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**Doctors by Nature**  

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](/books/hardcover/9780691164717/the-age-of-choice)_[Sophia Rosenfeld](/taxonomy/term/28162)_

[**Art in a State of Siege**  

](/books/hardcover/9780691267210/art-in-a-state-of-siege)_[Joseph Leo Koerner](/taxonomy/term/14447)_

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](/books/hardcover/9780691241173/the-tech-coup)_[Marietje Schaake](/taxonomy/term/27877)_

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[Essay **Paradoxical possibility: embracing anti-racism’s contradictions**  

_February 19, 2025_  

Anti-racism work is paradoxical. It requires the capacity to straddle contradictory yet interdependent realities that seem irreconcilable but must and can both be navigated.  

Read More](/ideas/paradoxical-possibility-embracing-anti-racisms-contradictions)

[Essay **Bad Bunny, Puerto Rico, and public history**  

_February 19, 2025_  

The evening before Three King’s Day, on January 6th, Puerto Rican rapper and singer Bad Bunny released his sixth album DeBÍ TiRAR MaS FOTos (I Should Have Taken More Pictures). Instead of releasing highly produced videos, the artist's team worked with Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, author of “Puerto Rico: A National History,” to create historical slides that were launched alongside each of the seventeen tracks.  

Read More](/ideas/bad-bunny-puerto-rico-and-public-history)

[Reading List **Books to read during Women’s History Month**  

_March 01, 2025_  

Throughout Women’s History Month in March, we will highlight books by and about women who have pushed boundaries, effected change, redefined roles, or who have complicated our understanding of what it means to be powerful.  

Read More](/ideas/books-to-read-during-womens-history-month)

[Podcast **We Have Never Been Woke**  

_February 22, 2025_  

Society has never been more egalitarian—in theory. Prejudice is taboo, and diversity is strongly valued. At the same time, social and economic inequality have exploded. In We Have Never Been Woke, Musa al-Gharbi argues that these trends are closely related, each tied to the rise of a new elite—the symbolic capitalists.  

Read More](/ideas/ideas-podcast-we-have-never-been-woke)

[Essay **Emma Jung’s years of self-liberation**  

_February 11, 2025_  

Emma Jung’s creative life is recorded in numerous handwritten notebooks and art portfolios, all of which lay undisturbed after her death in 1955. Until her documents in the family archive were systematically studied, she had not been thought of as a real contributor to the movement of analytical psychology, or as a full partner in her husband’s ground-breaking work.  

Read More](/ideas/emma-jungs-years-of-self-liberation)

[Essay **Celebrating _Bird Photographer of the Year_**  

_February 22, 2025_  

Photographers from "Bird Photographer of the Year: Collection 9" tell the stories behind their selected shots.  

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        _Literature & Translation_](/our-authors/lahiri-jhumpa)

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    *   [**Jim Al-Khalili**  


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    *   [**Claudia de Rham**  


*   **Social Science**  

    _Featured Authors_

    *   [**Anthony Abraham Jack**  

        _Higher Education_](/our-authors/jack-anthony-abraham)

    *   [**Claudia Goldin**  


    *   [**Ruha Benjamin**  

        _African American Studies_](/our-authors/benjamin-ruha)

    *   [**Marietje Schaake**  

        _Public Policy & Tech_](/our-authors/schaake-marietje)

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[**Five Princeton University Press books are 2025 PROSE Award category winners**  

_March 04, 2025_  


[**CristĂłbal Pera joins the Princeton University Press Board of Trustees**  

_February 25, 2025_  


[**PUP stands in solidarity with AUPresses in decrying the executive order on gender**  

_February 12, 2025_  


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[06 March 2025  

**Malika Zeghal at Boston University**  

_The Making of the Modern Muslim State_  

121 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA, US  

11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST  

Learn More](/events/malika-zeghal-at-boston-university)

[06 March 2025  

**Brianna Nofil at the Princeton Public Library**  

_The Migrant's Jail_  

Princeton Public Library, Princeton...  

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EST  

Learn More](/events/brianna-nofil-at-the-princeton-public-library)

[07 March 2025  

**Roger Pasquier at Raynham Hall Museum**  

_Birds at Rest_  

Raynham Hall Museum, Oyster Bay, NY, US  

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST  

Learn More](/events/roger-pasquier-at-raynham-hall-museum)

[08 March 2025  

**Vishaan Chakrabarti at SXSW EDU**  

_The Architecture of Urbanity_  

JW Marriott - Salon 7, Austin, TX, US  

10:00 am - 11:00 am CST  

Learn More](/events/vishaan-chakrabarti-at-sxsw-edu)

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