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*   [](/media/10663686/bonded-in-death)

*   [](/media/10663676/all-the-water-in-the-world)

*   [](/media/10971175/all-the-other-mothers-hate-me)


#### [The Women](/media/9852641/the-women)

##### Kristin Hannah · Julia Whelan (2024)


#### [The Wedding People](/media/10141759/the-wedding-people)

##### Alison Espach (2024)


#### [Fourth Wing](/media/9254594/fourth-wing)

##### Rebecca Yarros (2023)


#### [Onyx Storm](/media/11051667/onyx-storm)

##### Rebecca Yarros (2025)


#### [The Crash](/media/11253891/the-crash)

##### Freida McFadden · Leslie Howard (2025)


#### [The God of the Woods](/media/10215611/the-god-of-the-woods)

##### Liz Moore (2024)


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