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[How Spontaneous Thoughts Free Your Mind or Keep You Stuck](/us/blog/the-athletes-way/202503/how-spontaneous-thoughts-free-your-mind-or-keep-you-stuck) 4 hours
[Can Humanoid Robots Make Your 2030 Life Better?](/us/blog/surrey-minds/202503/can-humanoid-robots-make-your-2030-life-better) 8 hours
[Why Do Most Humans Have Positive Feelings for Dogs?](/us/blog/canine-corner/202503/why-do-most-humans-have-positive-feelings-for-dogs) 9 hours
[From Green Lights to Red Flags](/us/blog/best-practices-in-health/202503/from-green-lights-to-red-flags) 1 day
[How to Spot the Social Climber](/us/blog/fulfillment-at-any-age/202503/how-to-spot-the-social-climber) 1 day
Today’s Essentials Today’s Essential Reads
###### [Health](/us/basics/health)
[Does Measles Cause Brain Damage? Yes, Here’s How It Happens](/us/blog/fevered-mind/202503/does-measles-cause-brain-damage-yes-heres-how-it-happens)
[Jay K. Varma M.D.](/us/contributors/jay-k-varma-md) on March 5, 2025 in [Fevered Mind](/us/blog/fevered-mind)
Measles is back in the U.S., and it can cause brain damage, blindness, deafness, and meningitis.
Measles is back in the U.S., and it can cause brain damage, blindness, deafness, and meningitis.
###### [Sex](/us/basics/sex)
[Attractive Women Receive Oral Sex More Than Their Peers](/us/blog/the-venn-diagram-life/202503/attractive-women-receive-oral-sex-more-than-their-peers)
[Lindsay Weisner Psy.D.](/us/contributors/lindsay-weisner-psyd) on March 5, 2025 in [The Venn Diagram Life](/us/blog/the-venn-diagram-life)
Oral sex may be a way to secure your chances of keeping a partner.
Oral sex may be a way to secure your chances of keeping a partner.
###### [Identity](/us/basics/identity)
[The Evolution of Language: Skibidi Ohio Brain Rot](/us/blog/pop-culture-mental-health/202503/the-evolution-of-language-skibidi-ohio-brain-rot)
[Nafees Alam Ph.D.](/us/contributors/nafees-alam-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Pop Culture Mental Health](/us/blog/pop-culture-mental-health)
Examining our linguistic heritage.
Examining our linguistic heritage.
###### [Anger](/us/basics/anger)
[Transforming Anger Into Strength](/us/blog/the-wisdom-of-anger/202503/transforming-anger-into-strength)
[Moshe Ratson MBA, MFT](/us/contributors/moshe-ratson-mba-mft) on March 4, 2025 in [The Wisdom of Anger](/us/blog/the-wisdom-of-anger)
Anger can destroy or transform—it all depends on your perspective.
Anger can destroy or transform—it all depends on your perspective.
[How Spontaneous Thoughts Free Your Mind or Keep You Stuck](/us/blog/the-athletes-way/202503/how-spontaneous-thoughts-free-your-mind-or-keep-you-stuck) 4 hours
[Can Humanoid Robots Make Your 2030 Life Better?](/us/blog/surrey-minds/202503/can-humanoid-robots-make-your-2030-life-better) 8 hours
[Why Do Most Humans Have Positive Feelings for Dogs?](/us/blog/canine-corner/202503/why-do-most-humans-have-positive-feelings-for-dogs) 9 hours
[From Green Lights to Red Flags](/us/blog/best-practices-in-health/202503/from-green-lights-to-red-flags) 1 day
The Latest
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[Queer, Neurodivergent, and Thriving](/us/blog/wildly-neurodivergent/202503/queer-neurodivergent-and-thriving)
[Amber Caldera LICSW, LCSW](/us/contributors/amber-caldera-licsw-lcsw) on March 5, 2025 in [Wildly Neurodivergent](/us/blog/wildly-neurodivergent)
Dive into how queer and neurodivergent identities intersect with mental health. Discover empowering insights and strategies for thriving!
Dive into how queer and neurodivergent identities intersect with mental health. Discover empowering insights and strategies for thriving!
