🏳️Data Apps for Production | Plotly

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Discover data applications for production with Plotly Dash. Put data and AI into action with scalable, interactive data apps for your organization.

Introducing Plotly AI


Accelerating the journey from Python notebooks to

production-ready data applications through AI-assisted development






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adoption of drilling apps by 150+ users


cost savings replacing vendors with Plotly


faster time-to-delivery for 6+ custom data apps

“I am not from a developer background, and one thing I appreciated about Plotly was how easy it was to pick up and get started. The resources available were great and I was able to quickly build my first production application in less than 2-3 months.”

\- Jay Luna, SCADA specialist, Expand Energy (f.k.a. Chesapeake Energy)

Millions use Plotly everyday.



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**Build data apps in Python.**

$ pip install dash




**One-Click Dash App Deployment**

Deploy on platform

Radically simplified application deployment. Click a button to deploy and share a URL to your app instantly with a colleague.

Deploy dash app remotely

Command-line friendly. Deploy apps from your local computer or CI/CD platforms with a single git push command and zero app downtime.



**Install on Any Cloud VPC  

**Dash’s stateless architecture allows seamless scalability on AWS, Azure, or GCP.

View the Installation Guides→

ML & AI apps made with Dash


Dash Enterprise is the premier low-code platform for data-science apps.

Dash App Gallery

Overview of Dash & Dash Apps


Dash apps give a point-&-click interface to models written in Python, vastly expanding the notion of what's possible in a traditional "dashboard". With Dash apps, data scientists and engineers put complex Python analytics in the hands of business decision-makers and operators.

When building Dash apps in a business setting, you'll need Dash Enterprise to deploy and scale them, plus integrate them with IT infrastructure such as authentication and VPC services. Watch this short video by to see how Dash Enterprise delivers faster and more impactful business outcomes on [AI and data science](https://plotly.com/dash/plotly-ai/) initiatives.

Dash Enterprise enables the rapid development of **production-grade data apps** within your business.


Python has taken over the world, and Dash Enterprise is the leading vehicle for delivering Python analytics to business users. 

Traditional BI dashboards no longer cut it in today’s AI and ML driven world. Production-grade, low-code Python [data apps](https://plotly.com/blog/what-is-a-data-app/) are needed to visualize the sophisticated data analytics and data pipelines that run modern businesses.

The incredible **21x cost savings** of Dash Enterprise


Hiring full-stack software teams to build bespoke analytics stacks is 21 times more expensive than building with Dash Enterprise.

Data science teams love Dash for elevating their work into business operations


*   ### "Even in locked-down corporate environments, we’re able to build & deploy a Dash app in just 3 days with Dash Enterprise, something that is impossible with a traditional full-stack software team."

    \-F100 Energy Company

*   ### Plotly was awarded the 2023 Stevie Award for reducing ticket response time by 60% using own analytics product.

*   ### "Thanks to Dash-Enterprise and their support team, we were able to develop a web application with a built-in mathematical optimization solver for our client at high speed."

    **Hidenari Uoi**

    Lead Data Scientist, BrainPad inc.

*   ### "In the past, we shared only historical data. With Plotly Dash, we have a solution for live data sharing of production information. This feature allows us to set up the performance of our units in real time."

    **Data Engineer**

    Large Enterprise Chemicals Company

*   ### "User friendly, saves 50% of time, and we have a new business model by sharing the insights to customers. "

    **Lex Knape**

    Manager Data science, Ortec Finance

*   ### "With Dash, I converted 30 or so multi-tab Excel dashboards with multiple data sources into a single dashboard, massively streamlining how we collect, process, and display data."

    **Executive Director**

    Small Business Education Services Company

Contact Sales


Tell us how we can help, and we'll get in touch shortly.


First Name\*

Last Name\*

Business Email\*


Company Name\*


Data ScientistData EngineerDevOpsFull Stack DeveloperSystem ArchitectProduct ManagerQuantitative AnalystScientific ResearcherExecutiveOther

Are you using Plotly/Dash Open Source?\*

I created a Dash app.I use Plotly graphing libraries, not Dash.I use another Python data app framework.Not sure/none of the above.

Do you need to take a Python data app to production?\*

Yes, I have an immediate need.Possibly in the future.No, I have a different need.Not sure.

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