
Welcome to the Google PubSubHubbub Hub!

This hub conforms to the [Pubsubhubbub 0.4 specification](

In addition, this hub conforms to the [Pubsubhubbub 0.3 specification]( with the exception of permanent subscriptions. Because of this you will need to refresh each of your subscriptions periodically, ideally just before `hub.lease_seconds` elapse since the last successful subscription.

Use this hub with your feeds

*   Add an `//atom:link` tag under `//atom:feed` for Atom feeds or under `//rss:rss/channel` for RSS feeds. The `//atom:link` tag should have `rel` attribute set to `hub` and `href` attribute set to ``

*   Alternatively, your feed can be served with two `Link` headers:

    *   one with `rel` attribute set to `hub` and `href` attribute set to ``

    *   one with `rel` attribute set to `self` and `href` attribute set to the feed URL of the feed

The above is covered in more detail in the [PubsubHubbub 0.4 specification](*   Whenever new content is added to a feed, notify the hub. This is accomplished by sending a POST request to `` with `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and two parameters encoded in the body:

    *   `hub.mode` equal to `publish`

    *   `hub.url` equal to the feed URL of the feed that has been updated. This field may be repeated to indicate multiple feeds that have been updated

Hub debug

From here you can,

*   [Subscribe]( to a feed or debug your subscriber

*   [Publish]( a feed or debug your published feeds

These legal disclaimers are here because this hub is run by Google as a service. If you don't want to agree to these terms you can use a different hub or even run your own. The PubSubHubbub protocol is decentralized and free.

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