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[The Wholeness That Emerges From Brokenness](/us/blog/how-we-go-on/202503/the-wholeness-that-emerges-from-brokenness)
[Ken Druck Ph.D.](/us/contributors/ken-druck-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [How We Go On](/us/blog/how-we-go-on)
Loss can break us, but it can also deepen our wholeness. Learn how self-compassion and honoring loved ones help us heal.
Loss can break us, but it can also deepen our wholeness. Learn how self-compassion and honoring loved ones help us heal.
###### [Emotions](/us/basics/emotions)
[Understanding and Coping With Emotional Flooding](/us/blog/the-psyche-pulse/202503/understanding-and-coping-with-emotional-flooding)
[Laura J. Petracek Ph.D., LCSW](/us/contributors/laura-j-petracek-phd-lcsw) on March 5, 2025 in [The Psyche Pulse](/us/blog/the-psyche-pulse)
Flooding in relationships occurs when intense emotions overpower communication. You can manage your feelings for a stronger, healthier connection.
Flooding in relationships occurs when intense emotions overpower communication. You can manage your feelings for a stronger, healthier connection.
###### [Wisdom](/us/basics/wisdom)
[Tuning into Your Body Can Reveal Untold Wisdom](/us/blog/spiritual-intelligence/202503/tuning-into-your-body-can-reveal-untold-wisdom)
[Yosi Amram, Ph.D](/us/contributors/yosi-amram-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Spiritual Intelligence](/us/blog/spiritual-intelligence)
What if your body already has all the answers? Through practical exercises, you can decode your body’s signals, sharpen your intuition, and live with integrity.
What if your body already has all the answers? Through practical exercises, you can decode your body’s signals, sharpen your intuition, and live with integrity.
###### [Trauma](/us/basics/trauma)
[How a Psychologist Copes With a Trauma](/us/blog/liberate-yourself/202503/how-a-psychologist-copes-with-a-trauma)
[Bonnie Zucker Ph.D.](/us/contributors/bonnie-zucker-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Liberate Yourself](/us/blog/liberate-yourself)
Personal Perspective: Understanding some factors that cause PTSD can help in preventing it from developing in the first place, even if you have experienced a traumatic event.
Personal Perspective: Understanding some factors that cause PTSD can help in preventing it from developing in the first place, even if you have experienced a traumatic event.
###### [Sleep](/us/basics/sleep)
[Restoring Sleep With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation](/us/blog/revolutionizing-addiction-recovery/202503/restoring-sleep-with-transcranial-magnetic)
[Martha B. Koo M.D., FASAM, FAPA, FCTMSS](/us/contributors/martha-b-koo-md-fasam-fapa-fctmss) on March 5, 2025 in [Revolutionizing Addiction Recovery](/us/blog/revolutionizing-addiction-recovery)
Sleep issues can stem from various causes, but transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy offers a promising non-pharmacological option for restorative sleep.
Sleep issues can stem from various causes, but transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy offers a promising non-pharmacological option for restorative sleep.
###### [Time Management](/us/basics/time-management)
[The Hidden Cost of Living on Fast Forward](/us/blog/navigating-the-serpentine-path/202503/the-hidden-cost-of-living-on-fast-forward)
[Mark Shelvock RP, CT, MACP, MA](/us/contributors/mark-shelvock-rp-ct-macp-ma) on March 5, 2025 in [Navigating the Serpentine Path](/us/blog/navigating-the-serpentine-path)
Do entire months or years blur together—like time is slipping away faster than you can hold onto?
Do entire months or years blur together—like time is slipping away faster than you can hold onto?
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[The Perfectionist's Obsession With Labels](/us/blog/perfectionism/202503/the-perfectionists-obsession-with-labels)
[Leon Garber LMHC](/us/contributors/leon-garber-lmhc) on March 5, 2025 in [Perfectionism](/us/blog/perfectionism)
While many enter treatment to perfect themselves, attempting to fit into desirable labels often has significant undesirable consequences.
While many enter treatment to perfect themselves, attempting to fit into desirable labels often has significant undesirable consequences.
