
Website faviconopensearch.org

OpenSearch is a community-driven, Apache 2.0-licensed open source search and analytics suite that makes it easy to ingest, search, visualize, and analyze data.




[OpenSearch Core](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/)

[OpenSearch Dashboards](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/)

[OpenSearch Data Prepper](/docs/latest/data-prepper/)

[Performance Benchmarks](/benchmarks/)





[Security Analytics](/platform/security-analytics/index.html)

[Machine Learning and AI](/blog/opensearch-ai-retrospective/)










[Documentation Library](/docs/latest/)

[OpenSearch and Dashboards](/docs/latest/about/)

[OpenSearch Benchmark](/docs/latest/benchmark/)

[OpenSearch Data Prepper](/docs/latest/data-prepper/)


[Visit the OpenSearch Blog](/blog/)



OpenSearch is a powerful search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene.

[OpenSearch Dashboards](/docs/latest/about/)

Our data visualization toolset is a flexible, fully integrated solution for visually exploring and querying your data.

[OpenSearch Data Prepper](/docs/latest/data-prepper/)

A server-side data collector designed to enrich, transform, and aggregate data for downstream analytics with OpenSearch.


[Machine Learning and AI](/platform/MachineLearning/index.html)

[Vector Database](/platform/search/vector-database.html)

[Anomaly Detection](/AnomalyDetection/)



[Document Search](/blog/similar-document-search/)


[Performance Monitoring](/docs/latest/monitoring-your-cluster/pa/index/)

[Log Analysis](/docs/latest/dashboards/discover/index-discover/)

[Security Analytics](/platform/security-analytics/index.html)

[Threat Intelligence](/docs/latest/security-analytics/usage/detectors/)

[Event Correlation](/blog/correlating-security-events/)

Performance Benchmarks

View key performance metrics across different workloads

[View Data](/benchmarks/)

[OpenSearch Blog](/blog/)

Most Recent Articles

[Solution Provider Highlight - Enhancing anomaly detection in Amazon OpenSearc...](/blog/ad-rule-cx-success/)

Mar 07

[Tracking the evolution of OpenSearch performance](/blog/Tracking-the-Evolution-of-OpenSearch-Performance/)

Mar 06

[Efficient large-scale filtering with bitmap filtering in OpenSearch](/blog/introduce-bitmap-filtering-feature/)

Feb 25

[Reduce costs with disk-based vector search](/blog/Reduce-Cost-with-Disk-based-Vector-Search/)

Feb 19

[From chaos to clarity: Revolutionizing OpenSearch clients and documentation u...](/blog/revolutionizing-opensearch-clients-and-documentation-with-a-unified-api-specification/)

Feb 13

[Introducing reciprocal rank fusion for hybrid search](/blog/introducing-reciprocal-rank-fusion-hybrid-search/)

Feb 12

[Explore OpenSearch 2.19](/blog/explore-OpenSearch-2-19/)

Feb 11

[Enhancing OpenSearch anomaly detection: Reducing false positives through algo...](/blog/Reducing-false-positives-through-algorithmic-improvements/)

Feb 05

[Instant DeepSeek: One-click activation with OpenSearch](/blog/one-click-deepseek-integration/)

Jan 31

[Zero to RAG: A quick OpenSearch vector database and DeepSeek integration guide](/blog/deepseek-integration-rag/)

Jan 30

Featured Post

Building the future of OpenSearch together[](/blog/building-the-future-of-OpenSearch-together/)

[OpenSearch Community](/community/)


Find answers to your questions, help others in the community, and join the conversation.

[Solution Providers](/solutionsProviders/)

Find open-source providers offering solutions and services.


Community Meetings, Development Backlog & Triage, in-person, and virtual events.


Highlights of projects built by the community.


Community member profiles.

[User Groups](/usergroups/)

Join the OpenSearch Project Meetup Network

Community Resources


Speak with other developers in the OpenSearch community in our public Slack.

[Github Project Organization](https://github.com/opensearch-project)

Join us for in-person and virtual events to learn the latest about the project.



OpenSearchCons in 2024

[North America (San Francisco): September 24-26](/events/opensearchcon/2024/north-america/index.html)

[India (Bengaluru): June 26](/events/opensearchcon/2024/india/index.html)

[Europe (Berlin): May 6-7](/events/opensearchcon/2024/europe/index.html)

[Documentation Library](/docs/latest/)

[OpenSearch and Dashboards](/docs/latest/about/)

Build your OpenSearch solution using core tooling and visualizations.

[OpenSearch Benchmark](/docs/latest/benchmark/)

Measure performance metrics for your OpenSearch cluster.

[OpenSearch Data Prepper](/docs/latest/data-prepper/)

Filter, mutate, and sample your data for ingestion into OpenSearch.


Interact with OpenSearch from your application using language APIs.


[OpenSearch Project Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/206)

Read our [blog](blog/opensearch-project-roadmap-2024-2025/) on 2024-2025 project development plan and beyond!

Find the meaning  

in your data


OpenSearch is an open-source, enterprise-grade search and observability suite that brings order to unstructured data at scale

Find the meaning  

in your data


OpenSearch is an open-source, enterprise-grade search and observability suite that brings order to unstructured data at scale

OpenSearch Capabilities


[Machine Learning and AI](/blog/opensearch-ai-retrospective/)

Use AI/ML tools to create cutting-edge applications

[Vector Database](/platform/search/vector-database.html)

[Natural Language Search](/docs/latest/observing-your-data/ad/index/)


Build smarter, more efficient search solutions for your applications.


[Document Search](/blog/similar-document-search/)


Identify and resolve issues across your applications and infrastructure.

[Performance Monitoring](/docs/latest/monitoring-your-cluster/pa/index/)

[Log Analysis](/docs/latest/dashboards/discover/index-discover/)

[Security Analytics](/platform/security-analytics/index.html)

Detect and respond to security threats in real time.

[Threat Intelligence](/docs/latest/security-analytics/usage/detectors/)

[Event Correlation](/blog/correlating-security-events/)

[OpenSearch Platform](/platform/)

Build freely with OpenSearch's integrated components

Join the OpenSearch Community!


The OpenSearch Community has been at the center of OpenSearch since the very beginning. Community members actively participate in building the future of OpenSearch and help each other out every day. Explore our collaboration sites, post questions and answers, and lend support to the community.






OpenSearchCon User Conferences


OpenSearchCon is where you come to hear compelling stories, learn differentiated use cases, and gain educational insights shared by our community. In 2024, we hosted three OpenSearchCon in Berlin, Bengaluru, and San Francisco. Find a conference happening near you!




OpenSearch Software Foundation


The OpenSearch Software Foundation is the exciting next chapter for the OpenSearch Project, formed in September 2024.

As a new project of the Linux Foundation we're more excited than ever to open this project up to the community.

Learn more about the OpenSearch Software Foundation to help us build the next great innovations in search together.

[Visit foundation.opensearch.org](https://foundation.opensearch.org)