🏳️NV Access

Website faviconnvaccess.org

We create the software which makes that possible

The Facts


### Millions of People

There are 285 million blind & vision impaired people in the world. They all have amazing gifts to contribute to society, but they need the right tools to realise their dreams.

### Technology Is The Key

Technology opens up so many doors. But for those of us without sight, computers don’t work straight out of the box. Software called a “screen reader” is needed to translate visual information verbally, so we can make sense of what is on screen.

### The Issue

Unfortunately many screen readers cost thousands of dollars — often more than the computer itself. This holds millions of people back from affording to use a computer and discovering their potential.

### A Free Solution

We have spent over 15 years developing the global solution: a free, high quality screen reader, accessible to all! NVDA: Non-Visual Desktop Access. We have already enabled 200,000+ people to gain freedom, education and employment!

How to get involved


*   [Download the NVDA  Screen Reader](/download/)

*   [Support  NV Access](/support-us/)

*   [Training  & Support Materials](/shop/)

### Hi, We’re Mick & Jamie

Our Manifesto


*   Access to technology no matter your language, location or financial situation

*   Quality over growth, access over profit

*   Software by the blind, for the blind

*   Ensuring innovation + preventing stagnation through competition

*   Uncompromising Quality Software

*   Serving minorities, not just the majority consumer

[Learn more about us and what we believe in](/about-nv-access/)

We’re trusted and supported by


*   [](http://google.com/)

*   [](http://microsoft.com)

*   [](http://adobe.com/)

*   [](https://en.nippon-foundation.or.jp/)

[Learn more about our accessibility consultation services](/services/)

Featured Products


*   [Basic Training for NVDA (eBook)


    AUD $35.20](https://nvaccess.org/product/basic-training-for-nvda-ebook/) [Add to cart](?add-to-cart=12782)

*   [Sale!

    NVDA Productivity Bundle


    AUD $247.50 Original price was: AUD $247.50.AUD $218.90Current price is: AUD $218.90.](https://nvaccess.org/product/nvda-productivity-bundle/) [Add to cart](/?add-to-cart=24033)

*   [NVDA Expert Certification


    AUD $110.00](https://nvaccess.org/product/nvda-expert-certification/) [Go to NVDA Expert Certification](https://certification.nvaccess.org/)

What our USERS SAY


“I am so thankful for the creation of NVDA. It has really changed my life. With NVDA, I do not have to worry about spending tons of extra money on third party software to use a computer. I can purchase any new computer that I want, and I can use it for the same cost as a sighted person.”

– Reina Brown, United States

* * *

Social Media



Follow @NVAccess on: [Twitter](https://twitter.com/NVAccess), [Mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@NVAccess), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/NVAccess), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/nv-access-limited/), [YouTube](https://youtube.com/user/NVAccessLimited), & [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/nvaccesslimited/)
