February 20, 2025: [PostgreSQL 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20 Released!](/about/news/postgresql-174-168-1512-1417-and-1320-released-3018/)
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Latest Releases
**2025-02-20 - [PostgreSQL 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20 Released!](/about/news/postgresql-174-168-1512-1417-and-1320-released-3018/)**
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has [released an update](/download/) to all supported versions of PostgreSQL, including 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20.
For the more information about this release, please review the [release notes](/docs/release/). You can download PostgreSQL from the [download](/download/) page.
* **17.4** · 2025-02-20 · [Notes](/docs/17/release-17-4.html)
* **16.8** · 2025-02-20 · [Notes](/docs/16/release-16-8.html)
* **15.12** · 2025-02-20 · [Notes](/docs/15/release-15-12.html)
* **14.17** · 2025-02-20 · [Notes](/docs/14/release-14-17.html)
* **13.20** · 2025-02-20 · [Notes](/docs/13/release-13-20.html)
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Latest News
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has [released an update](/download/) to all supported versions of PostgreSQL, including 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20.
For the more information about this release, please review the [release notes](/docs/release/). You can download PostgreSQL from the [download](/download/) page.
* [Release Announcement](/about/news/postgresql-174-168-1512-1417-and-1320-released-3018/)
* [Release Notes](/docs/release/)
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* ### [PGConf.BE : Call for speakers and Registrations open](/about/news/pgconfbe-call-for-speakers-and-registrations-open-3034/)
* 2025-03-07 by UCLL
* ### [pig v0.3 released: Build 400+ extensions with the extension wizard!](/about/news/pig-v03-released-build-400-extensions-with-the-extension-wizard-3025/)
* 2025-03-07 by Pigsty
* ### [Pigsty v3.3 Release: with 404 PostgreSQL Extensions](/about/news/pigsty-v33-release-with-404-postgresql-extensions-3023/)
* 2025-03-07 by Pigsty
* ### [PGConf.dev 2025 Schedule Announced!](/about/news/pgconfdev-2025-schedule-announced-3033/)
* 2025-03-06 by Slonik Events Canada
* ### [DBConvert Streams: New Cloud-Native Platform for PostgreSQL Migration and CDC Replication](/about/news/dbconvert-streams-new-cloud-native-platform-for-postgresql-migration-and-cdc-replication-3022/)
* 2025-03-05 by Slotix s.r.o.
### [Streaming Replication Internals for High Availability in PostgreSQL](https://postgr.es/p/73B)
* Avi Vallarapu
* 2025-03-06
### [PGDay Austria Returns](https://postgr.es/p/73A)
* Cornelia Biacsics
* 2025-03-06
### [PG 17 new random functions](https://postgr.es/p/73z)
* Regina Obe
* 2025-03-06
### [Announcing Release 19.1 of the PostgreSQL Buildfarm client](https://postgr.es/p/73w)
* Andrew Dunstan
* 2025-03-05
### [Validating Data Types from Semi-Structured Data Loads in Postgres wit](https://postgr.es/p/73x)
* Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
* 2025-03-05
### [Postgres query plan visualization tools](https://postgr.es/p/73v)
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* 2025-03-05
### [Extension Ecosystem Summit 2025](https://postgr.es/p/73t)
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* 2025-03-05
### [Announcing Release 19 of the PostgreSQL Buildfarm Client](https://postgr.es/p/73s)
* Andrew Dunstan
* 2025-03-04
### [PostgreSQL: To normalize or not to normalize?](https://postgr.es/p/73q)
* Hans-Juergen Schoenig
* 2025-03-04
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