🏳️Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

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Samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone. Read more.



We're waiting for your call


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Help us answer more calls for support


Your donation will help us continue to reach those who are struggling to cope.

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over a year could help towards the cost of training a new volunteer

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could train, support and retain each existing volunteer

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Your words are a life-saving kit

Small talk saves lives


A little small talk and a simple question like ‘Hey, are you alright?’ can be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts. In fact, 67% of people in the UK would appreciate someone checking on them, offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope. If you see someone who doesn’t look OK, a little small talk could save their life. Anyone can do it.


More tools for small talk


> We all have that in ourselves. To be able to go to anybody and talk to somebody.


> [


> Read Dave and Charlotte's story


> ](/support-us/campaign/small-talk-saves-lives/dave-and-charlottes-story/)

What we're working on


Every ten seconds, we respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. We're here for anyone who needs someone.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Samaritans


Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is one of the key principles in our new strategy and will connect with everything we do, guiding the way we work and behave.


United with the frontline


United with the frontline is an advocacy campaign calling on governments to properly resource and train frontline workers in suicide prevention to help save lives.


Samaritans’ strategy: Tackling suicide together


Read about Samaritans’ five-year strategy, which outlines our main priorities and how we’re working towards our vision that fewer people die by suicide.


Why we need you to be part of our Christmas story


3,462 volunteers

3,462 volunteers


Will give up their time to respond to vital calls for help this Christmas.

It costs £52,628.40

It costs £52,628.40


to provide our service to individuals seeking support on Christmas day alone.

10,632 calls

10,632 calls


for help were responded to by our incredible volunteers last Christmas day.

By donating just £4.95 this Christmas, you could help a Samaritans volunteer answer a life-saving call for life.


Donate £4.95 to fund a call


What we're working on


Monthly donation One-off donation

Select an amount

£10 £25 £30

over a year could help towards the cost of training a new volunteer

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Donate £25 today

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£10 £25 £44 £133

could train, support and retain each existing volunteer

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*   [Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Samaritans](/about-samaritans/equity-diversity-inclusion/) Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is one of the key principles in our new strategy and will connect with everything we do, guiding the way we work and behave.

*   [United with the frontline](/support-us/campaign/united-with-the-frontline-campaign/) United with the frontline is an advocacy campaign calling on governments to properly resource and train frontline workers in suicide prevention to help save lives.

*   [Samaritans’ strategy: Tackling suicide together](/about-samaritans/our-organisation/our-strategy/) Read about Samaritans’ five-year strategy, which outlines our main priorities and how we’re working towards our vision that fewer people die by suicide.

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Volunteer with us


Being a Samaritan means being there for people who need someone to listen. Last year around 23,000 people volunteered their time with us.

[More about volunteering](https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/volunteer/)

Samaritans news


[View all news](/news)


Mental health storylines like Phil Mitchell’s in Eastenders are really important


27th February 2025


Samaritans reports third consecutive year of rising calls from those facing financial hardship


7th February 2025


Samaritans fundraiser completes year-long marathon a day challenge


30th December 2024


Changing the way we think about suicide


In addition to the services we provide, an important part of our work is understanding and challenging the social elements that impact suicide.


Suicide facts and figures


We're the only organisation collating suicide data for all UK nations and Ireland.


Samaritans' Media Guidelines


Samaritans' Media Guidelines help journalists report suicide and self-harm safely and responsibly.


The internet and suicide


The role online content can play in suicide risk and self harm is complex. Read about our research and recommendations for online safety.


Our policy and research


Our research and policy work drives change that helps save more lives.


Samaritans’ strategy: Tackling suicide together


Samaritans’ 2022-27 strategy, ‘Tackling suicide together’, outlines our main priorities for the next five years and how we’ll be working towards our vision that fewer people die by suicide.


Find out more


Need support? Call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan or


view other ways to get in touch