###### [ADHD](/us/basics/adhd)
[Cognitive Flexibility and ADHD](/us/blog/empowerment-is-real/202503/cognitive-flexibility-and-adhd)
[Catherine J. Mutti-Driscoll Ph.D.](/us/contributors/catherine-j-mutti-driscoll-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Empowerment Is Real](/us/blog/empowerment-is-real)
Some of us with ADHD are great at cognitive flexibility, while others struggle with it. How will your executive function skills stack up?
Some of us with ADHD are great at cognitive flexibility, while others struggle with it. How will your executive function skills stack up?
###### [Parenting](/us/basics/parenting)
[Are Parents to Blame for What They Can't See?](/us/blog/the-rules-of-estrangement/202503/are-parents-to-blame-for-what-they-cant-see)
[Joshua Coleman Ph.D.](/us/contributors/joshua-coleman-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [The Rules of Estrangement](/us/blog/the-rules-estrangement)
There are many influences that determine who we become as adults. Yet, today's therapy culture assumes that most outcomes are due to good or bad parenting. Is that true?
There are many influences that determine who we become as adults. Yet, today's therapy culture assumes that most outcomes are due to good or bad parenting. Is that true?
###### [Sleep](/us/basics/sleep)
[An Update on the Benefits of Cannabis for Sleep](/us/blog/your-brain-on-food/202503/an-update-on-the-benefits-of-cannabis-for-sleep)
[Gary Wenk Ph.D.](/us/contributors/gary-wenk-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Your Brain on Food](/us/blog/your-brain-food)
The effectiveness of cannabis on three common sleep disorders—insomnia, restless legs syndrome, or sleep apnea.
The effectiveness of cannabis on three common sleep disorders—insomnia, restless legs syndrome, or sleep apnea.
###### [Leadership](/us/basics/leadership)
[Navigating Leadership in a Complex World](/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/202503/navigating-leadership-in-a-complex-world)
[Ronald E. Riggio Ph.D.](/us/contributors/ronald-e-riggio-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Cutting-Edge Leadership](/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership)
How to develop leadership in teams and build adaptive leadership for these complex times.
How to develop leadership in teams and build adaptive leadership for these complex times.
###### [Animal Behavior](/us/basics/animal-behavior)
[Dogs at Play: How and Why Bowing Came to Mean "Let's Play"](/us/blog/animal-emotions/202503/dogs-at-play-how-and-why-bowing-came-to-mean-lets-play)
[Marc Bekoff Ph.D.](/us/contributors/marc-bekoff-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Animal Emotions](/us/blog/animal-emotions)
Bowing by stretching the forelimbs evolved to become a highly ritualized signal for inviting dogs to play, have fun, or continue to play if things get rough or otherwise testy.
Bowing by stretching the forelimbs evolved to become a highly ritualized signal for inviting dogs to play, have fun, or continue to play if things get rough or otherwise testy.
###### [Artificial Intelligence](/us/basics/artificial-intelligence)
[AI for Good? AI Finds Lasting Peace in Unexpected Places](/us/blog/the-five-percent/202503/ai-for-good-ai-finds-lasting-peace-in-unexpected-places)
[Peter T. Coleman Ph.D.](/us/contributors/peter-t-coleman-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [The Five Percent](/us/blog/the-five-percent)
Can AI measure peace? Research shows peaceful nations focus on daily life, not politics—offering a new way to track and foster stability in real time.
Can AI measure peace? Research shows peaceful nations focus on daily life, not politics—offering a new way to track and foster stability in real time.
###### [Memory](/us/basics/memory)
[Don't Throw Away That Toothpick!](/us/blog/feed-your-brain/202503/dont-throw-away-that-toothpick)
[Karen E. Todd RD, CSCS, EP-C, CISSN](/us/contributors/karen-e-todd-rd-cscs-ep-c-cissn) on March 5, 2025 in [Feed Your Brain](/us/blog/feed-your-brain)
Discover how chewing wood can boost brain antioxidants and memory.
Discover how chewing wood can boost brain antioxidants and memory.
### How Not to Change
Five Bad Ideas](/us/blog/get-out-of-your-mind/202502/5-bad-ideas-about-learning-how-to-change)
###### [Leadership](/us/basics/leadership)
[A Leader for Our Times:](/us/blog/platform-for-success/202503/a-leader-for-our-times)
[Laurence J. Stybel](/us/contributors/laurence-j-stybel) on March 5, 2025 in [Platform for Success](/us/blog/platform-success)
Are you and your team operating under conditions of high stress, high uncertainty, and resource constraints? Here's a leadership role model for you.
