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The 1st regular session of the 126th South Carolina General Assembly  

will convene on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.  


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South Carolina Law


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Legislative Voting Record





 Choose a LegislatorAdams, Brian Alexander, Terry Alexander, Thomas C. Allen, Karl B. Anderson, Carl L. Atkinson, Lucas Bailey, William H. Ballentine, Nathan Bamberg, Justin T. Bannister, Bruce W. Bauer, Heather Beach, Thomas Bennett, Sean M. Bernstein, Beth E. Blackmon, Allen Bowers, Phillip Bradley, Jeffrey A. Brewer, Gary S., Jr.Brittain, Thomas C., Jr.Burns, James Mikell Bustos, Joseph M. Calhoon, Paula Rawl Campsen, George E. IIICash, Richard J. Caskey, Micajah P. IVChaplin, JD Chapman, Donald G. Chumley, William M. Climer, Wes Clyburn, William Cobb-Hunter, Gilda Collins, Neal A. Corbin, Thomas D. Cox, Bobby J. Cox, Brandon L. Crawford, Heather Ammons Cromer, April Cromer, Ronnie W. Davis, Sylleste H. Davis, Tom Devine, Tameika Isaac Dillard, Chandra E. Duncan, Adam L. Edgerton, Sarita L. Elliott, Jason Erickson, Shannon S. Fernandez, Tom Forrest, Cally R., Jr.Frank, Stephen Gagnon, Craig A. Gambrell, Michael W. Garrett, Billy Garvin, Kambrell H. Gatch, Gil Gibson, Daniel Gilliam, Leon D. Gilliard, Wendell G. Gilreath, Thomas Lee Goldfinch, Stephen L. Govan, Jerry N., Jr.Graham, Jeffrey R. Grant, Hamilton R. Grooms, Lawrence K. Guest, Thomas Duval, Jr.Guffey, Brandon Haddon, Patrick B. Hager, William Hardee, Kevin Harris, Robert J. Hart, Christopher R. Hartnett, Thomas F., Jr.Hartz, Charles V. Hayes, Jackie E. Hembree, Greg Henderson-Myers,, Rosalyn D. Ph.D.Herbkersman, William G. Hewitt, Lee Hiott, David R. Hixon, William M. Holman, Harriet A. Hosey, Lonnie Howard, Leon Huff, William C. Hutto, Brad Jackson, Darrell Johnson, Jeffrey E. Johnson, Jermaine L., Sr.Johnson, Michael Jones, Wendell K. Jordan, Wallace H., Jr.Kennedy, Carlisle Kilmartin, John Gregory Kimbrell, Josh King, John Richard C. Kirby, Roger K. Landing, Kathy Lawson, M. Brian Leber, Matthew W. Ligon, Thomas R. Long, Steven Wayne Lowe, Phillip D. Luck, Jason S. Magnuson, Josiah Martin, David Martin, Shane R. Massey, A. Shane Matthews, Margie Bright May, Robert J. IIIMcCabe, Donald Ryan, Jr.McCravy, John R. IIIMcDaniel, Annie E. McGinnis, Timothy A. Mitchell, Cody T. Montgomery, W. Scott IVMoore, JA Moore, Travis A. Morgan, T. Alan Moss, Dennis C. Murphy, Chris Neese, James M. Newton, Brandon Newton, Wm. Weston J. Nutt, Roger A. Oremus, Melissa Lackey Ott, Russell L. Pace, Jordan S. Pedalino, Fawn M. Peeler, Harvey S., Jr.Pope, Thomas E. Rankin, Luke A. Rankin, Luke S. Reese, Robert T. Reichenbach, Mike Rice, Rex F. Rivers, Michael F., Sr.Robbins, Robby Rose, Seth Rutherford, J. Todd Sabb, Ronnie A. Sanders, Richard B. Schuessler, Carla Sessions, Heath Smith, G. Murrell, Jr.Smith, Marvin Spann-Wilder, Tiffany Stavrinakis, Leonidas E. Stubbs, Everett Sutton, Ed Taylor, Bill Tedder, Deon T. Teeple, James E. Terribile, Jackie R. Turner, Ross Vaughan, David Verdin, Daniel B. IIIWalker, Overture Weeks, J. David Wetmore, Elizabeth Wheeler, William W. IIIWhite, Joseph S. Whitmire, William R. Wickensimer, Paul B. Williams, Kent M. Williams, Robert Q. Willis, Mark N. Wooten, Chris Young, Tom , Jr.Yow, Richard L. Zell, Jeff

