🏳️phpBB • Free and Open Source Forum Software

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phpBB is free and open source forum software that is easy to use, powerful, and highly customisable. Our community offers extensive support to end users.


[Try ourDemo](/demo/)

[phpBB • Free and Open Source Forum Software](/)



[Menu](# "Show menu")

*   [About](/about/)

    *   #### [Features](/about/features/)

        [Learn about the features that phpBB has to offer.](/about/features/)

    *   #### [Demo](/demo/)

        [Give phpBB a try with a fully-featured demo board.](/demo/)

    *   #### [Showcase](/showcase/)

        [A showcase of popular and unique sites using phpBB.](/showcase/)

    *   #### [Get Involved](/get-involved/)

        [Learn how you can get involved with the project.](/get-involved/)

    *   #### [3.3 New Features](/about/launch/)

        [An overview of the new features and improvements in phpBB 3.3.](/about/launch/)

    *   #### [The Team](/about/team/)

        [Find out who is responsible for all the mayhem.](/about/team/)

    *   #### [Contact Us](/about/contact/)

        [Have a question the forums don't answer? Come here.](/about/contact/)

    *   #### [Advertising](/about/advertise/)

        [Information if you want to advertise on phpBB.com.](/about/advertise/)

    [Find out more about the project »](/about/)

*   [Downloads](/downloads/)

    *   #### [Latest Version](/downloads/)

        [Download the latest stable release of phpBB](/downloads/)

    *   #### [Update Packages](/downloads/3.3/update)

        [Update packages for your phpBB release](/downloads/3.3/update)

    *   #### [Language Packs](/languages/)

        [Translate phpBB into (almost) any language you like](/languages/)

    *   #### [Extensions](/customise/db/extensions-36)

        [Download extensions to enhance phpBB’s functionality](/customise/db/extensions-36)

    *   #### [Styles](/customise/db/styles-2)

        [Your forums need a new look? Browse our Styles DB](/customise/db/styles-2)

    *   #### [Official Tools](/customise/db/official_tools-23)

        [Official tools by the phpBB team to assist you with your board.](/customise/db/official_tools-23)

*   [Customise](/customise/)

    *   #### [Customisation Database](/customise/db/)

        [Our customisation database contains just about everything you might need to customise your phpBB board to your liking. In it you will find Extensions, Styles, Language Packs, BBCodes, as well as various tools.](/customise/db/)

    *   #### [Extensions](/extensions/)

        [Guides on how to use them and how to create your own.](/extensions/)

    *   #### [Extensions DB](/customise/db/extensions-36)

        [Download or submit extensions to our extensions database.](/customise/db/extensions-36)

    *   #### [Styles](/styles/)

        [Guides on how to use them and to create your own styles.](/styles/)

    *   #### [Styles DB](/customise/db/styles-2)

        [Download or submit styles to our styles database.](/customise/db/styles-2)

    [More resources on customising your board »](/customise/)

*   [Support](/support/)

    *   #### [Documentation](/support/docs/)

        [Installation guide and the complete documentation.](/support/docs/)

    *   #### [User Guide](/support/docs/ug/)

        [Detailed articles for common issues and tasks with phpBB forums.](/support/docs/ug/)

    *   #### [Knowledge Base](/support/docs/en/3.3/kb/)

        [Team and user submitted ar­ticles covering support areas.](/support/docs/en/3.3/kb/)

    *   #### [Support Forums](/community/viewforum.php?f=551)

        [The Support related areas in our community forums.](/community/viewforum.php?f=551)

    *   #### [Discord / IRC](/support/chat/)

        [Visit our Discord or IRC support channels.](/support/chat/)

    *   #### [International Support](/support/intl/)

        [Find a 3rd party support site in your first language.](/support/intl/)

    [More information on support »](/support/)

*   [Development](/development/)

    *   #### [Area51 phpBB Development](//area51.phpbb.com/)

        [All Development Discussion takes place at Area51. Bug tracker, continuous integration and other development tools are located here. Find out how to get involved in phpBB development.](//area51.phpbb.com/)

    *   #### [phpBB Bug Tracker](http://tracker.phpbb.com/)

        [Report problems with phpBB core and other sub-projects such as the Website, Customisation DB, and Team Tools here.](http://tracker.phpbb.com/)

    *   #### [phpBB Ideas](/community/ideas)

        [Suggest, vote on and comment on ideas for phpBB.](/community/ideas)

    *   #### [Security Tracker](/security/)

        [The tracker for security issues in phpBB or validated Extensions.](/security/)

    *   #### [GSoC](/development/gsoc)

        [Google Summer of Code is an annual program in which Google awards stipends to students participating in coding projects for free and open source software projects.](/development/gsoc)

    [Participate in phpBB development now »](/development/)

*   [Blog](//blog.phpbb.com/)

