🏳️Pixelmator Pro

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Professional image editing tools that anyone can use.


Pixelmator Pro 3.6 Archipelago




What's New in Pixelmator Pro 3.6


Pixelmator Pro 3.6 introduces incredible new masking features, including AI-powered background masks, the ability to quickly add masks with a double-click, support for vector masks, new on-canvas mask controls, and much more.

[Learn more](/blog/2024/05/23/pixelmator-pro-3-6-adds-vector-masks-and-lets-you-hide-backgrounds-with-a-click)

*   ### Redesigned Masking

    Unlock a completely redesigned masking experience with features like double-click to add masks and intuitive on-canvas controls.

*   ### AI Background Masks

    Instantly hide backgrounds with AI, effortlessly creating precise subject masks while preserving fine details like hair or fur.

*   ### Vector Masks

    Quickly mask layers into shapes, draw custom masks with Pen tools, or edit masks as shapes by adjusting individual points.

*   ### Full Mask Compatibility

    Enjoy full support for vector masks in PDF, PSD, SVG, AI, and Illustrator EPS files, including export to other compatible apps like Motion.

*   #### Edit the colors in your photos in any way you want.

    In Pixelmator Pro, you’ll find everything from essential color adjustments like brightness, contrast, and exposure to advanced tools like multi-channel curves and wheel-based color balance.

*   #### Enhance photos automagically.

    Many of the most important adjustments can be applied automatically, using a machine learning algorithm trained on 20 million photos.

*   #### Perfect every detail.

    Magically remove unwanted objects, clone parts of your photos, lighten or darken precise areas, and do much more. All by using simple brushstrokes to retouch just the areas you want. So all your shots look picture-perfect.

*   #### Effortless RAW editing.

    Pixelmator Pro supports RAW photos from over 750 of the most popular digital cameras. What’s more, you can add RAW photos as RAW layers and edit directly without having to convert or preprocess them.

    [View supported RAW formats](https://support.pixelmator.com/faq-pixelmator-pro/resources/digital-camera-raw-formats-supported-in-pixelmator-pro)

*   #### Make advanced color edits using color adjustments layers.

    Use color adjustments layers to combine different color adjustments, selectively edit photos with incredible precision, and change the look entire layered compositions with ease.

[See the full list of adjustments](#)

Create stunning designs like a pro – even if you’re a beginner.


Create eye‑catching designs with ease using stunning design templates and see them come to life in beautiful, fully‑customizable mockups.

Thanks to its advanced algorithm, the Quick Selection tool lets you easily select even the most challenging objects and areas with just a few brushstrokes.

The Magnetic Selection Tool makes complex selections effortless. Simply trace the edges of any object and watch an accurate selection snap around it automatically.

Use the Color Selection Tool to quickly and easily select similarly colored parts of your image.

Make rectangular or rounded selections, select rows and columns, draw freehand selections, and more.

*   #### Optimize for Web

*   #### Soft Proofing

*   #### Color Management

*   #### PSD Files

[See full tech specs](https://www.pixelmator.com/pro/tech-specs/)

*   #### Universal App

*   #### iCloud Drive

*   #### Photos Extension

*   #### Retina Display

*   #### Light and Dark Appearance

*   #### Universal Control

*   #### Sidecar

*   #### Apple Pencil

*   #### Shortcuts

*   #### AppleScript

*   #### Versions

*   #### FaceTime Camera

*   #### Apple Silicon

    Pixelmator Pro runs natively on Mac devices powered by Apple silicon, taking full advantage of its incredible performance.

*   #### Metal

    Using Metal, Pixelmator Pro harnesses the full graphics processing power of every Mac.

*   #### Core ML

    The groundbreaking machine learning features in Pixelmator Pro are integrated using Core ML, which brings the best possible ML processing performance on Mac.

*   #### Built with Swift

    Swift is a modern programming language built for efficiency, reliability, and top-notch performance.

*   #### Core Image

    Core Image greatly speeds up processing images, enabling blazing fast, nondestructive editing.

*   #### SwiftUI

    High-performance UI animations are powered by SwiftUI.

*   #### Awarded Mac App of the Year by Apple.

*   #### Highlighted as an Editors’ Choice on the Mac App Store.

*   #### Rated 4.8 worldwide with over 49,000 ratings.

*   #### Received over 43,000 five-star ratings worldwide.

*   ### White Balance

    Quickly change the mood of your image by making all the colors warmer or cooler, or use the machine learning-powered White Balance to automatically fix white balance in shots with unwanted color casts.

*   ### Basic

    Adjust lightness, contrast, clarity and texture of an image using the Basic adjustment. Lift the shadows and pull in highlights to reveal hidden detail. Adjust Brightness to enhance photos that are a little too bright or too dark. Or use Clarity and Texture adjustments to enhance image details and make subjects in your shots stand out.

*   ### Selective Clarity

    Use the Selective Clarity adjustment to subtly enhance fine details in specific areas of an image. Adjust shadows, midtones, or highlights individually, bringing the most important details into focus.

*   ### Hue & Saturation

    Shift all the colors in your image along the color spectrum, make colors richer and more brilliant, or adjust their vibrancy. The Hue & Saturation adjustment also features an Auto button that lets you make photos more vivid and vibrant using the power of breakthrough machine learning.

*   ### Color Balance

    Change the balance of all the colors in your photo by adjusting the intensity of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow.

*   ### Selective Color

    The Selective Color adjustment lets you easily adjust precise color ranges in your image, like the blues, yellows, or greens, without affecting any of the others. It features 8 individual color ranges divided according to the color spectrum.

*   ### Levels

    Levels is a great adjustment for almost any photo as it’s designed to be both versatile and easy to use. So you can quickly improve the most important aspects of a photo, like the brightness, contrast, and colors, all in one place.

*   ### Curves

    The Curves adjustment is one of the most powerful in all of image editing, letting you adjust almost every aspect of the lighting and colors in your shots with an incredible level of depth and precision.

*   ### Replace Color

    Use the Replace Color adjustment to replace any color in your image with any other. You can pick both the color you want to replace and its replacement in any way like. For example, using the built-in Color Picker to pick a color directly from your image, or using the native Colors window.

*   ### Remove Color

    Remove any color from an image or even video using the Remove Color adjustment. Use the color picker to pick a color and adjust its range, luminance, and intensity for more precision.

*   ### Fade

    Wash out the contrasts in your photo to give it a faded look.

*   ### Black & White

    Featuring a range of options that help bring out the contrasts, textures, lighting, and shadows in your black-and-whites, the Black & White adjustment lets you create beautiful black and white photography, even from your color photos.

*   ### Color Monochrome

    Use the Color Monochrome effect to turn all the colors in your image into shades of a single color. You can also blend the new monochrome with your original image using Intensity.

*   ### Sepia

    Instantly give your photo an aged, vintage look by changing all the colors into shades of sepia.

*   ### Channel Mixer

    Mix the balance of the red, green, and blue color channels to create intense color effects in your images.

*   ### Invert

    The Invert adjustment instantly inverts all the colors in your image in their opposite colors.

*   ### Custom LUT

    Transform the look of an image using a LUT file – a color preset created in Pixelmator Pro or another image editing, video, or graphics app.

*   ### Vignette

    Add an artistic vignette around photos to create a retro look or draw attention to your subjects.

*   ### Sharpen

    The Sharpen adjustment gives you a way to quickly make all the details in your photo clearer by increasing overall sharpness.

*   ### Grain

    Add a touch of natural film grain to emulate the look of analog film in your digital photos.