Contact Your Legislator


E-mail your Legislator by selecting the name and clicking Contact Legislator

Choose a LegislatorAll SenatorsAll RepresentativesAdams, Brian Alexander, Terry Alexander, Thomas C. Allen, Karl B. Anderson, Carl L. Atkinson, Lucas Bailey, William H. Ballentine, Nathan Bamberg, Justin T. Bannister, Bruce W. Bauer, Heather Beach, Thomas Bennett, Sean M. Bernstein, Beth E. Blackmon, Allen Bowers, Phillip Bradley, Jeffrey A. Brewer, Gary S., Jr.Brittain, Thomas C., Jr.Burns, James Mikell Bustos, Joseph M. Calhoon, Paula Rawl Campsen, George E. IIICash, Richard J. Caskey, Micajah P. IVChaplin, JD Chapman, Donald G. Chumley, William M. Climer, Wes Clyburn, William Cobb-Hunter, Gilda Collins, Neal A. Corbin, Thomas D. Cox, Bobby J. Cox, Brandon L. Crawford, Heather Ammons Cromer, April Cromer, Ronnie W. Davis, Sylleste H. Davis, Tom Devine, Tameika Isaac Dillard, Chandra E. Duncan, Adam L. Edgerton, Sarita L. Elliott, Jason Erickson, Shannon S. Fernandez, Tom Forrest, Cally R., Jr.Frank, Stephen Gagnon, Craig A. Gambrell, Michael W. Garrett, Billy Garvin, Kambrell H. Gatch, Gil Gibson, Daniel Gilliam, Leon D. Gilliard, Wendell G. Gilreath, Thomas Lee Goldfinch, Stephen L. Govan, Jerry N., Jr.Graham, Jeffrey R. Grant, Hamilton R. Grooms, Lawrence K. Guest, Thomas Duval, Jr.Guffey, Brandon Haddon, Patrick B. Hager, William Hardee, Kevin Harris, Robert J. Hart, Christopher R. Hartnett, Thomas F., Jr.Hartz, Charles V. Hayes, Jackie E. Hembree, Greg Henderson-Myers,, Rosalyn D. Ph.D.Herbkersman, William G. Hewitt, Lee Hiott, David R. Hixon, William M. Holman, Harriet A. Hosey, Lonnie Howard, Leon Huff, William C. Hutto, Brad Jackson, Darrell Johnson, Jeffrey E. Johnson, Jermaine L., Sr.Johnson, Michael Jones, Wendell K. Jordan, Wallace H., Jr.Kennedy, Carlisle Kilmartin, John Gregory Kimbrell, Josh King, John Richard C. Kirby, Roger K. Landing, Kathy Lawson, M. Brian Leber, Matthew W. Ligon, Thomas R. Long, Steven Wayne Lowe, Phillip D. Luck, Jason S. Magnuson, Josiah Martin, David Martin, Shane R. Massey, A. Shane Matthews, Margie Bright May, Robert J. IIIMcCabe, Donald Ryan, Jr.McCravy, John R. IIIMcDaniel, Annie E. McGinnis, Timothy A. Mitchell, Cody T. Montgomery, W. Scott IVMoore, JA Moore, Travis A. Morgan, T. Alan Moss, Dennis C. Murphy, Chris Neese, James M. Newton, Brandon Newton, Wm. Weston J. Nutt, Roger A. Oremus, Melissa Lackey Ott, Russell L. Pace, Jordan S. Pedalino, Fawn M. Peeler, Harvey S., Jr.Pope, Thomas E. Rankin, Luke A. Rankin, Luke S. Reese, Robert T. Reichenbach, Mike Rice, Rex F. Rivers, Michael F., Sr.Robbins, Robby Rose, Seth Rutherford, J. Todd Sabb, Ronnie A. Sanders, Richard B. Schuessler, Carla Sessions, Heath Smith, G. Murrell, Jr.Smith, Marvin Spann-Wilder, Tiffany Stavrinakis, Leonidas E. Stubbs, Everett Sutton, Ed Taylor, Bill Tedder, Deon T. Teeple, James E. Terribile, Jackie R. Turner, Ross Vaughan, David Verdin, Daniel B. IIIWalker, Overture Weeks, J. David Wetmore, Elizabeth White, Joseph S. Whitmire, William R. Wickensimer, Paul B. Williams, Kent M. Williams, Robert Q. Willis, Mark N. Wooten, Chris Young, Tom , Jr.Yow, Richard L. Zell, Jeff

[Senate Meeting Schedule](/meetings.php?chamber=S)

   [Follow on Twitter](https://twitter.com/scsenate)

TODAY, March 14

No Meetings Scheduled  

Monday, March 17

*   10:00 am

    SC Education Oversight Academic Standards & Assessments Subcommittee  

    Blatt Room 433  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126j15118.pdf)  

Tuesday, March 18

*   Upon adjournment

    Judiciary Subcommittee on [S.446](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=446&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1) and [H.3309](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=3309&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1)  

    Gressette Room 308  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15139.pdf)  

