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February 21, 2025
[PLOS statement on recent US Executive Orders](
PLOS remains committed to the principles of open science: integrity, transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration.
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#### PLOS One is seeking talented individuals to join our editorial board.Â
[“I sometimes feel like I can’t win!”: An exploratory mixed-methods study of women’s body image and experiences of exercising in gym settings](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0316756)
Cowley and Schneider present a study of female gym-goers and identify factors that may limit activity levels, including judgement of women's appearance and performance, safety concerns, and available space, towards informing work to create more inclusive exercise spaces.
Image credit: [Fitness Icon]( by macrovector\_official, [Freepik](
Climate Change
[Globalizing opposition to pro-environmental institutions: The growth of counter climate change organizations around the world, 1990 to 2018](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0315012)
Furuta and colleagues present the case that counter climate change organizing is driven both by economic interests and reactionary political interests.
Image credit: [Global Warming Pollution]( by Chris\_LeBoutillier, [Pixabay](
[From tiny to immense: Geological spotlight on the Alexander Mosaic (National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy) using non-invasive in situ analyses](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0315188)
Balassone and colleagues use innovative techniques to characterise materials used in the creation of the the world-renowned Alexander Mosaic. In addition to investigating how the artwork was created, this study is helping in the restoration of this artwork today.
Image credit: [Fig 1]( by Balassone et al., [CC BY 4.0](
[Life satisfaction around the world: Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0313107)
Swami and colleagues conducted a large-scale global study to examine the stability of measuring life satisfaction across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups.
Image credit: [Business Partnership]( by Dawn Hudson, [CC BY 1.0](
[United by Unique: Celebrating World Cancer Day 2025](
PLOS One Associate Editor Jenny Tucker reports on the newly introduced theme in oncology research for 2025-2027, related conferences attended by PLOS editors, and recent PLOS publications.
Image credit: [Wife visiting her ill husband]( by Freepik, [Freepik](
[Editor Spotlight: Janice Bossart](
In this interview, PLOS One Academic Editor Janice Bossart discusses her career path in insect ecology and evolution of plant-insect interactions, tips on how to secure reviewers, and how authors, editors and reviewers can contribute to publishing rigorous science.
Image credit: [Dr. Janice Bossart]( by Dr. Janice Bossart , [CC BY 4.0](
[Editor’s picks: Highlights of 2024](
PLOS One staff editors highlight a selection of articles published in 2024.
Image credit: [2024]( by CC BY 4.0 [CC BY 4.0](
[The climate impact and land use of cultivated meat: Evaluating agricultural feedstock production](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0316480)
Kossman and colleagues find that in-vitro cultivated meat production is no more efficient than pork production that is fed solely by plant material.
Image credit: [Calf]( by Ryan McGuire, [Pixabay](
Artificial Intelligence
[Judges versus artificial intelligence in juror decision-making in criminal trials: Evidence from two pre-registered experiments](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0318486)
Watamuran and colleagues report on whether people prefer human or AI judgments in sentencing decisions.
Image credit: [Justice]( by Mohamed\_hassan, [Pixabay](
[Impact of exercise with blood flow restriction on muscle hypertrophy and performance outcomes in men and women](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0301164)
Nancekievill and colleagues compare the impact of 6 weeks of blood flow restriction training on male and female participants.
Image credit: [Weight training]( by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke, [Pixabay](
[Laboratory risk assessment of _Beauveria bassiana_ AAD16 on two species of ladybird beetle](/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0317483)
Hasan and colleagues show that two entomopathogenic fungi would not increase risk to beneficial insects when used as a mycoinsecticide.
Image credit: [Fig 11]( by Jacobs et al., [CC BY 4.0](
* ### [Complex Systems in Healthcare](
This joint collection of PLOS One and PLOS Complex Systems articles focuses on the use of complex systems research in the healthcare context.
* ### [Improving Maternal Health Measurement](
This collaboration between Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health and PLOS collates the findings of original multi-country observational research conducted to validate indicators that are used to track progress relating to the systemic and structural determinants of maternal health.
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* ### [Conferences 2025](
New opportunities to meet our editorial staff in 2025 will be announced soon.
* ### [Conferences 2025](
New opportunities to meet our editorial staff in 2025 will be announced soon.
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Posted February 17
[Editor Spotlight: Claudia Trindade Mattos](
Shein Ei Cho
Posted February 11
[Ten Years of International Women and Girls in Science Day: Progress an…](
Jenny Tucker
Posted February 4
[United by Unique: Celebrating World Cancer Day 2025](
Jenny Tucker
Posted January 13
[Editor Spotlight: Janice Bossart](
Hanna Landenmark
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