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[New developments at Opensource.com](/article/23/6/new-developments-opensourcecom)
The community is hard at work on something new.
[A distributed database load-balancing architecture with ShardingSphere](/article/23/4/distributed-database-load-balancing-architecture-shardingsphere)
[Edit your photos with open source artificial intelligence](/article/23/4/edit-photos-open-source-ai)
[5 reasons virtual machines still matter](/article/23/4/5-reasons-virtual-machines-still-matter)
[New developments at Opensource.com](/article/23/6/new-developments-opensourcecom)
The community is hard at work on something new.
[Tips for running virtual, in-person, and hybrid events](/article/23/5/virtual-in-person-events)
Create the perfect blend of virtual and in-person events.
[Generate web pages from Markdown with Docsify-This](/article/23/5/docsify-markdown-html)
This open source tool makes it easier than ever to convert Markdown to web pages.
[How I used guilt as a motivator for good](/article/23/4/guilt-motivation)
Guilt is usually considered a negative emotion, but by steering it well, you can achieve surprising success.
[3 reasons to host a docathon for your open source project](/article/23/4/open-source-docathon)
A marathon for documentation is a great way to produce or improve the docs for your open source project.
[Run a virtual conference using only open source tools](/article/23/4/open-source-tools-virtual-conference)
Here's how to use open source tools to run your next virtual event.
Find the perfect open source tool
Project management, business intelligence, reporting, and more. Check these popular projects.
[Get started](https://opensource.com/alternatives?utm_source=intcta)
[3 key open source challenges in developing countries](/article/23/4/challenges-open-source-developing-countries)
Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.
[Test your Drupal website with Cypress](/article/23/4/website-test-drupal-cypress)
Testing makes everything better. Learn how to use Cypress for your Drupal website.
[5 open ways to help UX designers and developers collaborate better](/article/23/4/designers-developers-collaborate)
Designing with open decisions can help increase collaboration between user experience and dev teams.
[What's new in GNOME 44?](/article/23/4/linux-gnome-44-features)
The GNOME Linux desktop's latest release is now available. Find out about the new and improved Bluetooth, user interface, apps, and other features in GNOME 44.
[Retry your Python code until it fails](/article/23/4/retry-your-python-code-until-it-fails)
Use the Tenacity and Mock libraries to find the bugs hiding deep within your code.
[Learn Tcl/Tk and Wish with this simple game](/article/23/4/learn-tcltk-wish-simple-game)
Here's an easy coding project to get you started with Tcl/Tk.
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