*   [Community](/community/)

    *   #### [Support Forums](/community/viewforum.php?f=551)

        [Help with installation & running phpBB – search first!](/community/viewforum.php?f=551)

    *   #### [Extensions Forums](/community/viewforum.php?f=451)

        [Discuss and view Extensions that are available for download.](/community/viewforum.php?f=451)

    *   #### [Styles Forums](/community/viewforum.php?f=471)

        [Discuss and view Styles that are available for download.](/community/viewforum.php?f=471)

    *   #### [phpBB Discussion](/community/viewforum.php?f=64)

        [Discussions on all things phpBB: features, future, etc.](/community/viewforum.php?f=64)

    *   #### [General Discussion](/community/viewforum.php?f=6)

        [General discussion and intelligent conversations.](/community/viewforum.php?f=6)

    *   #### [Area51](//area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/)

        [Bleeding edge testing and development discussion.](//area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/)

    [… and many more forums »](/community/)

*   [Hosting](/hosting/)

[What is phpBB?](/about/)


[Get started with phpBB](/downloads/)


[Create and Share](/customise/db/)


[Contribute to phpBB](/get-involved/)




phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. With an [extensive database of user-created extensions](/customise/db/extensions-36) and [styles database](/customise/db/styles-2) containing hundreds of style and image packages to customise your board, you can create a very unique forum in minutes.

No other bulletin board software offers a greater complement of features, while maintaining efficiency and ease of use. Best of all, phpBB is completely free. We welcome you to [test it](/demo/) for yourself today. If you have any questions please visit our [Community Forum](/community/) where our staff and members of the community will be happy to assist you with anything from configuring the software to modifying the code for individual needs. [Learn more about phpBB.](/about/)

* * *

### Latest phpBB Announcements and Blog Posts

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    [Announcement • phpBB 3.3.14 Release](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2658145)

    Greetings everyone, We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.14 “Bertie All Along”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a number of improvements … [read more](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2658145)

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    [Announcement • phpBB 3.3.13 Release](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2656048)

    Greetings everyone, We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.13 “Bertie & Ted”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a number of improvements … [read more](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2656048)

*   31  



    [Announcement • phpBB 3.3.12 Release](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2653732)

    Greetings everyone, We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.12 "Bertie: A phpBB Saga". This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a number of improvements … [read more](/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2653732)

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    [Blog • phpBB 3.3.15-RC1 available for testing](https://blog.phpbb.com/2025/03/02/phpbb-3-3-15-rc1-available-for-testing/)

    We are excited to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.15-RC1, a new release candidate for the upcoming stable release of phpBB 3.3.15. This pre-release version is now available for downloading and … [read more](https://blog.phpbb.com/2025/03/02/phpbb-3-3-15-rc1-available-for-testing/)

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    [Blog • phpBB 3.3.14-RC1 available for testing](https://blog.phpbb.com/2024/10/22/phpbb-3-3-14-rc1-available-for-testing/)

    We are excited to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.14-RC1, a new release candidate for the upcoming stable release of phpBB 3.3.14. This pre-release version is now available for downloading and … [read more](https://blog.phpbb.com/2024/10/22/phpbb-3-3-14-rc1-available-for-testing/)

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    [Blog • phpBB 3.3.13-RC1 available for testing](https://blog.phpbb.com/2024/08/05/phpbb-3-3-13-rc1-available-for-testing/)

    We are excited to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.13-RC1, a new release candidate for the upcoming stable release of phpBB 3.3.13. This pre-release version is now available for downloading and … [read more](https://blog.phpbb.com/2024/08/05/phpbb-3-3-13-rc1-available-for-testing/)

[All Announcements](/community/viewforum.php?f=14) [](/feeds/rss/)| [phpBB Blog](//blog.phpbb.com/)[](https://blog.phpbb.com/feed/ "Blog feed")

[](# "Toggle sidebar")

[phpBB 3.3 Proteus has landed!](/about/launch/)

[We've just released phpBB 3.3 -  

Take a look at what's new.](/about/launch/)

### Sponsors

*    **[BlueHost.com](/hosting/r/bluehost-frontpage/)** - voted best web host with superior support **2004-2010!** Offering a **free domain**, **unlimited** space, **unlimited** transfer - easy 1-click install of phpBB all for [**only $6.95/month**… **_Sign up now!_**](/hosting/r/bluehost-frontpage/)

*   _[Advertise on phpBB.com](/about/advertise/)_

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© 2001 - 2025 [phpBB Limited](/about/) • [Contact Us](/about/contact/) • [Advertise on www.phpbb.com](/about/advertise/)  

Header illustrations by [Vlad Gerasimov](https://vlad.studio/) • Designed by [phpBB](/) • Hosting donated by [OSUOSL](https://osuosl.org/) • Running on [Symfony](https://symfony.com/)