts the focus on you and your work.

[Get started for free](/downloads/mac/)

Requires macOS Ventura (13.0.0) or newer.


### Our favorite features from 2024 — and what’s next

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    > I’ve been a Sketch user since version 1.0. I love the simplicity of Sketch’s UI and its robustness. Making it our own makes designing a pleasure and saves tons of time.

    **Andrej MiheliÄŤ**Gentler Streak

    Apple Design Award 2024 Winner


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    > We love how easy Sketch is to jump into, no matter your level of expertise \[…\] whether you're looking to create a mock-up for your website or app or an eye-catching icon.

    **App Store Feature Review**Apple, October 2023


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    > Sketch has been constantly improving since I started using it in 2012. Even though I’m using Sketch every day, it still brings me joy and continues to feel powerful and special.

    **Mark Jardine**Tapbots


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    > Sketch allows me to design with little limitation. The plethora of features it offers and quality of life improvements in recent updates make working with it a delight.

    **Matt Emmins**Forrest


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    > The foundational features of Sketch have been indispensable. I also like using it while flying and traveling, and the fact it’s a native app makes designing more enjoyable overall.

    **Jasper Hauser**Darkroom

    Apple Design Award 2020 Winner


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    > I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Sketch. It is easy and wonderful and graceful enough that I can use it easily in my workflow with Ben. Legitimately a really wonderful utility.

    **Sebastiaan de With**Lux (Halide, Kino)

    Apple Design Award 2022 Winner


### Work with focus (or friends)

Design in private and by yourself. Or co-edit in real-time. The choice is always yours.

### Every point perfect

Create anything from icons to entire apps with a vector editor like no other.

### Zero to done

Get started fast with 100s of free templates, Artboard presets and component Libraries.

### Offline? Any time

Disconnect and design without compromises. Work locally, without internet, on your terms.

### Work effortlessly

Easy multi-layer renaming, a Canvas Minimap and Command Bar put your workflow on rails.

### Ready to scale

Reuse elements across your designs. Update once and watch your changes roll out everywhere.

### Ready, set, done.

Create a working prototype in less than 10 clicks. Seriously. We’ve counted.




### Smart Animate

Easily add movement to your UI with full control over easing and timings.

### Modals and more

Create modals, alerts, panels and menus in moments with Overlays.

### Click, click… zzz

It’s not the only way to interact. You can hover, press, drag and swipe here, too.

### Scroll free

Create horizontal, vertical, or multi-directional scroll areas — and combine them.

### Test it anywhere

Take your prototypes for a test run on any web browser, iPhone or iPad.

### Easy sharing

Clients can view designs and prototypes in their browser. They’ll see the same document you do.

### Pain-free feedback

Pin comments on designs, reply in threads, then resolve them when you’re done.

### Space for everyone

Sync up with a shared Workspace for all your team’s files, libraries and drafts.

### No shady pricing

Inviting guest editors who pay for Sketch already won’t cost you extra.

### Share components

Share component libraries across projects and manage who can update them.



### Free handoff tools

Invite developers to inspect files, download assets and export tokens for free.

### Made by a different kind of company

We’re an independent company making decisions for our customers and ourselves. From privacy to pricing, we’re proud to be taking our own path.

[What makes us different?](/about-us/)

Discover a better way to design


Download Sketch today and join thousands of designers — from freelancers to the Fortune 500.

[Get started for free](/downloads/mac/)
