🏳️Small Business Administration

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We support America's small businesses. The SBA connects entrepreneurs with lenders and funding to help them plan, start and grow their business.

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Find disaster assistance


SBA's low-interest disaster loans help you recover from declared disasters.

[Get help](/funding-programs/disaster-assistance)

*   Learn how to make a payment on your SBA loan or check your account balance and due date.

    [Make a payment](/funding-programs/loans/make-payment-sba)

*   Check your account status, update your information, and get access to other portals.

    [Access your SBA login](/about-sba/open-government/about-sbagov-website/sba-account-login-registration-portals)

*   SBA and our partners host virtual and in-person educational trainings to help start and grow your business.

    [Find upcoming events](https://www.sba.gov/events)

Prepare for emergencies


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You’ll want to take the right steps to prevent and prepare for disaster, and know where to get aid if disaster strikes.

[Prepare for emergencies with a three-step plan](https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/manage-your-business/prepare-emergencies)

Browse business topics


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    ### Plan your business


    You've got a great idea. Now, make a plan to turn it into a great business.

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    ### Launch your business


    Turn your business into a reality. Register, file, and start doing business.

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    ### Manage your business


    Run your business like a boss. Master day-to-day operations and prepare for success.

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    ### Grow your business


    When business is good, it's time to expand. Find new funding, locations and customers.

How we help small businesses


*   Get business advice from our partnering organizations and experts.

    [Find counselors](/local-assistance)

*   Find an SBA lender near you to help fund your business.

    [Use Lender Match](/funding-programs/loans)

*   Apply for a low-interest disaster loan to help recover from declared disasters.

    [Apply for assistance](/funding-programs/disaster-assistance)

*   Learn how to find and win small business government contracts.

    [Find contracts](https://www.sba.gov/federal-contracting)

Start and grow your business


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Want to be an entrepreneur? Learn how to get started on your business in 10 steps.

[Start a business](https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/10-steps-start-your-business)