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Members of Congress

See which industries and organizations are supporting your elected representatives in the House and Senate.


Congressional Committees

See connections between committee members, industries, and interests that they regulate.


Presidential Administrations

Explore data connected to appointees and other administrators.


Personal Finances

Searchable database of officials' personal financial reports.





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State Legislatures

Follow the money to state legislators in all 50 states.


Judicial Officeholders

Discover the industries and organizations that donated to judicial officeholders in the 38 states that elect judges.


Other Statewide Officeholders

See who else industries and special interests have supported with political dollars, from attorneys general to public utility commissioners.



Look Up a Politician

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Presidential Elections

Learn about the hundreds of millions of dollars raised and spent by presidential candidates.


Congressional Elections

Follow the big donors and spenders seeking to influence U.S. House and Senate races.


Ballot Measures

Ballot measures allow voters to vote directly on a law or policy change. Explore the ballot measures attracting the most spending and their donors.




Outside Spending

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Campaign Expenditures

Search campaign expenditures to explore how candidates and political groups are spending donor money.


Political Ads

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Look Up a Donor

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Lobbying & Groups




Lobbying Overview

Explore influential organizations spending billions of dollars each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies.


Foreign Lobby Watch

Many governments, companies and other entities pay foreign agents to influence U.S. policy and opinion in pursuit of those interests.


Revolving Door

Discover which public relations firms have signed up former White House and Congressional staffers to lobby on their behalf.


Industries & Interest Groups


Political Action Committees (PACs)

Follow the money flowing in and out of political action committees, commonly known as PACs.



Our organization profiles compile data on campaign contributions and lobbying activity from thousands of corporations, trade associations, labor unions, nonprofits, and other advocacy groups.


Dark Money

Learn more about the outside influence of “dark money” groups, which spend millions of dollars on elections without revealing where their money comes from.



Our industry profiles allow you to uncover the influence of entire industries and economic sectors.


Political Parties

Learn how national party committees raise and spend money to influence elections.


527 Advocacy Groups

Track the hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into state and federal elections from 527 political nonprofits.



Explore Lobbying

Get the full picture of who is lobbying government officials. Search by client, firm, industry, or issue to see who is spending to shape policy.

[Start your search](/federal-lobbying)



Latest News


Rep. Neal Dunn becomes latest lawmaker to violate STOCK Act


Congress March 13, 2025


Trump administration profile: Sean Duffy


Air Transport March 10, 2025


Trump administration profile: Susie Wiles   


2024 Election March 05, 2025

](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-susie-wiles/)[View all OpenSecrets News](/news)

Learning Center



Profiles on current issues and important topics.



In-depth analyses on money and politics.


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Nonpartisan, independent, nonprofit


We are OpenSecrets

OpenSecrets is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Our mission is to track the flow of money in American politics and provide the data and analysis to strengthen democracy.

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*   [5\. google](/search?field=employer&q=google&type=donors)

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*   [1\. daniel cameron](/search?field=recip&q=daniel+cameron&type=donors)

*   [2\. trump](/search?field=recip&q=trump&type=donors)

*   [3\. donald trump](/search?field=recip&q=donald+trump&type=donors)

*   [4\. schumer](/search?field=recip&q=schumer&type=donors)

*   [5\. biden](/search?field=recip&q=biden&type=donors)

Popular Tools

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    Candidates & Officeholders

    View top contributors and spending trends for politicians


#### Issues Center

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    Climate Profile

    How has the private sector shaped climate policy?


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    How have varying interests influenced gun policy?


*   [


    When a new industry hits the scene, what happens with political spending?


#### Latest News


Rep. Neal Dunn becomes latest lawmaker to violate STOCK Act


Congress March 13, 2025


Trump administration profile: Sean Duffy


Air Transport March 10, 2025


Trump administration profile: Susie Wiles   


2024 Election March 05, 2025


Lobbying firms scored record earnings in 2024


Influence & Lobbying March 03, 2025


2024 in review: Total outside fundraising for presidential candidates


2024 Election February 26, 2025


Trump administration profile: Tulsi Gabbard


Cabinet February 24, 2025


Nonpartisan, independent, nonprofit

Your home formoney in politics


Find financial data on e

Start your search

The nation’s top resource for unbiased political finance data, trusted by

Follow the Money


*   What’s the latest news?

