🏳️Business VPN For Secure Networking | OpenVPN

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OpenVPN provides secure remote access for businesses. Our self-hosted and cloud-managed solutions offer zero trust network access built on the leading OpenVPN protocol.

Deliver **secure access** to your hybrid workforce


Give your teams the freedom to work securely anywhere with [private access](/solutions/use-cases/enforcing-zero-trust/), [secure web access](/solutions/use-cases/secure-internet-access/), and [SaaS protection](/solutions/use-cases/protecting-access-to-saas/) from OpenVPN.

[Get Started for Free](https://openvpn.net/product-select/)

Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

Private Access


Your hybrid workforce needs secure access to private resources, regardless of location or if the application is hosted on-prem or in the cloud.

[Learn more](/solutions/use-cases/enforcing-zero-trust/)

Secure Web Access


OpenVPN provides secure web access without a proxy web server, blocks access to undesirable content, and can route all internet traffic to third-party secure internet gateways for deep-packet inspection.

SaaS Protection


OpenVPN’s secure networking solutions isolate your SaaS applications from internet access—except for your authorized employees.

Deliver secure remote access anywhere

Whether you’re trying to access private resources, SaaS apps, or the internet – OpenVPN delivers remote access easily and securely.

[Learn About Secure Remote Access](/solutions/use-cases/secure-remote-access/)

Seamlessly transition from perimeter-based to zero trust access

Transitioning to ZTNA isn’t something that happens overnight – OpenVPN can support you wherever you are in your security evolution.

[Read About Enforcing Zero Trust](/solutions/use-cases/enforcing-zero-trust/)

Cost-effectively reduce your attack surface

Protect critical apps in private networks with identity-based access for authorized devices and users. Reduce your attack surface using secure, transparent OpenVPN protocol.

[Compare Pricing](/pricing/)

Network security is in a **new era**.


Hybrid workforces, workloads moving to the cloud, the growth in SaaS, and apps distributed in multiple environments. The complexity that your security, IT, and network teams are facing is off the charts. Luckily, the answer doesn’t have to be complicated.  

OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.

Cloud-delivered and self-hosted solutions

Choose based on your business criteria. Both options are available for the same price from the company you trust.

[Compare Our Products](/product-comparison/)

Network access with built-in security

Remote access should not provide access to the entire network. Implement network segmentation, role and attribute-based access control, device identity checks, IDS/IPS, and Secure Web Gateway (SWG) without additional costs.

[Read More Product Features](/product-comparison/)

Cost-effective pricing

Your hybrid workforce is only sometimes remote. Our economical pricing model allows you to pay only for the number of connections you use for increased saving.

[Get Started Today](/pricing/)

On-demand scalability and simplified management

Our offerings prioritize ease of use and scalability for your users, while providing centralized configuration, visibility, and management. Features include the ability to import connection configuration profiles through a URL, route based on application domain names, and more.

[Check Out an Interactive Demo](https://openvpn.navattic.com/xc9o01il)

Two Secure Networking Solutions. **Which is right for you?**


Self-hosted secure access solution giving you more control over your network security. **Get started with 2 free connections.**

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Choose Access Server if you want to:

*   Have complete control over the solution’s [deployment, configuration, and management](https://openvpn.net/as-docs/general.html).

*   Always have the tunnel terminate on networks that you own and control to ensure the data traffic stays in your domain of control.

[Get Started for Free](https://myaccount.openvpn.com/signup/as)

Cloud-delivered service to connect private networks, devices and servers. **Get started with 3 free connections and a 14-day trial for business.**

* * *

Choose CloudConnexa if you want to:

*   Share the responsibility of maintaining the virtual [network](https://openvpn.net/cloud-docs/owner/networks/networks---networks/about-networks.html#related-documents-146403) with [OpenVPN Inc.](https://openvpn.net/about/) provides the cloud-based virtual networking platform, with built-in security functions, offered as a service from its various worldwide data centers and you are responsible for the connections to it.

[Get Started for Free](https://myaccount.openvpn.com/signup/cc)

Or compare the two products to see what’s right for you.[Compare the Products](/product-comparison/)

How do I use OpenVPN for remote access?



Get Access Server for your deployment type

Install on your network

Install client and import profile

Connect to Access Server

Access private applications

Add more users and configure access control

[Get Started with Access Server](/access-server/)

See what nearly 20,000 customers, hundreds of partners, and all major cloud providers already know.


1.  Jason K. REPAY

    Easy to configure options, add users, and that it has two factor authentication built in. You can configure the system to allow connections on common ports so that you're able to connect from pretty much anywhere in the world.

2.  Johnathan B. Surry Telephone

    Configuring and updating my own server is super simple. In my experience, I've always had some difficulty setting up hardware VPN appliances, but OpenVPN was no-nonsense.

3.  Alex H. DGDean

    The OpenVPN Access Server AMI is a great out of the box VPN solution for your AWS VPC...

4.  John G. Anovys, LLC

    OpenVPN offers users a very simple and secure VPN option that is both economical and quick to install. Users are able to easily install it on their client devices.

5.  Jeremy F. Intelligent Pathways

    The availability of client software for all operating systems and mobile devices means my customers can connect regardless of their setup.

6.  Josh Wc. nexgen|packaging, LLC

    Excellent, flexible solution for our Azure environment.

VPN Client

OpenVPN Connect


Download our free and full-featured VPN client to connect to CloudConnexa®, Access Server, or any OpenVPN protocol compatible server.

[Download for Windows](https://openvpn.net/downloads/openvpn-connect-v3-windows.msi)[](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/openvpn-connect/id590379981?mt=8)[](https://openvpn.net/openvpn-client-for-linux/)[](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn)[](https://openvpn.net/downloads/openvpn-connect-v3-macos.dmg)

Word on the Street.


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Get started now with your free connections.Our Technical Support team is available 24/7 to guide you through every step of set-up and configuration. But we doubt you’ll need us.[Create Your Account](https://openvpn.net/product-select/)