Are you and your team operating under conditions of high stress, high uncertainty, and resource constraints? Here's a leadership role model for you.
###### [Child Development](/us/basics/child-development)
[Politics Begins in Childhood](/us/blog/social-justice-pacifists/202503/politics-begins-in-childhood)
[The Social Justice Lab](/us/contributors/the-social-justice-lab) on March 5, 2025 in [Social Justice Pacifists](/us/blog/social-justice-pacifists)
The fact that anything developmental psychologists study in childhood can predict the individual's ideological preferences 30 years later amazes many people, and rightly so.
The fact that anything developmental psychologists study in childhood can predict the individual's ideological preferences 30 years later amazes many people, and rightly so.
###### [Leadership](/us/basics/leadership)
[Power in Opposites: Embracing Paradoxical Leadership](/us/blog/embracing-organizational-dichotomies/202502/power-in-opposites-embracing-paradoxical)
[Michael Matthews Ph.D.](/us/contributors/michael-matthews-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Embracing Organizational Dichotomies](/us/blog/embracing-organizational-dichotomies)
Paradoxical leadership is about embracing paradoxes, such as the values of autonomy and control. Being an effective leader often requires us to balance these values.
Paradoxical leadership is about embracing paradoxes, such as the values of autonomy and control. Being an effective leader often requires us to balance these values.
###### [Animal Behavior](/us/basics/animal-behavior)
[How Furry Friends Shape Young Hearts and Minds](/us/blog/zooeyia/202404/how-furry-friends-shape-young-hearts-and-minds)
[Katherine Compitus](/us/contributors/katherine-compitus) on March 5, 2025 in [Zooeyia](/us/blog/zooeyia)
Children shape their emotional growth and social skills through deep bonds with pets.
Children shape their emotional growth and social skills through deep bonds with pets.
###### [Resilience](/us/basics/resilience)
[The Essential Role of Self-Care for Parents and Supporters](/us/blog/everyday-resilience/202503/the-essential-role-of-self-care-for-parents-and-supporters)
[Robyne Hanley-Dafoe Ed.D.](/us/contributors/robyne-hanley-dafoe-edd) on March 5, 2025 in [Everyday Resilience](/us/blog/everyday-resilience-0)
Your well-being sets the foundation for your child’s resilience. Discover why taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do to show up for the ones who matter most.
Your well-being sets the foundation for your child’s resilience. Discover why taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do to show up for the ones who matter most.
###### [Self-Help](/us/basics/self-help)
[How to Instantly Disarm Someone Who Pushes Your Buttons](/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love/202503/how-to-instantly-disarm-someone-who-pushes-your-buttons)
[Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.D.](/us/contributors/jeffrey-bernstein-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Liking the Child You Love](/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love)
Some people know precisely how to get under your skin—but with this one simple phrase, you’ll turn the tables and leave them speechless.
Some people know precisely how to get under your skin—but with this one simple phrase, you’ll turn the tables and leave them speechless.
###### [Fear](/us/basics/fear)
[How I Conquered Fear When I Was Diagnosed With Terminal Cancer](/us/blog/caring-leadership/202503/how-i-conquered-fear-when-i-was-diagnosed-with-terminal-cancer)
[Gil Winch Ph.D.](/us/contributors/gil-winch-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Caring Leadership](/us/blog/caring-leadership)
Living with constant fear is a miserable existence. But we can train our mind to successfully dispel fear. It requires much effort and dedication, but the rewards are huge.
Living with constant fear is a miserable existence. But we can train our mind to successfully dispel fear. It requires much effort and dedication, but the rewards are huge.
###### [Relationships](/us/basics/relationships)
[The 3 Best Ways to Support Your Partner's Growth](/us/blog/social-instincts/202503/the-3-best-ways-to-support-your-partners-growth)
[Mark Travers Ph.D.](/us/contributors/mark-travers-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Social Instincts](/us/blog/social-instincts)
Want to bring out the best in your partner? These three research-backed strategies might do the trick.