    Stay up to date with breaking news and reports on the financial side of politics and policy.

    [Read our original journalism](news)

*   Who contributes to politicians?

    Explore disclosures and contributions for politicians at every level of government, from the state house to the White House.

    [Explore contributions](candidates-officeholders)

*   How do I get started?

    Enhance your understanding of political finance with easy-to-access resources and educational tools.

    [Start learning](resources/learn)

*   Who's lobbying to influence policy?

    Uncover how industries and special interest groups influence policies through lobbying and political donations.

    [Uncover lobbying efforts](federal-lobbying)

*   What insights can I gain from campaign finance trends?

    Analyze the latest election data and trends to see how money is shaping the outcome of critical races.

    [See election trends](elections-overview)

*   What’s the latest news?

    Stay up to date with breaking news and reports on the financial side of politics and policy.

    [Read our original journalism](news)

*   Who contributes to politicians?

    Explore disclosures and contributions for politicians at every level of government, from the state house to the White House.

    [Explore contributions](candidates-officeholders)

*   How do I get started?

    Enhance your understanding of political finance with easy-to-access resources and educational tools.

    [Start learning](resources/learn)

*   Who's lobbying to influence policy?

    Uncover how industries and special interest groups influence policies through lobbying and political donations.

    [Uncover lobbying efforts](federal-lobbying)

*   What insights can I gain from campaign finance trends?

    Analyze the latest election data and trends to see how money is shaping the outcome of critical races.

    [See election trends](elections-overview)

*   What’s the latest news?

    Stay up to date with breaking news and reports on the financial side of politics and policy.

    [Read our original journalism](news)

*   Who contributes to politicians?

    Explore disclosures and contributions for politicians at every level of government, from the state house to the White House.

    [Explore contributions](candidates-officeholders)

*   How do I get started?

    Enhance your understanding of political finance with easy-to-access resources and educational tools.

    [Start learning](resources/learn)

*   Who's lobbying to influence policy?

    Uncover how industries and special interest groups influence policies through lobbying and political donations.

    [Uncover lobbying efforts](federal-lobbying)

*   What insights can I gain from campaign finance trends?

    Analyze the latest election data and trends to see how money is shaping the outcome of critical races.

    [See election trends](elections-overview)

*   What’s the latest news?

    Stay up to date with breaking news and reports on the financial side of politics and policy.

    [Read our original journalism](news)

*   Who contributes to politicians?

    Explore disclosures and contributions for politicians at every level of government, from the state house to the White House.

    [Explore contributions](candidates-officeholders)

2024 Presidential Election by the Numbers


Learn about the most recent fundraising trends in the biggest race of the 2024 election cycle.

[Explore the data](2024-presidential-race)

Kamala Harris (D)

Candidate Committee Funding $1,151,260,254

Candidate Committee Funding $1,151,260,254

Outside Money $842,989,903

Outside Money $842,989,903

Donald Trump (R)

Candidate Committee Funding $463,662,725

Candidate Committee Funding $463,662,725

Outside Money $988,954,718

Outside Money $988,954,718


Amount raised by current candidate committees so far


Amount raised by outside groups supporting campaigns so far


Total amount raised (candidate committees and outside groups)

Reports and Datasets



Ballot Measures

See who is behind groups spending to support or oppose ballot measures.

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Dark Money Basics

Learn the basics about dark money, how it works and see top spenders.

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State Data

Head to our legacy site for state-level data, soon to be integrated into OpenSecrets.

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Featured Data

OpenSecrets routinely creates custom data sets based on popular requests. Each CC licensed data set covers a distinct period of time.

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Whether it's analyzing campaign contributions by gender or looking closely at federal lobbying, take a deep dive into important money-and-politics subjects.

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OpenSecrets Original Reporting


Keep up with the stories shaping policy and governance as we uncover the financial forces behind political decisions.