*   12:00 pm


    State House, Senate Chamber  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Wednesday, March 19

*   9:00 am

    Finance Health & Human Services Subcommittee Budget Hearing  

    Gressette Room 209  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15136.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   9:00 am

    Family & Veterans Services Committee on Statewide Appointments  


    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15126.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   10:00 am

    Finance Natural Resources and Economic Development Subcommittee Budget Hearing  

    Gressette Room 207  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   10:00 am

    L.C.I. Professions and Occupations Subcommittee  

    Gressette Room 307  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15124.pdf)  

*   10:00 am

    Finance Higher Education Subcommittee Budget Hearing  

    Gressette Room 407  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15133.pdf)  

*   10:00 am

    Finance K-12 Education Subcommittee Budget Hearing  

    Gressette Room 209  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15137.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   10:00 am

    Fish, Game and Forestry Committee  

    Gressette Room 308  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15123.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   11:00 am

    Senate Education Subcommittee on [S.269](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=269&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1) and [S.416](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=416&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1)  

    Gressette Room 408  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15144.pdf)  

*   11:00 am

    Legislative Oversight Subcommittee on DoA  

    Gressette Room 207  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15081.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   11:00 am

    Banking and Insurance, Banking Subcommittee on [S.60](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=60&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1) and [S.325](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=325&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1)  

    Gressette Room 407  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15145.pdf)  

*   12:00 pm

    Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee  

    Gressette Room 209  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15127.pdf)  

Thursday, March 20

*   9:00 am

    Senate Education Subcommittee on [S.454](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=454&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1)  

    Gressette Room 408  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15128.pdf)  

*   10:00 am

    Family & Veterans' Services - Child Welfare Subcommittee on Regulations 5303,5308,5313,5314,5315 and on [H.3654](/billsearch.php?billnumbers=3654&session=126&summary=B&headerfooter=1)  

    Gressette Room 207  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15130.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Wednesday, March 26

*   11:00 am

    Banking and Insurance Committee  

    Gressette Room 308  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   11:00 am

    Legislative Oversight Subcommittee on DVA  

    Gressette Room 207  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15103.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Thursday, March 27

*   9:30 am

    Senate Transportation Subcomittee  

    Gressette Room 207  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15121.pdf)  

Monday, March 31

*   1:00 pm

    Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council  

    Gressette Room 105  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Thursday, April 3

*   9:00 am

    Surface Water Study Committee  

    Gressette Room 207  

*   10:00 am

    Legislative Oversight Subcommittee on SCOR  

    Gressette Room 209  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15106.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Thursday, April 17

*   9:00 am

    Legislative Oversight Subcommittee on SCAG  

    Gressette Room 209  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126s15111.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

[More Info](/meetings.php?chamber=S)  

[House Meeting Schedule](/meetings.php?chamber=H)

   [Follow on Twitter](https://twitter.com/schouse)

TODAY, March 14

No Meetings Scheduled  

Monday, March 17

*   10:00 am

    SC Education Oversight Academic Standards & Assessments Subcommittee  

    Blatt Room 433  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126j15118.pdf)  

Tuesday, March 18

*   9:00 am

    3M-LCI Pharmacy Benefit Managers Ad Hoc Committee  

    Blatt Room 110  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15138.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Wednesday, March 19

*   10:00 am

    E.P.W K-12 Subcommittee  

    Blatt Room 110  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15140.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   10:30 am

    Agriculture Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee  

    Blatt Room 409  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15108.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   12:30 pm

    Wildlife Subcommittee of the Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee  

    Blatt Room 409  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15107.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

*   1:30 pm

    Government Efficiency and Legislative Oversight Committee - Public Input Meeting  

    Blatt Room 516  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15072.pdf)  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Tuesday, March 25

*   12:00 pm

    House of Representatives  

    State House, House Chamber  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Monday, March 31

*   1:00 pm

    Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council  

    Gressette Room 105  

    [Live Broadcast](javascript:void\(0\);)

    [Live Broadcast - Audio Only](javascript:void\(0\);)

Wednesday, April 2

*   30 minutes after the House adjourns

    Law Enforcement, Criminal and Civil Justice Subcommittee of the Government Efficiency and Legislative Oversight Committee  

    Blatt Room 110  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15131.pdf)  

Thursday, April 3

*   9:00 am

    Surface Water Study Committee  

    Gressette Room 207  

*   30 minutes after the House adjourns

    Law Enforcement, Criminal and Civil Justice Subcommittee of the Government Efficiency and Legislative Oversight Committee  

    Blatt Room 110  

    [Agenda Available](/agendas/126h15132.pdf)  

[More Info](/meetings.php?chamber=H)  

South Carolina Legislative Services Agency \* 223 Blatt Building \* 1105 Pendleton Street \* Columbia, SC 29201  

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Legislative Services Agency  

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