Want to bring out the best in your partner? These three research-backed strategies might do the trick.
###### [Anxiety](/us/basics/anxiety)
[Living With Anxiety](/us/blog/this-is-america/202503/living-with-anxiety)
[Glenn C. Altschuler Ph.D.](/us/contributors/glenn-c-altschuler-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [This Is America](/us/blog/is-america)
What measures can best reduce anxiety? The book 'A Narrowing' by clinical psychologist Alexandra Shaker may hold some answers.
What measures can best reduce anxiety? The book 'A Narrowing' by clinical psychologist Alexandra Shaker may hold some answers.
###### [Artificial Intelligence](/us/basics/artificial-intelligence)
[AI’s Empathy Tightrope: Balance or Bust?](/us/blog/the-digital-self/202503/ais-empathy-tightrope-balance-or-bust)
[John Nosta](/us/contributors/john-nosta) on March 5, 2025 in [The Digital Self](/us/blog/the-digital-self-0)
AI may be rewiring empathy’s circuitry—amplifying some emotions, muting others, and reshaping the balance of human connection.
AI may be rewiring empathy’s circuitry—amplifying some emotions, muting others, and reshaping the balance of human connection.
###### [Boundaries](/us/basics/boundaries)
[How to Stop People-Pleasing Without Feeling Guilty](/us/blog/empower-your-mind/202502/how-to-stop-people-pleasing-without-feeling-guilty)
[Melanie A McNally Psy.D.](/us/contributors/melanie-a-mcnally-psyd) on March 5, 2025 in [Empower Your Mind](/us/blog/empower-your-mind)
Struggling to say no without guilt? Learn how to break free from people-pleasing and set boundaries that protect your time, energy, and success.
Struggling to say no without guilt? Learn how to break free from people-pleasing and set boundaries that protect your time, energy, and success.
###### [Relationships](/us/basics/relationships)
[The Myths and Realities of Closure](/us/blog/a-deeper-wellness/202503/the-myths-and-realities-of-closure)
[Monica Vermani C. Psych.](/us/contributors/monica-vermani-c-psych) on March 5, 2025 in [A Deeper Wellness](/us/blog/deeper-wellness)
Here's why we seek closure at the end of a relationship—and the one place we can find it.
Here's why we seek closure at the end of a relationship—and the one place we can find it.
###### [Relationships](/us/basics/relationships)
[The Film Flow Is Exactly What Our World Needs Right Now](/us/blog/beyond-mental-health/202503/the-film-flow-is-exactly-what-our-world-needs-right-now)
[Jennifer Gerlach LCSW](/us/contributors/jennifer-gerlach-lcsw) on March 5, 2025 in [Beyond Mental Health](/us/blog/beyond-mental-health)
The new film Flow captures realities of connection to survive and thrive in a frightening reality.
The new film Flow captures realities of connection to survive and thrive in a frightening reality.
###### [Friends](/us/basics/friends)
[How Would Aristotle Look at Friendships Today?](/us/blog/buddy-system/202503/how-would-aristotle-look-at-friendships-today)
[Geoffrey Greif Ph.D.](/us/contributors/geoffrey-greif-phd) on March 5, 2025 in [Buddy System](/us/blog/buddy-system)
Aristotle can teach us a great deal about friendships. Are you tending to your friends as well as you can?
Aristotle can teach us a great deal about friendships. Are you tending to your friends as well as you can?
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**Jay K. Varma, M.D.,** is a physician and epidemiologist with expertise in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. He is formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
**Lindsay Weisner, Psy.D.,** is a psychologist in private practice in Long Island, the author of _Ten Steps To Finding Happy_, and the host of the _Neurotic Nourishment_ Podcast.
**Nafees Alam, Ph.D.,** is a professor specializing in nonprofit program evaluation and macro practice, where he has over seven years of experience.
**Moshe Ratson, MBA, MFT,** is a psychotherapist and executive coach in NYC. He specializes in personal and professional development, anger management, emotional intelligence, infidelity issues, and couples and marriage therapy.
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[]( "March 2025")
March 2025
Are You Too Nice?
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Being overly polite might seem kind, but it often leads to problems anyway, in relationships, with friends, and at work.
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