[Visit OpenSecrets News](news)

[2024 Election | March 05, 2025

Trump administration profile: Susie Wiles](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-susie-wiles/)   [

Influence & Lobbying | March 03, 2025

Lobbying firms scored record earnings in 2024


2024 Election | February 26, 2025

2024 in review: Total outside fundraising for presidential candidates


Cabinet | February 24, 2025

Trump administration profile: Tulsi Gabbard


Congress | March 13, 2025

Rep. Neal Dunn becomes latest lawmaker to violate STOCK Act


Air Transport | March 10, 2025

Trump administration profile: Sean Duffy

](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-sean-duffy/)[2024 Election | March 05, 2025

Trump administration profile: Susie Wiles](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-susie-wiles/)   [

Influence & Lobbying | March 03, 2025

Lobbying firms scored record earnings in 2024


2024 Election | February 26, 2025

2024 in review: Total outside fundraising for presidential candidates


Cabinet | February 24, 2025

Trump administration profile: Tulsi Gabbard


Congress | March 13, 2025

Rep. Neal Dunn becomes latest lawmaker to violate STOCK Act


Air Transport | March 10, 2025

Trump administration profile: Sean Duffy

](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-sean-duffy/)[2024 Election | March 05, 2025

Trump administration profile: Susie Wiles](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2025/03/trump-administration-profile-susie-wiles/)   [

Influence & Lobbying | March 03, 2025

Lobbying firms scored record earnings in 2024


Custom Solutions


At OpenSecrets, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change. Below you'll find ways to engage with us from custom data solutions to partnerships.

*   Custom data

*   Media partners

*   Research support

*   Specialized training

### Custom Data & Licensing

Looking to access specific data for your business or research needs? OpenSecrets offers access to state and federal datasets on political contributions, expenditures, personal financial disclosures, candidate lists, and lobbying activities. We can provide you with summary data, raw data, or specialized research, with data spanning more than 30 years.

[Learn More](contracts)

### Media Partners

From training experts to generating insights and custom datasets, OpenSecrets has partnered with newsrooms on a wide range of impactful investigative pieces and data-driven journalism.

[Learn More](news/partner-with-opensecrets)

### Research Support

OpenSecrets offers specialized tools and support designed to help scholars, researchers and journalists enhance their reporting and increase impact.

[Get in touch](mailto:[email protected])

### Specialized Training

OpenSecrets Academy is an essential resource for mastering the intricacies of money in politics. Dive into our online resources or partner with us for training designed specifically for you and your interests.

[Learn More](news/academy)

### Custom Data & Licensing

Looking to access specific data for your business or research needs? OpenSecrets offers access to state and federal datasets on political contributions, expenditures, personal financial disclosures, candidate lists, and lobbying activities. We can provide you with summary data, raw data, or specialized research, with data spanning more than 30 years.

[Learn More](contracts)

### Media Partners

From training experts to generating insights and custom datasets, OpenSecrets has partnered with newsrooms on a wide range of impactful investigative pieces and data-driven journalism.

[Learn More](news/partner-with-opensecrets)

### Research Support

OpenSecrets offers specialized tools and support designed to help scholars, researchers and journalists enhance their reporting and increase impact.

[Get in touch](mailto:[email protected])

### Specialized Training

OpenSecrets Academy is an essential resource for mastering the intricacies of money in politics. Dive into our online resources or partner with us for training designed specifically for you and your interests.

[Learn More](news/academy)

### Custom Data & Licensing

Looking to access specific data for your business or research needs? OpenSecrets offers access to state and federal datasets on political contributions, expenditures, personal financial disclosures, candidate lists, and lobbying activities. We can provide you with summary data, raw data, or specialized research, with data spanning more than 30 years.

[Learn More](contracts)

### Media Partners

From training experts to generating insights and custom datasets, OpenSecrets has partnered with newsrooms on a wide range of impactful investigative pieces and data-driven journalism.

[Learn More](news/partner-with-opensecrets)

### Research Support

OpenSecrets offers specialized tools and support designed to help scholars, researchers and journalists enhance their reporting and increase impact.

[Get in touch](mailto:[email protected])

### Specialized Training

OpenSecrets Academy is an essential resource for mastering the intricacies of money in politics. Dive into our online resources or partner with us for training designed specifically for you and your interests.

[Learn More](news/academy)

### Custom Data & Licensing

Looking to access specific data for your business or research needs? OpenSecrets offers access to state and federal datasets on political contributions, expenditures, personal financial disclosures, candidate lists, and lobbying activities. We can provide you with summary data, raw data, or specialized research, with data spanning more than 30 years.

[Learn More](contracts)

### Media Partners

From training experts to generating insights and custom datasets, OpenSecrets has partnered with newsrooms on a wide range of impactful investigative pieces and data-driven journalism.

