🏳️Home - Publications Office of the EU

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Publications Office of the EU




[EU law](https://op.europa.eu/law)


EU law, national law and related information


[European data](https://data.europa.eu/en)


Data from EU institutions and European countries


[EU tenders](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/public-procurement/landing-page-public-procurement)


Business opportunities in the European Union and beyond


[EU research results](https://cordis.europa.eu/)


Information about the results of EU-funded projects


[EU Whoiswho](/web/who-is-who)


The directory of the European institutions


[EU publications](/web/general-publications/publications)


Publications of the EU institutions in various formats

home resources title



Asset Publisher

[EU Vocabularies](/web/eu-vocabularies)

EU reference data and resources for knowledge management

[EU Web archive](/web/euwebarchive)

Archive of websites of EU institutions and agencies.

[Librarian's corner](/web/librarians-corner)

Metadata services and European Commission Library resources

[Interinstitutional Style Guide](https://style-guide.europa.eu)

Rules for drafting and publishing EU information


DOcumentation & Research on the European Institutional matters

[Accessible publishing](/web/accessibility/)

Digital accessibility information and resources


### [EU Open Data Days 2025](https://data.europa.eu/en/euopendatadays)

Register now to join in Luxembourg  

on 19-20 March 2025!


### [EU Solidarity with Ukraine](https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/)

The EU stands united with Ukraine


### [Widgets: small and powerful](https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/op/items/756115/en)

How a small tool can make a big difference

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### 2025

19 \- 20


#### [EU Open Data Days 2025](https://data.europa.eu/en/euopendatadays)



Publio, the Publications Office assistant