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[Investor Advisory Committee](/newsroom/meetings-events/iac-030625) | March 6, 2025 10:00am



We make markets work better.

Founded to help our country respond to the Great Depression, we’re the agency that **_protects investors_** from misconduct, **_promotes fairness & efficiency_** in the securities markets, and **_facilitates capital formation_** for those looking to hire, innovate, and grow.

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SEC Crypto Task Force to Host Roundtable on Security Status


The SEC's Crypto Task Force will host a series of roundtables to discuss key areas of interest in the regulation of crypto assets.

[CONTINUE READING](/newsroom/press-releases/2025-51)

Latest News


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*   Press Release

    ### [SEC Crypto Task Force to Host Roundtable on Security Status](/newsroom/press-releases/2025-51)

    The SEC's Crypto Task Force will host a series of roundtables to discuss key areas of interest in the regulation of crypto assets.

    March 3, 2025

*   Press Release

    ### [SEC Staff Facilitates Capital Formation for Companies Planning Public Offerings](/newsroom/press-releases/2025-50)

    March 3, 2025

Upcoming Events


[View All Upcoming Events](/newsroom/meetings-events)

*   Mar 06

    Public Appearances by Officials

    ### [Investment Adviser Compliance Conference](/newsroom/meetings-events/investment-adviser-compliance-conference)

    Commissioner Hester M. Peirce will participate in the Investment Adviser Compliance Conference.

*   Mar 06

    Public Appearances by Officials

    ### [Wall Street Journal CFO Network Summit](/newsroom/meetings-events/wall-street-journal-cfo-network-summit)

    Acting Chairman Mark Uyeda will participate in a fireside chat at The Wall Street Journal’s CFO Network Summit in New York City.

SEC Rulemaking


The SEC engages in rulemaking through a transparent process guided by the Administrative Procedure Act and informed by public comment. Members of the public are invited to share comments on proposed rulemakings.

[Submit a Comment](/rules-regulations/how-submit-comments)

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