[Learn More](news/partner-with-opensecrets)

### Research Support

OpenSecrets offers specialized tools and support designed to help scholars, researchers and journalists enhance their reporting and increase impact.

[Get in touch](mailto:[email protected])

### Specialized Training

OpenSecrets Academy is an essential resource for mastering the intricacies of money in politics. Dive into our online resources or partner with us for training designed specifically for you and your interests.

[Learn More](news/academy)

Frequently asked questionsFAQ


Explore frequently asked questions to learn more about how OpenSecrets tracks political funding, gathers data, how money influences elections and policy, and how to use our tools. If you’re looking for more details on how to navigate the site, this is the place to start.

[View all FAQ](https://www.opensecrets.org/resources/faq)

What is OpenSecrets?

OpenSecrets is a nonpartisan, independent nonprofit. Our mission is to serve as the trusted authority on money in American politics. We pursue our mission by providing comprehensive and reliable data, analysis, and tools for policymakers, storytellers and citizens.

How can I use OpenSecrets to research specific politicians?

You can explore politicians using the “politicians” section of our site navigation, or head into our [search tool](/search?type=indiv) to find a specific politician. You can also search our donor database for the politician’s name to see a full list of contributors. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Once a candidate files with the FEC or a state agency, we list that candidate on our site. If you notice someone is missing, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

How can I research a company to understand their political spending?

You can either explore our lobbying section using the “lobbying & groups” section of our site navigation, or head into our [search tool](/search?type=orgs) to find a specific company or organization and better understand their contributions and lobbying history.

How does OpenSecrets track political donations?

Nearly all our data originates with an official government source, then we add value to it with additional processing and research. Congressional and presidential campaign finance data comes from the Federal Election Commission. Lobbying data comes from the Senate Office of Public Records. State-level campaign finance data comes from state agencies across the country. Information on 527 committees comes from the Internal Revenue Service. Travel and personal financial disclosures come from various information-collectors in Congress. The Revolving Door database is updated using press reports and official announcements about individuals' movements in and out of the public and private sectors.

Who funds OpenSecrets?

OpenSecrets has operated since 1983 thanks to a combination of grants from private foundations and contributions from individuals like you, along with some revenue from research fees and data contracts. You can review our [list of major funders](https://www.opensecrets.org/about/funders) here, and you can make a tax-deductible donation of your own here. We're always interested in talking with people who might be interested in supporting OpenSecrets, and telling them more about what we do and the impact our nonpartisan work has.

How can I access raw data or request custom data?

OpenSecrets offers access to state and federal datasets on political contributions, expenditures, personal financial disclosures, candidate lists, and lobbying activities. You can request additional information for accessing custom data and licensing [here](https://www.opensecrets.org/contracts).

Your weekly money in politics newsletter


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We follow the money, you make it possible


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We follow the money, you make it possible


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*   > "Websites such as OpenSecrets.org publish a torrent of data showing how much American companies, industries and interest groups spend on lobbying and electioneering. The trend is relentlessly upward."

    The Economist

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    Erin Burnett

*   > "Simply invaluable. If journalists are supposed to dig, then OpenSecrets.org is the sharpest shovel out there."

    Dan Stone

*   > "Absolutely indispensable."

    Sean Trende

*   > "The nation's top money-in-politics research organization."

    Julian Brookes

*   > "OpenSecrets will provide a one stop shop for granular campaign finance data which will help foster well-informed citizens. OpenSecrets will also be invaluable for academics in the fields of election law and political science."

    Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

*   > "A lot of people, campaigns and the news media included, put their faith in a website called OpenSecrets.org ... The site has become the authority in the increasingly murky world of campaign finances, especially the outside, secret money."

    Dan Rather

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    Deroy Murdock

*   > "Websites such as OpenSecrets.org publish a torrent of data showing how much American companies, industries and interest groups spend on lobbying and electioneering. The trend is relentlessly upward."

    The Economist

*   > "A trove of data."

    Erin Burnett

*   > "Simply invaluable. If journalists are supposed to dig, then OpenSecrets.org is the sharpest shovel out there."

    Dan Stone

*   > "Absolutely indispensable."

    Sean Trende

Money is power.Exposing it is ours.


Money is a pervasive, game-changing and often unacknowledged participant in our politics. How it’s spent and where it comes from is a story that needs to be told, often and in detail, to build both transparency and trust.

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