🏳️NSF - National Science Foundation

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NSF's mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.

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Innovation Anywhere,  

Opportunity Everywhere


NSF is an independent federal agency that supports  

science and engineering in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

[Learn more](/about)

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Find & apply for funding


Our hundreds of funding opportunities support research, education and training.


Explore NSF discoveries


From 3D printing to black holes, NSF transforms the world with science and engineering.


Our focus areas


We focus on accelerating new technologies and big ideas — from biology to technology.


What we've funded


Explore our database of funded projects to learn what we're doing across the U.S.

Get the latest news on topics you choose, right in your inbox.


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What's new



Bolstering small business



From artificial intelligence and energy to medical devices and semiconductors, NSF invests in deep-tech startups and small businesses working across all fields of science and technology.

December 16, 2024

### [AI pioneers Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton win 2025 Turing Award for groundbreaking contributions to reinforcement learning](/news/ai-pioneers-andrew-barto-richard-sutton-win-2025-turing)

March 5, 2025

### [Biofabricating human tissues enhanced through use of gallium](/news/biofabricating-human-tissues-enhanced-through-use-gallium)

January 29, 2025

### [Pinpointing where Yellowstone will erupt in the very distant future](/news/pinpointing-where-yellowstone-will-erupt-very-distant-future)

January 27, 2025

[Explore all news](/news "Explore all news")

Our priorities



Promote discovery in science & engineering


With investments that expand the frontiers of knowledge and technology.


Accelerate technology & innovation


Through innovative partnerships that break down barriers between disciplines and organizations.


Broaden participation in science & engineering


By inspiring talent and creating opportunities in science and engineering across the nation.

[Explore what we support](/focus-areas "Explore what we support")

> America's economic and national security depend on our ability to invest heavily in the technologies of today while making the discoveries that are the foundation for the technologies of tomorrow.

NSF by the numbers



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NSF's Fiscal Year 2024 enacted budget


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Percent of budget supporting research, education and related activities


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Organizations supported by NSF across every state and U.S. territory


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Researchers, entrepreneurs, students and teachers supported by NSF

[Learn more about our impacts](/impacts "Learn more about our impacts")



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