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**Recent Releases:**
[Net\_URL2 2.2.2](/package/Net_URL2/)
(Released Tue, 11th Mar 25)
[Log 1.14.5](/package/Log/)
(Released Sun, 9th Mar 25)
[Image\_Canvas 0.5.0](/package/Image_Canvas/)
(Released Sun, 22nd Dec 24)
[Image\_Color 1.0.7](/package/Image_Color/)
(Released Sun, 8th Dec 24)
[pearweb\_phars 1.10.24](/package/pearweb_phars/)
(Released Sun, 24th Nov 24)
[](/feeds/ "Information about XML feeds for the PEAR website")
**Popular Packages\*:**
[Net\_URL2 2.2.2](/package/Net_URL2/)
[Log 1.14.5](/package/Log/)
[Net\_SMTP 1.12.1](/package/Net_SMTP/)
[DB 1.12.2](/package/DB/)
[PEAR 1.10.16](/package/PEAR/)
\* downloads per day
[](/feeds/ "Information about XML feeds for the PEAR website")
**Recently Proposed:**
by [cequiel](/user/cequiel)
[Database::Database\_dbQuer y](/pepr/pepr-proposal-show.php?id=707)
by [cequiel](/user/cequiel)
[Web Services::Services\_Tune](/pepr/pepr-proposal-show.php?id=706)
by [jefftune](/user/jefftune)
by [cequiel](/user/cequiel)
by [elevenpaths](/user/elevenpaths)
[See all](/pepr/ "PEPR Proposals")
**New Developers:**
[Drew Webber](/user/mcdruid)
[Armin Graefe](/user/schengawegga)
[Neil Jackson](/user/neiljackson1984)
[See all](/user/ "Developers")
PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository
» What is it?
PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components.
Sounds good? Perhaps you might want to know about **[installing PEAR on your system](/manual/en/installation.php)** or [installing pear packages](/manual/en/guide.users.commandline.cli.php).
You can find help using PEAR packages in the [online manual](/manual/en/) and the [FAQ](/manual/en/faq.php).
If you have been told by other PEAR developers to sign up for a PEAR website account, you can use [this interface](/account-request.php).
» Hot off the Press
Looks like we don't have an RSS feed. Try adding a cron job to fetch [http://blog.pear.php.net/feed/](http://blog.pear.php.net/feed/) and put it in /var/tmp/pear/rss\_cache/pear-news.xml
wget --output-document=/var/tmp/pear/rss\_cache/pear-news.xml http://blog.pear.php.net/feed/
PEAR Community
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Our developers are also on [LinkedIn](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=36298), [OpenHub](https://www.openhub.net/p/pear), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/pear) as well as the [wiki](http://wiki.php.net/pear/).
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